Corporate campground takeovers? Master plan??

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
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sitting on a river-bridge playing the banjo...
As I have been searching for campgrounds, there has been a recurring statement from the brokers.
"We have corporate entities interested in this one."
Took this with a grain of salt, since the old "create a sense of urgency" is such a common sales tactic.

But...when you try to send in an inspector and it is sold a week after being listed...on more than one occasion/property, coincidence becomes a less plausible explanation.
(It usually takes corporations months to finalize a deal.)

It also makes no sense that a corporation big enough to 'bury' their identity would be after the same small 'mom and pop' scenarios as me, but it has happened twice already.

Pain meds can warp your mind. At first, I thought what I was hearing was silly conspiracy...and I should watch more Roadkill episodes and ignore the things I was seeing/thinking. 

Now I am not so sure.

This is what I was told:

There is a push for corporations to buy up all the privately owned campgrounds.
Once they have the majority of them in a particular area, they jack the pricing.
No surprise there. Only thing is, they are going a step further.
Hand in hand with political contributions and police-donations to "fight crime," people have begun to be harassed for sleeping in rest areas where they never were before.
More time limit signs and camera surveillance policies are instituted in rest areas and parking lots every month.
This could be coincidence, but I really doubt it. When you follow the money, the truth reveals itself.

Between the lousy economy and many younger folks turning their backs on "old-world capitalist values," there has been a big surge in vehicle dwelling.
At the moment, it is not hard to find a spot where you can spend the night in peace, but this is changing rapidly.
All over the country, they are writing laws against road-living.

Why else would a corporation buy a small, land-locked campground with 12 sites on it...then close it down?
When they re-list the land, they make sure it cannot be re-opened as a campground again.
According to this guy, in 20 years or less, police will have FLIR-like scanners in police cars that can spot a warm car or a person sleeping in a parked van.
The corporations want to make it totally illegal to sleep for free.

This may not seem like any big surprise. Our society has allowed commercialization of pretty much everything and the police force to enforce the profit-tailored rules.
It is the speed at which this is happening and the plotting behind the scenes that has me scratching my head.

I am looking into it. He would not give me the name of the company who bought both plots before I could even have them inspected, but I am going to find this out when the deals are recorded if I can.
No matter which company or conglomerate it turns out to be, this is rather upsetting.
Will our license plates have a tag that can be scanned to see how long a vehicle has been parked...where it was and how far it has traveled?
Do you think the corporations are truly plotting to cash in on the trend in rubber-tire life?

The sci-fi show "Continuum" scared the hell out of me. I see our society going in that direction on a daily basis.
"Conform or be cast out." Subdivisions indeed, Geddy. :(
The fear mongering and sensationalized style they employ to warp the news encourages more control on a daily basis.
Sounds crazy, but our prisons have already been turned into private for-profit money machines.

Maybe it's just the meds messing with my head...
Do you see it?

Right now, I am not sure what to think, but I am worried.
I want the grand-babies to have the freedom to "van" it without being forced to give funds to the 1% if they choose to.
Could we be seeing the beginning of the end of this freedom?

You think they are truly plotting this all out in advance?
Is it just all this idle time, mixed with the pain pills?
Help me Obi Wan, you are my only hope.

...worried, aching JD in a recliner somewhere...
Maybe it's just the meds messing with my head...
Do you see it?

Umm, yep, those meds are messing with your head.... :D :p

Not sure what they are but they are sure making you see conspiracy theories in great multitudes. Instead of pain killers did they  mistakenly give you drugs that induce psychosis... :rolleyes:

For starters, campgrounds just don't suddenly get listed for sale. There are campground associations that the owners belong to. Whose planning on selling what, when and for how much is like gossip over the back fence used to be in small towns.

The actual listing is about the last thing to happen.

And yes, the larger urban areas have begun to crack down but it's not because of any great conspiracy theory, it's because the truly homeless, not the home FREE, are living in broken down vehicles that can't be /aren't  driven because of a basic lack of affordable housing. These are also the people least likely to keep their area free from garbage and waste. Some from lack of ability and some from true ignorance.

Don't get me started on the politics or economics of providing affordable housing please. I'd get banned by the mods... :rolleyes: Just as they've developed park benches that can't be laid down, so are they developing rules to make the indigent move on. It's just another case of NIMBY stuff.

Yes, some towns have tried forbidding W/M's to allow overnight parking to try to drive the customers in to the RV Parks.  Do they succeed, no, the boondocking tourists that would stop and spend money at the local businesses, pass them on by. The no overnight parking rule hasn't persuaded any more than a very small percentage of the boondockers to pay for camping, more likely it causes them to pass by the town entirely.
There is one corporation in your neck of the woods that is investing in campgrounds. Property always has been a safer investment.

Other than that absence of proof makes information suspect.
Its a predicated growth area and a good investment, same thing is going on with rental homes, a new company named is buying up homes the same way in many areas and out bidding home buyers.
I have deleted a few posts that came close to personal bashing. This is unusual subject but please try to keep to the topic started by the original poster. Are corporations taking over small campgrounds and then closing them? Is this a pattern that you have observed? Will this affect your vandwelling life?
Not all corporations are huge conglomerates, well mine was was not anyways. As a small shop it gave us many of the advantages that the big boys have.

Why would a corporation want smaller RV parks? They are called holdings and together they make up the huge conglomerate. Not all KOA's are massive but they are part of a massive company. Also I can tell you that the only RV park in Denver sold for a lot of money because getting the permissions to build a park AND build it to modern codes was cost prohibited. The existing park was worth much more because of this.

Why buy and close the park? It could be that they want the land and it makes no difference to them what currently is on it. They may not want it to be competition for another park they run in the same area. The list of possibilities are endless.
While my OP is loaded with satire intended to provoke a smile, the core is truthful.
The police gear I spoke of, while I may not be naming in correctly, is really coming.
They already have license plate scanners in many areas and have started to pull people over for "making only a 1 hour layover after driving three states away."
(Dope dealers have been busted this way by taking the same bridge in and back out of NYC after only an hour...with Georgia tags.) Seems to pass for "reasonable cause" now.
(Where are the lawyers when Big Brother is watching you?)

Also, if you search the web...even the RV pod casts...I am not the only one who has been told this. Others are talking about the current trend in private camping areas being scooped up.
They are not talking about the corporations influencing the police to kick out the gypsies in public areas per se...but there supposedly is real evidence of price gouging after monopolizing the campgrounds in a particular area, causing the migration of seniors who could not afford to move.
(Links were sent to me. I would have included them had I know earlier.)

Can we link to someone elses podcast here? I am not sure.
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