Dang Punks...(Sigh)

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Wanderer said:
I take 600-900 mg Gabapentin for sciatic. It has a "Drowse" effect and so...ZZZZZ

I'll quit being "Stand offish and park closer to the "Others" Herd immunity? OH well :p

HI.......SORRY TO HEAR OF THE WINDOW BREAK...........scares me to sleep after that if i was in same situation....i have a med i take/makes me drowsy at full strength so i cut in 1/2 and take  1/2   2 to 4 hrs apart......don't know if you can do w/gabapentin.        good luck on repairs.      TJB
Wanderer said:
So, last night my poor 4 year old computer died. OK, it happens, I go to sleep (After taking pills) the next day, dump computer into garbage can,
On topic:

Sounds like an bad series of events, feel bad for you.
debit.servus said:
On topic:

Sounds like an bad series of events, feel bad for you.

It's good now. Window replaced (Ego swollen for doing it myself), found a nicer area to sleep (VERY quiet) and job is going great. All is well. All is well.
Wanderer said:
It's good now. Window replaced (Ego swollen for doing it myself), found a nicer area to sleep (VERY quiet) and job is going great. All is well. All is well.

Glad to hear it!

I tend to believe that almost everything happens for a reason, and can be a great learning experience.  So now you have a nicer area to sleep.  Some lessons just cost a little more than others...
I can certainly relate to this. I checked my van yesterday morning only to find some A-Hole had thrown a beer bottle at my drivers side window on the van that I have been trying to fix up for a while now. Luckily the window did not break, but I'm sure it was close to it. There are now engravings on the window where the beer bottle hit, and beer all over the drivers door and windshield that I just had installed.
That, and shards of glass everywhere, including stuck to the van.
Needless to say, I was PISSED! It's probably a good thing I didn't catch this person because he would have had a really bad day from that point forward.
This makes me wonder if, anywhere to be found is a magnificent protective film for windows? I have such a thing on the screen of my cell phone which protects it from the awesome life I lead while providing a clear and brilliant view of my screen. Is there in existence such a dream material which would adhere to the outside of glass windows, and make common objects bounce off harmlessly? Might there exist such an item that neither distorts the view from within?
WildTrappist said:
This makes me wonder if, anywhere to be found is a magnificent protective film for windows? 
I have heard that window tint helps to prevent the glass from shattering. This covering you speak of sounds like it may be a good idea for someone to bring to market.
I was actually wondering how hard it would be to get bullet proof glass installed on the two door windows? And when I had a new windshield installed I was surprised to see how thin it was.
What do we need to do? Buy armored vehicles? Society really sucks! At least this is my current opinion.
Ballenxj said:
What do we need to do? Buy armored vehicles? Society really sucks! At least this is my current opinion.

Which is why I plan to spend the vast majority of my time in the middle of nowhere.  ;)
Ballenxj said:
I have heard that window tint helps to prevent the glass from shattering. This covering you speak of sounds like it may be a good idea for someone to bring to market.
I was actually wondering how hard it would be to get bullet proof glass installed on the two door windows? And when I had a new windshield installed I was surprised to see how thin it was.
What do we need to do? Buy armored vehicles? Society really sucks! At least this is my current opinion.

Any tint film will add a bit of security because the auto glass will be less likely to fall apart when broken.

When you get into the realm of window security films, much thicker an tougher,  it becomes a whole lot harder to quickly gain entry thru it when broken.  In South America, in country's with a lot of assassinations and kidnappings, it has been found that a bunch of layers of security film applied to auto glass will stop an AK-47 round.  Kind of a cheap way to approach having a bulletproof car.  My guess is that all bets are off if a truly high powered rifle was used.
WildTrappist said:
This makes me wonder if, anywhere to be found is a magnificent protective film for windows? I have such a thing on the screen of my cell phone which protects it from the awesome life I lead while providing a clear and brilliant view of my screen. Is there in existence such a dream material which would adhere to the outside of glass windows, and make common objects bounce off harmlessly? Might there exist such an item that neither distorts the view from within?

I have a roll of this clear film material in my sign shop that doesn't have adhesive, you can lay it over a surface and lift it off if needed.  If I can find it (first hurdle), I'll try sticking some on my van window and see how it holds up.  If the label is still on the inside of the roll, I can let you know the manufacturer, etc.  It won't stop a beer bottle from breaking, but it would possibly stop the window from being scratched and you could lift it off and not have to clean beer stains off the window.
Well, there IS a protective adhesive film made for residential windows...

For vehicles??

Lo and behold!


Problem is: Customers can expect to shell out a few hundred dollars to buy the window films and have them professionally installed, Martin said.  :-/

I think I'll buy the "Residential" ones and take my chances...I'd prefer a "Precut" one or a DIY sheet..... :D
Take a close look at the picture with that film.  It doesn't keep the window from breaking, it just keeps a thief from coming in.  You've still got to buy a new window afterwards.