Dates for RTR 2015 Set

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Thank you Bob, looking forward to another wonderful time with you and friends!
Looks like I will make it this year (fingers crossed) straight off from a Hawaii trip in December.
If I can make it, I would be more than willing to trade some of my nursing knowledge for lessons on routine vehicle maintenance. Like how to change the oil, how to change a fan belt, how to do a tune up, etc.
Well, let's see if we can work on that right now.

There are a bunch of you guys who are really great mechanics. If you are coming to the RTR would you be willing to take the time to hold a class on how to do these basic skills?

If there is, I'll buy all the parts and pieces so you can actually do it on somebodies van.
2520 miles, one day and fifteen hours one way for me, but if I can I'd like to go there and also visit the Grand Canyon. And I'll bring either my daughter or son, don't know if I could bring both being only a two seater.
Bob, I am confused. I have no mechanical skills.
I would be happy to help some folks do routine maintenance on their vans. I will have all my tools (standard, not metric) with me so can handle just about any American vehicle. Tuneups are super simple, cheap, smart, and can can be done in 30 minutes even by a novice. Brakes are another thing easy and cheap... and O2 sensors. I don't think I'd go as far as changing fluids (oil, tranny, etc) out there though, but I'd be happy to help with the others. What about lessons on changing tires? Jump starting using cables? Or even aiming headlights and replacing bulbs?

I would also be happy to work on interior builds with those that want to go for a new interior. You may need to plan ahead a bit, but it would be easy enough to go grab a few sheets of wood and build away.

Kapp, I can sure use a refresher on CPR and the such.
Cpr and what else? Signs and symptoms of medical emergency, (as in get to the emergency room now, instead of waiting to see if it gets better) general nutrition and healthy habits?

Oh, I am not confused any more, hehe. Doh!
Kapp, I was looking for someone to lead a group in basic maintenance. If you are interested, Van Tramp has some great ideas for things you could lead, but don't feel obligated. Something like Basic Triage for the Lawman. Again, don't feel obligated in any way.

Van Tramp, how wonderfully generous of you!! Yes, I would love to plan on having you do something. Last year a friend did a class on tires, general info but specifically plugging them. He bought an old tire at junk yard and we plugged it multiple times. That was a very popular class! It's very simple when you see it done but if you never see it, it's intimidating.

Let me know what you would like to do and I will schedule it.
I'll volunteer my 87 Econoline for the tune up demo :). I'd like to know how to tighten belts as that is something I've needed before.
@ Bob - I'm game for that, but let's do it later in that first week. I will just be coming off a Trip to Hawaii, then California, then driving from Colorado to Arizona all in quick succession. I think I will need a bit of down time and would like to focus on meeting and hanging out with everyone first. The 12th is ideal for me (my day off), but the 9th will do too if you want to have everything in that first week.

@ decodancer - All I ask is that you go ahead and pickup the parts you will need beforehand. Spark plugs (nothing special, the basic plugs will do), cap & rotor (say those words at the parts counter and they will know what you are talking about), air filter, and maybe get a whole new set of belts (they are cheap and we can replace them all), and think about a new set of spark plug wires (not terribly expensive). I'd love to learn a bit about pet grooming from you too.

PS, are you coming through CO on your trip down to Arizona? If so, I will tag on to your convoy.

@ anyone else - I'd be happy to help with others as well. Maybe in the second or third week of RTR? Same thing applies, you bring the parts and we can knock it out together. This is a learning experience, not me doing all the work, so expect to get your hands dirty.
So, do we have to register or anything? What's the procedure?
Just show up and park your rig. Relax and enjoy

There will be a schedule of events/seminars posted at some point. Schedule can be fluid
You've got it VanTramp, my van has never had a tune up since I've owned it. Runs fine now but it can only get better. Don't mind getting my nails greasy either. I plan on leaving NY on the 1st or 2nd of January so this will be an incentive to travel a bit faster. I do know I'll be on I-84 out of NY as I don't want to mess with NYC traffic. I'm really not a fan of interstate driving but as long as I can avoid major cities (and tunnels, I hate tunnels) I'll bite the bullet on that one. I think weather is going to be the determining factor. A rear wheel drive van, a vintage travel trailer and snow and ice don't mix too well. I do know I don't want to go down to I-10 because I'll have to take 10 to Florida after the RTR (and a trip to Vegas) and don't want to do it twice. Any ideas for a good route would be welcomed. A bit of route 66 would make it even better.
Well, you are going to want to get as far south as possible, fast. Jan along I-80 will bring you through a lot of cold states. If you bee-line for I-40 (I-81 to Knoxville, TN) you should be good to stay in mild enough temps. The I-40 is pretty much the line to be at or under for warm weather during the winter. Once you are North of that, it gets real cold real fast.

I-40 basically is Route 66. The actual R66 is pretty much the Frontage Rd for most of I-40 (at least here in the West) and is so run down you will not want to actually travel on it for too long. It would be fund to do a few exits, but you will grow tired of it fast. I bet a little research will tell you the best places on R66 to travel.

Any Interstate will be the safest way to go when it comes to the weather. They will keep them plowed and you have a lot more support (truck stops, etc). You can put a lot of miles under the tires each day which you will need with a 2800+ mile trip (nearly 600 miles a day for 5 days to make it by the 6th)
Thanks Van Tramp, I figured 40 might be my best bet but 600 miles a day with three dogs is just too much. If I don't stop every 2 or 3 hours to stretch my legs, I'll be doing my tin man impression "Oil, I need oil!" My plan was to take 10 days for the trip but if you're doing your demo on the 9th, I'll have to rush a bit faster. Need to get with Dragonfly and the others to see what works for them. Even half of the RTR will be worth the trip, I'm looking so forward to putting a face with a few of the names here.
decodancer, if I'm able to go, I will be (Hope to be) heading out before Christmas but once we meet up somewhere, I would love to travel with you of you want. I know some nice boondocking spots, if they are still there. I have land in 2 places in NM. It will probably be impassible due to snow.
Are you ever heading back or starting your travels? If all goes as planned, I won't come back to Ohio til summer.
This is my little vintage I will be towing. Still need brakes and equilizers, I'm towing with a GMC Envoy.


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decodancer-We will be leaving Ohio a few days after Christmas and plan to travel only 300-400 miles per day. Haven't planned the route yet but really don't like interstate driving. VanTramp makes a good point that the interstate roads will be kept clear. Would like the quickest way to get out of the snow and head south and west. Thought about 65south to 10west. Anybody have any thoughts on these routes in winter.

dragonflyinthesky-Do you have a route planned? I love your sweet home.

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