College student living in a 91 Toyota Corolla

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Niall, you can look at it this way; at the moment you need a bit of help, but once you are established I'm convinced you will be helping others. Don't be embarrassed to accept the help that is offered to&nbsp;you. We all need it at some point in our lives.<br><br>Take good care of yourself.<br><br>Love<br><br>Nicole
I did send an email to my counsuler explaining what's going on, so see what comes of it when the school opens back up. I hope they can atleast help me get new glasses, my current ones are taped together... <br><br>I had Christmas with a close family friend. She knows what's going on, so she invited me over (nice of her). I had a very nice steak dinner, red velvet cake, and she gave me a stuffed dog (lab, looks like) and a $25 visa. So I can get some coolant and Bars leak... Hopefully that will fix the leak till my grant money comes in.
Keep this in the back of your mind, There is a huge difference between a hand up and a hand out. You sir, are seeking and in need of a hand up.
Niall:&nbsp; As one who had to drop out of the university for pauses to save money to go back several times I can say by hindsight it wasn't as big a thing as it seemed at the time.&nbsp; Eventually I ended up with a lot more education than is probably good for a person, anyway.&nbsp; If you're determined enough you'll get it done.&nbsp; And if you don't, there's a lot to be said for the kinds of jobs, professions&nbsp;and careers a person ends up doing without needing a stack of degrees.<BR><BR>Best wishes to you in any case.
Bars leaks did not work, and I bought the best one they had... But it did slow it down, so that's a plus. I think I located the problem. It's the lower hose, pretty sure. Thanks to a very kind and genrous member (who again I thank you very much), I will be replacing both upper and lower hoses. So hopefully that will fix the problem. I also should have the money, by Monday to replace the flat and passenger front tire. With good used ones, hopefully that will hold me till 2/1/2013. When I get my grant return. Then I will put new tires with road hazard warranty, new battery (getting old, better be safe), oil change, transmission service, filters, and tint (privacy).

Side note: I notice at the Walmart I been camping at these past few days. I'm not allone, there's a K5 Blazer that seems to camp a few spots over every night.
Niall: Glad you found someone to bet on you.&nbsp; Hope getting over this hump turns out to put you into more level ground.
Hectic day... Set the alarm for 7:00. Woke up, but it was COLD. 38 F, warm under the blankets but it took me a few minutes to get moving. Headed to the gym and done my thing. Had brunch by lake Eola. Then headed to work, all good. Deliveries coming in like crazy and I'm the only driver (last time I only got two deliveries). I made $21 and some change in tips in 3 hours, add the $1 per delivery and hourly pay coming in with paycheck, not bad. I also made a delivery to the 18th floor of the Wells Fargo building, such an amazing view of the city.

Then it went south from there... The leak that I slowed down returned. But this time the hose burst sending hot coolant all over the place getting the battery wet. At this point I am crying, because the car would not turn over (car never ran hot, but I feared the worse). Well I walk back into work and they said it's ok. Then they kept trying to cheer me up and let me work a little longer doing ditches, till the next driver came in. About 45 mins latter I return to the car. I pop the hood and start to dry everything off, doing so I notice the hose with a massive gash. This one was tricky to get to, so I missed it the first time. I added some water and the car thankfully fired up. I drove it a couple of miles down the road to advance. I bought all new hoses, spent the next hour in there parking lot replacing them. Leak fix, I hope.

Tomorrow no work, unless called in. But thanks to another generous member. I have enough to purchase two used tires. I thank both of you very much. The money has been a huge help and I can sleep soundly tonight. I am still on the edge, but I should be able to pull my self up now.

Thanks and good night,
Welcome to the tribe, Niall! What a story you have there so far! We are all rooting for ya. Good luck and stay warm.
Got two used tires today. But another problem came up... It started when I got some gas, the car would not start back up. I pushed it out of the pump area. Then started working on it. It seem like a battery issue. Turn the key and the engine would not turn over, but dash lights worked and so did head lights. I checked the terminals, no corrosion, tight fit. I asked for a jump, nothing. At this point I just waited and was thinking... Pretty much left the car alone for 45 mins. Then gave it a try, it started up?! Okay, well I head into work. I get one delivery and I was able to complete the delivery. Then the car would not start... I fiddled with it and nothing. I worked on it for a good hour. After a while I walked back to work, to give them the money and there bag. I walk back it starts...

Brings use to now. At a friends house on a plant nursery, charge devices and getting cleaned up. The car will not start and she really would like me to move it before morning. I hope it starts after a wait... But any ideas?

Good new is, I have nothing but good news! I made contact with my parents as suggested by a member... That was a bit hard, seeing as I cam from an upper middle class family and now I am living in a car. I drive up to a massive 3,800 square foot house under A/C on a nice size lot, loaded out F-150 and Corvette in the driveway. Tucked in a corner I see parts of a Cessna 310, Piper Warrior and various helicopter crap. (Both my parents work in aviation.) So I go to the front door and ring the door bell. I see two little Chinese Crested run to the door. Then the intercom speaker system comes on, it's mother asking who is it. I told her,"Steven, I would really like to see you." Mother replied,"Go away, we want nothing to do with you." at this point I see my step father walk by, he pointed to the garage. So I walk to the garage, where I parked the car. He was out there and I told him a bit about what was going on. He told me to follow him to the Sanford Airport. Where he has a hanger and had to finish up annual on his airplane.

So I follow him there and we spent the afternoon working on my car. We tighten up a few things on the car. Most notably a wire on the starter solenoid came loose. So I hope that was the problem... But he also thought it could be the ignition switch, so he ran a push button from the starter to the battery as a back up and zip tied it the diagnostic port. He also fixed my brakes and turn signal, replace bulbs. So my side marker works now, looks nice and safe! He then went back to his airplane and I gave my car a good cleaning. As we we're leaving he told me to follow him to the gas station, he filled up my tank and gave me $100. Most importantly he gave me an insurance card, told me I am covered under it until I am 25. He said that's all he can do for me and good luck.

It was a HUGE help and such great news to know I have health insurance. I took the money and bought some medicine and tissue for this nastily cold I been fighting since Friday. Getting sick in a car is a terrible experience... I also bought a warm meal, the first one in about a week. I parked at Wal Mart, enjoyed my meal took my meds, and had a great night sleep. Slept for 11 hours and mostly feel better today, just a bit snuffy.
Niall,&nbsp; That is such great news.&nbsp; I'm so glad you are getting a bit of a break.&nbsp; And I hope your car's in good shape now ... for me, that would be a huge relief.&nbsp;<br><br>If you haven't already, check out the 2011 posts in this blog ... she was a student while living out of her car in the Northeast.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br><br>Suanne ... another car dweller
I been reading a bit on this forum for ideas to make it more livable for at least two years, with long term goal to pay off debts and build up savings. I will give that blog a reading now. I may look into starting a blog, mostly for something to do but it would need to be free or self supportive.

I like your step-dad pretty well.&nbsp; I'd shake his hand if I knew who he was and I was within arm's length.
I'm so happy for you. Your step dad is a real man. Mom sucks though. I feel sad&nbsp; for her but she can only be who she is. Without acceptence of you, she will have no peace. Just my opinion which mounts to a hill of beans most times.<BR><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #ff00ff">Dragonfly</SPAN></STRONG>
Opinions differ, but i use blog spot/blogger and it is free and pretty easy really.&nbsp; Making a blog post is pretty much like doing a post here but smoother.&nbsp; Just remember blogging is like a virtual diary, but isn't a private diary.&nbsp; Everything you put up on one can be found by anyone else, just something to keep in mind when choosing what to say (no exact personal info, details about others, for starters).&nbsp; And blogger is in the google-sphere so it is easily searchable.<br><br>I'm glad you went back and had success, however moderate.
Wordpress is a good, free blog host, although Steve hates it and utters dark forboding cautions about it.&nbsp; There's a recent thread blog hosts here somewhere.&nbsp; <BR><BR>I'm not being evangelical about Wordpress, but I just wanted to fire a round from my defensive position before Steve begins his bombardment.
<p>Hello Niall...&nbsp; Good for you for so many things.&nbsp; I am so sorry for your mother's loss...&nbsp; I can't imagine how anyone could live a life like that.&nbsp; And, SUPER GOOD for you your step-dad.&nbsp; You have to wonder what he thinks of the woman he married now.<br><br>Anyway, on to business.&nbsp; I am curious what part of the country you are in.&nbsp; If you are near me, I would be happy to help you out (or in, as the case may be).&nbsp; We have a large home with roomy rooms for very low rent, for people with situations just like or similar to your own.<br><br>Good luck with you adventure!&nbsp; It sounds like you are "tenacious" enough to get to the other side.&nbsp; It really is true.... IT GETS BETTER!<br><br>Send me a PM if you are interested in chatting.<br><br>PS. I am gay and know of many resources within the GLBT community... hotlines, physical and mental health services...&nbsp; etc.&nbsp; Wherever you are you should look into them in your area also.<br><br>Peace, Love and more love...<br>Bodhi<br><br></p>
Niall:&nbsp; I've been mulling over your post a few hours now, thinking about your mom and step-dad, too.<BR><BR>It's troubling, how your mom reacted, even a bit bizarre, probably carrying a lot of pain for you.&nbsp; I can imagine you had to tighten yourself up before doing it, armoring yourself against the possibility something of that sort might happen.<BR><BR>It ain't, most especially ain't any of my business, but I'm hoping anyway you won't&nbsp;allow yourself to think too harshly about your mom.&nbsp; Whatever's going on with her is about her, not about you.&nbsp; <BR><BR>We human beings make a lot of lousy choices in this life and a lot of them result in other people being hurt.&nbsp; But the only way we can have any hope of transcending our lousy pasts and becoming people we'd like better is getting beyond the anchors we laid down by being sons of bitches in the past.<BR><BR>It's a lot easier to do that if the people we were purebred bastards to help us along by allowing the past to dissolve.<BR><BR>We need better people than we've got, generally, so should the occasion arise that your mom wants to become one of them, humanity would pick up a plus if you aren't making it any harder for her.<BR><BR>Just saying.<BR><BR>&nbsp;
Niall, <br>I am so, so, so happy for you <img class="bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" rel="lightbox">&nbsp;that someone in your family is on your side. What a relive that must have been for you. Who knows maybe over time your step-dad will be able to help your mom see the errors of her ways.<br><br>I hope your cool is better.<br><br>Blue Skies<br><br>Nicole
Niall, <br>I am so, so, so happy for you <img class="bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" rel="lightbox">&nbsp;that someone in your family is on your side. What a relive that must have been for you. Who knows maybe over time your step-dad will be able to help your mom see the errors of her ways.<br><br>I hope your cool is better.<br><br>Blue Skies<br><br>Nicole