countdown is on

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Feb 6, 2016
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well just a few words on the countdown, I started viewing this and other web sites because I knew deep down that I wanted to live free more then anything I have going now. I started making plans, and gathering info ( this site helps a lot ). my BIG change date is July 2017, this will give me the time and money to become a vandweller  without having to work till a retirement check. I wish I could go sooner, but I need this time to LET GO of the mountain of junk I have gathered over the many years. I have a lot of questions to ask , and know this site will help. still undecided on rig, it will be either a van plus small trailer (cargo or travel ), a 4x4 truck w/slide in camper or even a 4x4 truck w/cap plus small trailer. I do know that I love the back, back roads. and will do as most, base camp in winter, travel in summer. my plans are to visit friends in Tucson AZ just in time to stop at the RTR in 2017, there I look forward to meeting and learning first hand from you all. would love to hear and chat with others, and learn as mush as I can. I see me in a lot of the videos you make, its just not my face. thanks for hearing me, till next time.

jumpstart (aka Rob )

and Nala (aka four legged friend )
Thanks for the welcome, great goal to have. I just hope to find some peace and contentment, I am looking so forward to this new adventure that the next 17 months will be hard. Have you started your adventure of all 50 states yet ? or are you in the wait game as I am.
Hello and welcome, I can tell your all fired up and excited. It's a great feeling.
Greetings from central Ohio! My little dog and I have a much longer countdown than you and Nala do, but the important part is setting a date. Now you can focus on moving toward that goal. This is a great place to be for information. Everyone is generous in sharing what works and what does not work in certain situations. I love it here!
Welcome to the CRVL forums, Rob! we'llbe looking forward to meeting you at RTR2017. And I'm  sure the Dome Rock Pack will welcome Nala, too!

 To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.
jumpstart and nala said:
well just a few words on the countdown, I started viewing this and other web sites because I knew deep down that I wanted to live free more then anything I have going now. I started making plans, and gathering info ( this site helps a lot ). my BIG change date is July 2017, this will give me the time and money to become a vandweller  without having to work till a retirement check. I wish I could go sooner, but I need this time to LET GO of the mountain of junk I have gathered over the many years. I have a lot of questions to ask , and know this site will help. still undecided on rig, it will be either a van plus small trailer (cargo or travel ), a 4x4 truck w/slide in camper or even a 4x4 truck w/cap plus small trailer. I do know that I love the back, back roads. and will do as most, base camp in winter, travel in summer. my plans are to visit friends in Tucson AZ just in time to stop at the RTR in 2017, there I look forward to meeting and learning first hand from you all. would love to hear and chat with others, and learn as mush as I can. I see me in a lot of the videos you make, its just not my face. thanks for hearing me, till next time.

jumpstart (aka Rob )

and Nala (aka four legged friend )

welcome! this is a great site....lots of info on a wide range of subjects with friendly and helpful folk to talk to.     i'm also hoping to be at the next rtr. might have take a greyhound to get there!!! good luck in finding your ideal rig....texas jaybird and queenie aka fat possum the untrained attack chiquaqua
Welcome from another newbie, I had the same thoughts about a vehicle to. I wasn't sure what way I wanted to go. Like you I want to go down dirt roads and the back country and don't want to get stuck out in the middle of know where. So I decided on a Jeep Wrangler four wheel drive. that should be able to get me to where I want to go.
I got the sport model that has a 2000lb towing capacity that is a little lite for my trailer. luckily for me my son-in-law and his brother already has plans to modify it for me with lower gearing and some lockers for the front and rear axles, that should bring the towing cap to around 3500 pounds.
I watched one of Bob's videos helping a fellow van dweller pull his van out of the mud that he got stuck in and thought if your on your own you might have a hard time getting out of that, so that convinced me to go with a four wheel drive vehicle.
Best of luck in choosing your vehicle.

Welcome aboard the forums Rob and you too Nala .
Hope you both get out on the road as planned and see ya out there.
thanks for all the welcomes, I can see why everyone loves this site. all the good information and ideas, I got bob's book today and look forward to reading it. besides the info and ideas, it's great get a feel for the mind set of full timers helps me to feel that I am making the right choice. in the short time on this site I think I know the #1 thing to be sorry about this choice would be, " why did I wait so long ".