Composting Toilet

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
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Hiya BJ,<br><br>Where'd ya get it?&nbsp; Looks nice and compact, portable, etc.<br><br>
compostin is where it's at. I'm making my own.. mainly because I have a saw and some boards laying around.. and the&nbsp;<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">&nbsp;Loveable Loo doesn't have a vent.. plus it's not sealed off tight at the lid. I can see a gap were air will coming out of...&nbsp;</span><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><br></span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">You need to make one or modify the&nbsp;</span><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">&nbsp;</span><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">Loveable Loo tobe air tight, all but the vent that goes outside. Use peat moss instead of saw dust. Plus if you can mke a "bathroom" with a door... I think that would be better too. I have bad experiences with RV sewers and stinks... and I'm sick of it.&nbsp;</span></div>
so this may be a stupid question but where do you throw the contents? in a garbage can you find somewhere? i figured from the key words 'composting' you could actually compost it. are there specific full time rv-er composting places? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I spent a lot of time at an it's a wealth of information.&nbsp; Everything from building your own to the composting aspect.&nbsp; When I experimented with one in my shop office, I merely used a trash can liner in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid. No odor.&nbsp; Tossed the filled and sealed bag in the dumpster though.&nbsp; It works.
I have used the humanure dust toilet composting method for 7 years. It works well if you are stationary on property where you can set up a composting bin. This is a good option for those who are homesteading on property off the grid. Follow all the directions on the humanure web site and this toilet and compost will not attract any flies or smell. Peat moss works well in the toilet if you can't get saw dust.
punkhippie:&nbsp; Aesthetics, mainly.&nbsp; Put a box over a bucket toilet, add a seat, keep another bucketfull of dirt next to it and pour some over your doings when you're done, and you're in the neighborhood.
Nice little unit but as Jack and PH say, bucketeers are already on the path. If you are on the road in a van it is not possible to actually least in any meaningful way that I know of....<br /><br />When I lived in Alaska we bought5 and used a true composting toilet and it worked less than good due to temperature extremes. In New Mexico it would work fine..ours was a Bowli. <br /><br />As a buckateer I use clumping non-perfumed kitty litter and use the bucket only for feces. I then scoop the clumps and if I am on public land, I bury the clumps or if actually traveling I bag them and dispose in a garbage can.<br /><br />Most bucketeers I know do much the same...At the RTR Bob usually sets up a potty tent and we use a common bucket so we don't all have to use ours...and those in tents have a place to use.<br />Bri<br />
As bk2valve indicated, cat litter's a great option.&nbsp; Cheapcheapcheap if you buy it in a dollar store by the 5 or ten pound bag, too.<br /><br />One of the nice things about cat litter, to my persnickity mind, is that it dewaters the stools and toilet paper rapidly.&nbsp; Buried wet in an arid climate toilet paper and stool can remain precisely what they were in their earlier incarnation for a lot longer than a person might imagine.<br /><br />But dewatered, they can easily be the last thing a person takes care of at a campsite before he puts out the fire and he's not leaving it for someone else to examine by accident a year later.<br /><br />Just saying.
Winslet said:
<p class="MsoNormal">Bidet toilet is a bathroom fixture which can be installed in your bathroom which does all the obligations of a common toilet and additionally has features to wash your anal and genital area. . . .It&rsquo;s high time you dispose the habit of using abrasive toilet paper and get inclined towards bidet toilet to enjoy a more hygienic, sanitary and clean lifestyle.</p>
<br /><br />Likely so, Winslet.&nbsp; I've been concerned for a considerable while about the cleanliness of my anal and genital areas.&nbsp; And the abrasiveness of toilet paper can wear a person down over the years.<br /><br />You're thinking outside the box and the one you're thinking inside is one I've never entered previously.
I know lots of people put dirty diapers in the trash and whatnot but is it actually even legal to put the waste from a composting toilet in the trash? I am still probably going to go this route but if I am doing something&nbsp;illegal&nbsp;I would like to at least know first.
Half_Pint said:
I know lots of people put dirty diapers in the trash and whatnot but is it actually even legal to put the waste from a composting toilet in the trash? I am still probably going to go this route but if I am doing something&nbsp;illegal&nbsp;I would like to at least know first.
There might be localized illegalities but nothing universal. Otherwise the city folks would be more aware of how many dirty plastic diapers are proliferating in the world.<br /><br />Occasionally we're reminded of them when someone doesn't put them in the trash.
Probably the best pre-made system for rv style use is :<br /><br />Now I am not saying you should run out and by one, but look at the design because it has extremely good reviews.<br />Key features are:&nbsp; Keep urine separate, use a small computer fan on the vent hose.&nbsp; Stir it, and if you do these things you won't have any smell and you don't have to dump it after every use.&nbsp; Not really for vandwellers, but perfect for small rvs and box truck conversions.<br /><br />Key word to search google for more info is "urine diverting toilet"
I like the&nbsp;NaturesHead and was going to use it here in my cabin, but I found a website with a urine diverting toilet (<a href=""></a>,) .&nbsp; The cost of the seat is about $100, and you'd need a container for the urine and one for the poo and with a vent and small 12 volt fan, you could use the compost toilet for a few months before emptying it.&nbsp; You would have to empty the urine daily but that's no big deal.&nbsp; <br />The seat doesn't look like a $100's worth but it's the design that's worth it and it's a whole lot cheaper than the $900 or more for the NaturesHead.&nbsp; Don't know why I haven't done this yet...Always looking for something just a little cheaper!<br />Rae
Yeah I was looking at those ecovita privys.&nbsp; I am going to be building a camper and will probably use one, maybe even splurge and get the 501 model since the closer it looks to a normal toilet the happier your guests will be. I am going to route the urine hose into the grey water tank for a little more convenience.
I've used a humanure bucket toilet for years and love it. &nbsp;I normally use sawdust or peat moss, but I'll have to give the kitty litter idea a try. &nbsp;I normally use 2 buckets. &nbsp;One for liquid and one for solid. &nbsp;The liquid bucket gets diluted with used dish washing water or some other water that has already been used once and then applied to outdoor plants. &nbsp;The plants seem to greatly benefit and there is no smell since it is not breaking down anaerobically. &nbsp;When I had a garden I would apply this in a ring around the outside in the hopes of discouraging critters.

I have been reading all the posts about bucket and other types to toilets on the road and so I would like to share an idea I have.
First I would build a box to house it and then what if I got a large crock pot and cut the bottom out of a two or five gallon bucket so it would fit in the crock pot and vent it and cook all the moister out to make human like cow pies and then burn it in a paper bag in a camp fire or toss it in the next nearest trash can.
Does any one think something like that would work ?
Even "IF" you found a way to make this deal work, which I really don't believe it's a viable option...I think it would smell just like the old "Destroylette" toilet that my old boyfriend's mom had in her mountain cabin while this monster was cooking the crap. Like you needed a gas mask when you went outside and it was venting. The way this thing worked was when someone went in the toilet, when they got up, it would kick on and start burning the waste, liquid and all, down to cinders.

On the other hand, an actual composting toilet built and used properly could be a viable option for RV'ers, without the hassle of the infamous black water tank, etc.
I'm glad to see this subject come up as I've been wanting to do a composting unit for my van, but have only been finding threads about porta-pottys, and 5 gallon buckets.

and it's basically a step away from my bucket anyways, so this sounds feasible.
One of the blogs I follow suggested using coconut coir, as it's superior in every way to the std coir sold.

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