Hello from SW Bama

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2021
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Where we're about to have a humdinger (for this region)of an ice storm from the looks of it. Hi all, this is my obligatory newbie first post. I'm a 60 year old widower living in a small town in SW Bama. I'm retired from the military and the aerospace industry. I've been a long time lurker so I honestly don't have many questions to start things off as many folks do. I'm planning to hit the road for Quartzsite this upcoming winter for a first long range extended trip in a long time. I'm very familiar and comfortable with camping, navigation, and minimalist living after 20 years in an Air Force ground combat career field and plenty of camping expeditions as a civvy. For me, the simpler the better - just as long as I can BBQ and drink a few cold beverages - :D (Yeah... I'm pretty boring).

I'm well equipped for extended camping and I plan on traveling with my ever faithful (I think... :dodgy: ) dog in my 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited with a 4.7 L V8 (143K miles on it) equipped with an extra transmission cooler and a factory towing package. It will be pulling a Braxton Creek Bushwacker class teardrop trailer I am planning on pulling the trigger on later this summer. Whatever I get, it will be equipped with a boondock package heavy suspension and axle, solar panels, and will be powered when needed by a B&S 3000 K inverter generator. I'm planning on ~ a month's stay for this trip gradually increasing over time to head out for ~ 90 days at a time and then returning to home base here to rest, refit, and plan the next trip.

I'm registering now because I'm hoping to start making some contacts for this initial trip over the next few months to gain some tips for things such as: the best areas to set up in at Quartzsite, ones to avoid (if any), the camp etiquette there (don't want to be the annoying FNG) etc etc (I'm big on planning - or is it just anal retentiveness?), and just plain yakking with LMI's. I'm really looking forward to to this, I've had a rough past decade dealing with the illness and subsequent loss of my wife and I'm ready to move on.  I think I'm reasonably financially prepared for the trip to deal with curve balls such as breakdowns, hotel stays, unexpected compound fractures (Gawd I hope not), the dog eating a porcupine (probably be the other way around) as well as who knows what else. Hopefully all will go well and I'll have a chance to get to know some good and interesting people and have a good time!

Looking forward to getting to know you.

Welcome Jdub - and although it’s becoming a cliché “thank you for your service“. I mean it sincerely it’s not a cliché for me. I’m one who didn’t serve but I’m very grateful for those who did. Sounds like you’re ready for life on the road. you know what you want to do you and know where you’re going. That’s a good feeling isn’t it. Welcome to the family stick around jump into the conversation I think you enjoy it.
Welcome and enjoy your travels. You will need to travel slow and enjoy things like locals do, not like a tourist, as this is a lifestyle not a race to get tee shirts and photographs. If caravans or get togethers are available I would recommend those. Many of us have lots of local knowledge so let us know when you get ready to go somewhere. Welcome and yes thank you for your service means something here! Be sure to use the National Parks as they give free passes to veterans for day use and camp free on nearby public land.
nature lover said:
Welcome Jdub - and although it’s becoming a cliché “thank you for your service“. I mean it sincerely it’s not a cliché for me. I’m one who didn’t serve but I’m very grateful for those who did. Sounds like you’re ready for life on the road. you know what you want to do you and know where you’re going. That’s a good feeling isn’t it. Welcome to the family stick around jump into the conversation I think you enjoy it.

Thank you for your kind and sincere words! It's going to feel really good traveling again.

bullfrog said:
Welcome and enjoy your travels. You will need to travel slow and enjoy things like locals do, not like a tourist, as this is a lifestyle not a race to get tee shirts and photographs. If caravans or get togethers are available I would recommend those. Many of us have lots of local knowledge so let us know when you get ready to go somewhere. Welcome and yes thank you for your service means something here! Be sure to use the National Parks as they give free passes to veterans for day use and camp free on nearby public land.

Thank you, I will. I totally agree with what you're saying. I subscribe to the "I'm a traveler, NOT a tourist" idea put forth by Bourdain... I avoid them like the plague, although driving across country with my family in the mid 60's on Route 66 and stopping at all those crazy places which were still in operation at the time WAS a LOT of fun :D .
Welcome JDub to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.


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