College student living in a 91 Toyota Corolla

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Dec 23, 2012
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My leagal name is Steven, a name given to me by the parents who kicked there gay son out... In my path of starting new beginnings I started going by the name Niall and hopefully someday make it leagal. I am a college student dual majoring in business/accounting with hope for a stable, decent paying career. This hope is what keeps me going. I lost my part time job earrlier last year. Burned through my savings, sold everything I had, max out my credit (paid credit with credit). Just to stay in my studio apartment. That last till October, the month of my 22nd birthday. At the time I had no car, I commuted by bike. I could not admit to being homeless, so I slept in the woods behind the college. I showered at the college and spent my days on the computers filling out applications.

Finally my grant came in, late because of late classes. I had some money! Not much, enough money to purchase a 1991 Toyotoa Corolla for $1,000. It was near the college and I really wanted something to sleep in. I then had enough money to put down on insuarnce and purchase a "Share The Road" license plate (Show my support for cyclist). I sold my bike being that I have no where to store it... Got a basic tune up for my "home", plugs, wires, and oil change. I starting trying to find work with Labor Ready, little luck. Enough work to pay for gas and minimum credit card payments (I never been 30 days late and try my best to keep my credit rateing strong). With the little bit of credit I would get by making payments would be used for food. But I am still slowly making a dent in them.

I finally started to see light, I got a job! Delivering pizza and my training day was the 21st. I officially start the day after Christmas. $6 an hour, $1 per delivery, tips. Just when I thought things where going good, my front driver tire came appart... I put my spare on, but it's a little bigger the the rest. So my home pulls to the right. All my other tires are in need of replacement. But no money and am terrified if they do give out, I can't go back to the woods, I'd assume to die before that! But anyways, onIe day at a time for now. Hopefully tommorow I will have the energy to move the spare to the rear tommorow.

I am currently laying in my "bed" at Wal Mart typing this out. This site seems like a wonderful place to learn some basics and how to make life a bit more comfortable. Hopefully everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Years.
Welcome Niall!&nbsp; When I was younger, my family didn't much like me either, and now we haven't spoken in dozens of years.&nbsp; I agree completely with 1 day at a time!<br><br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
Sorry to hear about the tough luck. If you can, you might want to put your spare on the back and have same size tires on the front. May not pull as much.
<span id="post_message_1276191365">Niall! My goodness that's one heck of a situation you're in!<br><br>I wish you the best of luck! Keep looking forward! You're not 30 days over payments yet - very responsible of you and I love your spirit!<br><br>I have the exact same car and although it's most likely in better condition - let me tell you - if you have access to a computer; these cars have no computer chips! Their basically a motor on wheels; so with the -basic- maintenance you can keep them going and with VERY cheap repairs.<br><br>Heres a random idea that MAY help with a tiny extra cash in your pocket.<br><br>Open up the hood and check for a windshield wiper fluid tank - will look like a plastic jug. If you have one you can disconnect it and sell it since I've driven in some pretty terrible conditions without mine. It's one of 'those parts' you don't exactly 'need' but you can sell it anywhere from $9.99 to $48.00. It really depends who else is selling them at the moment - supply and demand.<br><br>I bought my 91 corolla for like $300 - the repairs alone brought it over $1000 but she needs little maintaince I can't do / have learned to do myself. <br>1. Check these repairs were made please or plan to have them done in the near future; 'timing belt' if she's over 100K miles - if that sucker snaps it will make repairs hell. <br>2. Breaks - I stalled on this repair and drove like an old lady but shop around - most places will do barrel/drum breaks for cheaper than regular breaks and i think the corolla only has a set in the back or front - forgot which. <br>3. If the stearing wheel makes a sound when you turn the car you can pick up a cheap bottle of stearing wheel fluid - if it continues after you either have a leak or the middle searing cog is getting corroded. The longer you wait - the more problems it will have but once its fixed it's good. If it breaks while your driving your stearing wheel will be stuck that way. : /<br><br>One more easy fix - the 91 corolla gets it's stearing wheel stuck if it is turned while your parked. Mess with the shifting gear and turn it to get it unstuck. <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br>Keep us posted and welcome to the community!<br><br>PS. Library is the best place to recharge electronics, use the bathroom and simply relax when school may be closed on weekends.<br><br>If you have -no- money for food there are some types of grass you can look u on the internet that taste awful but have good nutrition.<br><br>The 'dollar tree' or a /99cents store will also have a pretty decent selection of tummy fillers. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br></span>
You'll be fine.<br>Keep your face turned toward the sun and you won't see the shadows.<br>Helen Keller
Welcome Niall - one word describes you, "Tenacious." &nbsp;You should be proud of yourself. &nbsp;Sorry to hear about your difficulties. &nbsp;Although you did not ask for suggestions, I am going to step out on a limb and offer one.<br><br>I was in a similar situation at age 19. &nbsp;Although the reasons were different, the results were the same. &nbsp;My father had his fill of my irresponsibility and kicked me out.<br><br>That afternoon I was in the Marines.<br><br>After all these years I realize his action was one of the best things he ever did for me. &nbsp;We won't get into a discussion of our relationship, but kicking me out was a blessing.<br><br>The Marines were one of the best times of my life.<br><br>I am not promoting the Marines per se, but the military was a great life. &nbsp;(Don't forget to consider the Coast Guard)<br><br>Just something to think about....<br><br>Good Luck and Merry Christmas.<br><br>-- Kevin
I don't have much battery power left on my iPhone (hate the monthly bill, past due as of the 16th. But Feburary my contract is up) so I am keeping this short. I read all the comments and I am thankful for all your moral support and tips. They will be useful. I was able to get a two week trial pass at Golds Gym, so I have a place to shower and charge electronics for the time being. I want to get a 24 Fitness membership though...

I do intend to join the Coast Guard Reserves sometime next year, once I have 18 or so college credits (GED Holder).

Welcome to the tribe. I'm sorry for your parents-that they are so small minded and a product of the enviroment they choose to live in. All kids are a blessing, no matter how they swim. I don't really know you but from what you wrote, I would be proud to call you my son.<BR><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #ff00ff">Dragonfly</SPAN></STRONG>
<span style="line-height: 20px;">I would be proud to call you my son.</span>
<br><br>Same here! Hang in there, it WILL get better.<br><br>*hugs*
I hope things look up for you.&nbsp; Going from no job to some work will really help.&nbsp; You should take your first check tho, and get your tires taken care of, because your job is delivering pizzas, a break down isn't an option.&nbsp; You will find you make pretty good money when you factor in tips.&nbsp; <br><br>Here is a very interesting read for someone who lived in a car (some of the prius specifics wont apply)<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><em><span style="font-size: x-small;">edit:&nbsp; better article...</span></em><br><br>
Niall:&nbsp; Sounds as though you're facing a lot of challenges, living close to the edge without a safety net.&nbsp; Plenty of growth experiences ahead of you.&nbsp; Good luck relaxing with it all, not allowing the tensions to build into anxieties, dealing with the problems as they come.&nbsp; A week, or a month later they're behind, barely remembered,&nbsp;and there's something equally challenging to replace them.<BR><BR>Here's wishing you a smile of enthusiasm as you lean further&nbsp;into life and walk past the day-to-day it throws at all of us.
<div style="padding-left: 30px;">Welcome Niall and I applaud your choice of Coast Guard. Having worked for them as a civilian and being a Navy veteran, I have huge respect for them. They are always in action of one kind or another and since they saved my son and his clients once, I owe them!<br>Best of luck and I join in admiring your attitude...<br>Bri</div>
Welcome! This is the place to hang and learn all about living independently in a vehicle.<br>I'm curious, do you fold the seat down and sleep with your feet in the trunk. I have a 1994 and the rear seat backs fold down. I have thought about trying that.<br><br>I don't know how handy you are but you can find really decent tires at the junk yards and sometimes at the tire centers. I picked up four once with matching tread for 50 bucks. They even mounted them on my rims. I had to take the rims off in their parking lot myself but it was worth the effort.
My idea with the military reserves is I will get enough pay to cover the basics, if I decide to continue living this current life style through college. GI Bill to cover advance degrees, such as MBA. Plus I Beleave Heatth insurance. While allowing me to take 12-15 credits a semester. I never asked for a hand out, never took food stamps. But I do take grant money for school. I figure it as an investment for society. I take a versatile and useful degree, will make me more vulable to society and place me in a higher tax bracket (so in a way, I will pay it back)... Last night I broke down and wrote sob story on craigslist, seeking help. Some guy offered me some tired used tires he has laying around and to let me stay in his travel trailer (take care of yard in place of rent). I felt bad asking for a hand out... But I think I am going to look at the tires and offer to do yard work for him if he can mount then for me. At least I can feel better about my self at the end of the day. Plus lots of people told me there stories of the son comming out and wish me luck. It was a nice way to wake up.

Anyways did an hour at the gym, could not do anymore. Got 55% charge and found $9.15! So hungry from only eating a salad and sweet tea yesterday, I walked in bought a spicy-mcchicken, salad, tea. I am taking the rest and buy some beef jerky and apples. If I can get some whole wheat bread and peanut butter also, I will be set.

Bad news: My glasses broke today, had them for over two years.
Yes I do sleep with my feet in the trunk, it's pretty comfy on my back, but I am a side sleeper and it's just not possible. I fold down both seats, push the passenger seat toward and lay it all the back. I take the head rest off and wrap my jacket around it. This is my pillow for my neck/head. My lower back down is in the trunk on top of two well placed pillows. I then line the trunk with an old comforter and then folded a queen size comforter for a sleeping bag. I have pics, but don't know how to upload them from my phone.
You ought to read the Tuckerbag blog. She lived in her Jetta while going to college.<br><br>
One thing that helped us stretch the dollar when I was in dire straights with my family was looking through survival/homesteading forums and books. It wasn't the spending money on freeze dried food or mre's or growing a garden. But those sites and books have a lot of recipes and guidelines that are based on staples that don't require refridgeration. You can get several meals cheap by getting the stuff in "bulk" which could mean 1pd bag of rice for one person. Plus if you can find them there are recipes designed to be cooked over something as simple as an emergency candle. <br><br>This site has a wealth of information but hopefully the other sites may help you by being another channel to search.<br><br>I also hope you have a support structure through friends, family, and the LGBT community in general. I know that coming out to an unsupporting family can be a very hard time. Add the stress of college and financial issues and that cannot be a fun mix to go through alone. &nbsp;<br><br>And I am glad you are considering the military. I am a vet myself. You may also want to look at Active duty service as well. The training between active and reserve is often the exact same. Active Duty would guarantee a job, 3 hots and a cot when you were done with the training. Another thing to consider is many career fields that have extended training have programs that allow that training to be applied to a college degree. I know several fellow servicemen that used that and basic pell grants to get a bachelor's and never touched their GI while on active duty. They saved the GI Bill for advanced degrees. It all depends on what you do in the military.&nbsp;
Good luck to you. Be sure to check at your college for the possibility of emergency funds through the school's foundation, scholarship office, center for student success office etc. <br><br>Just going by the community college where I work -my school has gas cards that can be purchased at the bookstore, and sometimes people have donated gas cards for those in dire straits that are free for the asking from the school's foundation center. The center for student success always has snacks, drinks, and fruit available in their office - this could supplement your meals. Talk to some of the student groups - we have a student group on campus that collects business professional clothes for students to go on job interviews and maybe there is a similar group on your campus that can help with clothing needs.<br><br>Don't forget the faculty - talk to your teachers. Sometimes the faculty senate has set aside funds to help students. You should have an advisor assigned to you - see if they are aware of your situation and they might have more resources available.
My school is closed till next week, but I intend to have a sit down with someone and finally admit to my problem. See what is offered, hopefully at least a free meal on campus... But its hard for me to admit failure, but I'm over the edge hanging on by a string. I may have to face the fact, no matter how much I don't want to ask for someone to pull on the string. I thought things was turning around today, I found $9.15 at the gym. I was shocked and shamefully did not seek if someone was missing it around me.

Then more crap fell on me... My car was running warm last week (low on coolant), so I filled it with a 50/50 coolant mix. Everything was great , I came back out from my second run at the gym and notice liquid under my car. So I place my fingers on the liquid and it smelled sweet. Drove over to Wal Mart again (because there lots always has lights) and my car was starting to hover over the half way mark... It was running warm again, I took a look with lights over head and shake-a-light could not see any immediate leaks. But I have a little bit of coolant left from my past purchase, will fill it in the morning. I would replace the hoses, cap, and add some Bars stop a leak stuff... But I just don't have the money.
Niall:&nbsp; None of my business, but maybe it would be an opportune time to pay a visit to your parents to see if you can mend things with them.&nbsp; The holidays might be a time they're missing you and possibly you could sit down and talk over the fact you're gay in a tone where everyone can accept one another.<BR><BR>Odds are they're worried about you, or would be if they knew how you're living.<BR><BR>Forgiving is just forgiving, whether it's you thinks you're doing it, or them thinking they're doing it, or both.