Dates for RTR 2015 Set

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Yah I'm with BOB bring it on I volunteer for busboy or cleanup, I was a busboy in 1968 (It has not changed that much). Black pants white shirt red coat with gold buttons and black shiny shoes, I wore a bow tie and the only non gay so my job was to kick the guys outta the bathroom.
So, it's fall and all of a sudden, there are used vans, used campers, and an opportunity to finally get a vehicle. I am ready to pull the trigger, but my partner says, no, wait til after the RTR in January. Arrgh! We will probably be there in a tent, or maybe if I can swing it, a rented vehicle.

What do you think? Tell me to wait a bit longer...:>/ My dad used to say, "there's always another house...."

Oh, but there may not always be another day.

I was lucky and found my dream van the very week I decided to buy. If you haven't found that dream-van, and have time, waiting may be a good thing. Once you do find that perfect van (for you) jump on it and enjoy it too it's fullest. Don't let anyone stop you (or make you wait) from being happy.
PJ, what was your partners reasoning? A good reason to wait is to see all the different rigs which will give you a better idea of what is best for you. It's possible for a couple to live in a van, but it is far from ideal.

On the other hand if you are sure of what you want, and you find a great deal grab it! Some years we get giant winds that make tent living a total misery! Some years there is no wind.

Generally the big wind years far outnumber the low wind years.
I think the hesitation is around getting the right set up. See, your post is a good example...2 ppl in a van is pretty tight, huh? (I definitely have the van fantasy). I guess the hope is that talking to folks, maybe seeing their set up, will clarify some things like that. We are considering renting one of those little class-C RV's and see what that is like, but sheesh, I haven't priced that little experiment yet.

The forum and facebook have been such a boon...At least know that if I got a van, what I would do to it, and it doesn't overwhelm me like it did. I looked all summer, but what, maybe stock turns over in fall? Anyway, there are finally local used vehicles around, which gets me itchy.

I am in New Mexico, so I really don't want to be in a tent in the desert in January....might blow away!

If you want an RV, several dealers bring much of their inventory to quartzsite and would rather sell them at a discount after the big shows rather than drive them back, so late January-February is a good time to get a deal if they still have what you want.
Bob, in general, when are the bulk of the seminars held? If we cant make it for the entire RTR?

Last year's RTR that I attended was rather warm with little wind. Even with that, driving around anywhere picked up a lot of dust. My van was covered with lots of dust just from driving around even though the weather was fine. Took me many days to clean off all the dust from the outside and inside of the van from all the dust collected. I can't imagine what it would be like in Quartsite if it were to be windy and cold. There's no way I'd be in a tent if it were windy with all the dust it would kick up.
I spent a chilly sub-freezing night in a tent once on a mountain in NC, with a stiff wind howling...... NOT FUN! :-(
One reason I drifted into the world of the vandweller! The dark side beckoned, and I followed. ;-)
PJgal said:
I am in New Mexico, so I really don't want to be in a tent in the desert in January....might blow away!


I would try and use the tent and RV shop during show week. I would think of making a lean to using sand stakes and a tarp directly downwind of the tent.
PJ, there is a schedule of the seminars in an earlier post, just go back and find it.

If I were you I would drive over and rent a U Haul van. They are $20 a day, but where they get you is in the cost per mile. But you aren't going to drive much since you already have a car. I'm pretty sure you can rent them in Quartzsite, but if not i know you can in Blythe, CA which is 25 miles away. Your total mileage would be about 60 miles.

Bring your camping gear and that would give you a real feel for living in a van.
re the seminar schedule, I am not coming up with anything as I search the forum for a post on this. Could someone point me in the right direction?


Moderator, I would click you twice if I could :)

ohmygodohmygodohmygod! This sounds so exciting! I am being prudent before I "take off" and begin to roam, buy tying down all loose ends and making sure my ride is as safe as possible. RTR is a goal I am making right now! I will do everything I can do every day to be able to travel safely and sanely from the Seattle area to QAZ. Looking forward to meeting all you awesome folks and debuting "Joan". My gigantic 2002 Chevy Express window van.

I plan to be there too. I have made my route and added visiting a few old friends and some new along the way. This is a first for me. I am very excited and ready to learn all I can.
I am the same as Tothemoonandback. Looking forward to attending, getting to know ya'll and learning stuff! Great times ahead!
You are all going to love it! Above everything else it's about the friendships and connections you will make. Finding like-minded people that know we are the sane ones is priceless!

But, the desert weather can be cold, rainy and windy, come ready for it!