Cold Weather???

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Jan 6, 2014
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Well our high temp here in lower Michigan got to a whopping "0" with wind chills of -30 to -45. My girlfriend was looking at a weather map and it showed cold temps down to California, Texas, etc. .

I just wondered how you folks were holding up down around Quartzsite and that whole area. Seems the warmest spot is Florida still holding in the 70's and some 80's.

I am SO READY to get my van and get the heck out of here, cold weather is one of the reasons I want to start this great adventure. :(

Hope everyone is staying warm, Take care Jim
2° above where I am right now, lower overnight and gratefully not in an RV.
Gonna throw another log on the fire and sit back with a couple fingers of 8 year old sour mash watching a DVD the wife got me at the library: Tougher in Alaska where the host constantly references the temps in Fairbanks at -50, makes it seem not so cold here, hehe.
You guys can have that stuff. It is bad enough that we are in the 30s-40s.
Yea, Arizona has Florida beat all to heck right now. I been freezing for two days and nights, three nights if you count the early morning of Monday. I have to baby sit the plumbing ot I thought about getting the old van back in the yard and putting a heater in it. It has been in the low 40's inside this house lately and it suks. I'm in Florida by the way.
Yesterday it was warmer where they send my mail in Canada than here in Florida!! YIKES!
I was raised in Wisconsin, and now live on the Southern Oregon Coastline...and after talking to family still back there, and watching news reports on that can KEEP IT!!!

I'm going for a motorcycle ride!! :D
It is in the 40 degrees here in Seminole. Going to be up to 80 by Saturday, but chances of rain up to 40%. So much for the garage sale I had planned. Wonder how next weekend will be.
For all of you seeing unseasonable cold and snow: Send it my way, I am starting to fear a terrible drought this year. We still basically have no snow, got 1/4" last night, whoop-a-dee-doo. That is all that is on my ground. Temps not getting below 0, which wouldn't be a complaint if I had snow, but I am wierdly warm for this time of year.
Lake Havasu, 70s in the afternoon and low 40s in the early mornings.
Sunny 60 degrees right now...11am.
Just arrived home in North Texas on Monday .... Temperature was a whopping 12 degrees ... It was 20 degrees in the RV. I have a 3 gallon jug that I use for filtered drinking water ... it was half full and frozen solid, sitting in the kitchen LOL. I got the inside temperature up to 40 before I called it a night with my electric blankie.

Temperatures are now running in the mid-20's at night, so the water in my tanks is still frozen, but when I left here, I left all of the faucets open so there is no damage.

Spent yesterday doing some quick winterizing (it is amazing how much fleece curtains help) and was nice and toasty this evening. It doesn't hurt that I have a bomb of a propane heater.
Hi everyone;

I'm sorry I haven't been on here to respond. I had started a new job right before I posted this thread. When we got that cold snap weather we were off for a couple days due to weather road emergencies, in other words they shut down all traveling on the roads. Well we had to make up for it at work via 10 to 12 hour days so I wasn't on the computer much. If I wasn't working, I was sleeping literally.

Hope everyone is staying warm and the weather is getting better. We are on the chilly side here in southern Michigan but not as bad as a couple weeks ago.

Take care Jim