concerns of a potential convert

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Well-known member
May 22, 2011
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You guys are all so helpful in this forum; maybe you can help me with these concerns. I really look forward to a mobile lifestyle, but it seemz very daunting for getting started. I have no vehicular experience, so I don't know what to look for when buying from an owner and I don't have the money to purchase from a dealer. If I get a cargo trailer and convert it (which is what I would prefer), I have to get a new vehicle, since right now I have a Honda Accord, and that brings me back to the same problem, and will cost more money. Again, I do not have the money to afford makong a mistake with my purchase. I can't live out of my car because I have 2 dogs to care for.
The other issue is money. It seems like a conatant struggle to make money with a mobile lifestyle for the majority of ppl. I definitle need to change my launch date until after my debt is paid off in order to cut down on bills afterward, but this is still a major concern.
If you want to convert a cargo trailer, you would really benefit from a dialogue with Bob Wells, the owner of this group and forum. &nbsp;He has a cargo trailer he pulls behind a pickup, and works in an unwired campground in the Sierras in the summer.</div>
Honda's usually have a high resale value (unless badly damaged) and tow vehicles usually resell for less. I'm pretty sure you can find something for less than what you'd get for your car. I know that Cargo trailers are very affordable, doubly so if they are used. You can hire a mechanic to inspect the tow vehicle you're interested in purchasing to avoid lemons.<div><div><br></div><div>You're right to stay put til you pay off that debt. Granted you can pay it off faster w/out a mortgage or rent, but you don't have the mobile living situation sorted out yet. Use this time to research&nbsp;your possible income options but everything associated with this lifestyle. Depending on how much stuff you've got at home; this time should also be put towards selling what you're not taking with you. All of this isn't as daunting as it might seem; research is your friend!</div></div><div><br></div><div>Steve</div><div><br></div>
There are lots of ways to make money while vagabonding, but you should probably get some idea of what you'd like to do before heading out. What type of vehicle you get will depend a lot of what work you're going to be doing, how far you're going to be traveling, and where you're going to be living (ie: urban or rural). The national park service has some great jobs and they are always hiring, especially for people who are willing to travel every few months. Check out The Backdoor Guide to Short Term Job Adventures also, they have some great ideas. <a target="_blank" href="">I posted more stuff on my blog a few months back</a> that might come in handy. <br><br>The truth is that a lot of us are working full or part time jobs while van dwelling. Whatever you do now, you can do from a van. My sister and I found that tourist towns are always good places to find work like bar tending. <br><br>
Hi, <br><br>You could always post to a local craigslist for a "trade".&nbsp; I did that once, and traded a pickup for a durango.&nbsp; Read my post (somewhere) about buying a used vehicle, recently.&nbsp; We can also interpret vehicle inspections for you. <br><br>With todays gas and economy issues, ive seen a ton of vans for sale...&nbsp; They want cars like yours... So, a trade could be an easy deal. <br><br>Feel free to message me with any&nbsp;questions... You know I'm a dog guy <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; <br><br><br><br><br>
Thnx guys. I'm looking at a ranger on craigslist for 1800 with 144k miles, comes with camper. Wish me luck. Actually converting the trailer doesn't bother me, just affording it. But if I keep up on craigslist, I'm sure a deal will pop up eventually. My vehicle will not trade for much. It is very worn.
Even a worn out vehicle would be a wonderful source of parts for the owner of the same model. &nbsp;They might even have what you are looking for to trade.</div>
I can't really advise you much since I have never really expressed an interest in jumping through those hoops and building credit like a good consumer. I've never had a credit card although people offer me all the time. &nbsp;I paid for everything in cash.&nbsp;<div>I am sure you will find a good rig. Bargains can be had, I am sure.</div><div><br></div><div>And yes... the freedom of having no mortgage or rent is priceless.</div>

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