Nial, I'm glad you're doing better. I was in your shoes back in the mid-late 80's living in an '84 Chevette & tent. Every now and then I'd stay in a motel, but not often. I stayed a lot in camping areas in southern Ohio, camped out on jobsites while using the site showers, etc.. I have a few tips you might find interesting, if not useful.
I want you to know that there are almost ALWAYS places to get food free, such as the church-run places and food pantries. I spent some time back about 200-2001 unemployed and on welfare, too. During this time I found that a lot of stores gave their day-old foodstuffs to some of these places, and I worked in one for a few months without pay to compensate for the welfare checks and food stamps. The point is, if you go to a grocer's bakery department, someone there may tell you where they send this food, which is almost always as good as oven-fresh. In addition, the places they donate to often have canned goods in their own pantries, and it's usually free, as it's illegal here in Ohio to sell it, hence they give it away. A lot of folks here in the Lancaster, Ohio area wouldn't eat at all without this generosity, and I know of no place that asks about your origin or orientation, whether run by a church or not.
Some of these places don't give their food to pantries, preferring instead to toss it. Homeless folks swarm over these dumpsters, just as you might have seen on TV shows. I'm a picky eater myself, but not when broke. Just a thought to ponder. Look into how to make a pop-can stove, too. Small, cheap, and easily made, whether you drink the contents or not. Easily do-able for car living. You don't need a dutch oven to cook....just something to warm up your food or drink. There are many places with a picnic table set up where you can heat up a quick drink or some soup/noodles.
Above all, be careful to be as invisible as possible, and stay safe. You may make enough cash to easily support yourself and even upgrade your current living quarters. One never knows what a day will bring your way.
73 de Varmint