::: COFFEE :::

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2013
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Hi Guys,&nbsp; I'm still in the planning stages of my future RV adventure and have been watching the way I do things here in my house as opposed to how I will have to do them in an RV.&nbsp; In other words, learning what most of you already know.&nbsp; The first thing I thought about was to take a look at my daily routine.<br>It ALWAYS begins with a cup of really great coffee!&nbsp; I live alone so have evolved my "coffee makers" down to a plastic cone on a cup with a hard "reusable" coffee filter.&nbsp; This creates daily coffee grounds.<br>Here at home, that's no problem.&nbsp; The plants apparently love coffee grounds or just part of the compost.<br><br>So this brought me around to thinking 'well I wonder how the other side lives?'&nbsp; Thought about those machines that have pre packaged little plastic containers you just plug into the machine and it makes "perfect" coffee.&nbsp; Thought about paper filters in regular coffee makers.&nbsp; My question became..&nbsp; which method makes the most sense in an RV or is most ecological or economical or maybe I'm making a big deal about nothing...?<br><br>I just know I love coffee!&nbsp; First they said it was bad for you!&nbsp; Then they said it was good for you!<br><br>I don't care..&nbsp; I'm having a cup of Colombian Coffee right now!&nbsp;&nbsp; Cheers!
Perculator and stove, so simple it's stupid.&nbsp; <br><br>Routine, get up, light stove.&nbsp; Wash face and brush teeth.&nbsp; Fire up laptop to check the weather.&nbsp; Go over our coffee.&nbsp; Come back to check emails, etc.&nbsp; Coffee is made and set up the night before after dishes are cleaned.&nbsp; Simple and just habit now.&nbsp;
&nbsp;Yup, perk's the way to go.. though mine is a stainless steel one. Had it for about a decade now. Secret to making good coffee is, when it starts to bubble through the top, to turn down the flame really low. It will still perk, though slower, but the coffee won't be bitter. A friend of mine taught me that trick abt. 10 yrs ago. ..Willy. &nbsp;
pinch of salt and some egg shells mixed in make a good pot too.
Well that's a surprise!&nbsp; I must be "programmed" into believing that percolated coffee "boils" and re-boils the grounds etc etc and it is not all good!&nbsp; Just an old idea long gone!&nbsp; Did a search and found lots of articles regarding the use of percolators and seems either split decision or now people actually going back to the old "Leave It To Beaver" coffee maker!&nbsp; Now, I'm so curious, I gotta' go find one and give it another shot!<br><br>Report in people:&nbsp; Let's hear how you make your coffee and what your morning routine is?&nbsp; This is fun!
For a single cup, I don't think you can beat the plastic cone.&nbsp; I use paper filters and don't feel too bad about the ecology of it.&nbsp; There are lots of other opportunities for me to improve in that area!&nbsp; Starting the day by heating a kettle of water makes sense for us.&nbsp; What is not used for coffee or tea is poured into a thermos for later use--anything from a head start on the next batch of hot water for cooking to washing up.
Thanks Willy... I'll have to try your perc method as I've never been able to make good perc coffee without it tasting so bitter.&nbsp; How many minutes do you usually let it perc?&nbsp; <br><br>The most recent method I came up with is to remove the innards from the percolator, add water, heat water, add coffee, let it sit a few minutes, and then strain into a thermos using a strainer like the one pictured below.&nbsp; I guess some would call that cowboy coffee.<br><br><img class="rg_i bbc_img" style="width: 305px; height: 165px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: -13px; margin-left: -14px;" src="" rel="lightbox" data-sz="f">
Right now, I just use the plastic cone holder on a cup with a reusable filter.&nbsp; Kind of the same thing, just boil water and pour!&nbsp; This makes a good strong blend which is the way I love it!
One time on the way back from Pittsburgh, I 76 had a bad ice storm and shutdown the road.&nbsp; Good thing there was a rest stop.&nbsp; I went in and got a $5 cup of the worst coffee I ever had in my life. It was Starbucks.&nbsp; LOL.<br><br>IF you can boil water and operate a spoon to dump coffee into a paper filter you can brew perked coffee.&nbsp; Now wonder our society is so screwed.&nbsp; I have two perculators and enameled one and a stainless one.&nbsp; Either one can brew coffee cheap and with no frills.&nbsp; Granted, I like my coffee, coffee flavored, but if you need to have some special coffee I would imagine a simple perculator is not the thing to get.&nbsp; <br><br>And to note, it does not boil the coffee.&nbsp; It works just like any standard 110volt coffee maker, you just don't have to plug it in.&nbsp; It heats water, the water goes up a tube, the hot water is poured over the coffee grounds and it drains back into the pot.&nbsp; Just like an electric jobby.&nbsp; <br><br>The only differents is you don't need to plug it in.&nbsp; ANY thing you can heat water with can make coffee.&nbsp; <br><br>KIS Keep it simple
&nbsp;Usually, I perk my coffee till it's between midnite &amp; jet black.. depending on how strong I want it. ..Willy.
French Press works great too and you can make your coffee whatever strength you want.&nbsp; I use to press my coffee all the time, but now have a drip with a thermos pot...love it.&nbsp; It has no heater under it and the coffee stays warm for several hours.&nbsp;
I have an 8 cup, to large for me, enamel perculator. I have problems making, say 6 cups. Actually I have problems with if full too. I know I overcook the coffee and it tastes burned sometimes. I'm getting tired of ruining coffee. Any suggestions like how long to let it perk?<br><br>I tend to drink a lot of coffee throughout the day, I picked up a coffee thermos at a thrift store and pour the coffee in it so I don't have to reheat it on the stove and waste propane.<br><br>
when i had the airstream i would buy green beans 10 pounds at a time with a shelf life of 10 years roast it in a small cast iron (you need to keep an eye on when it begins to smoke is a critical moment the oil is surfacing and at that exact moment decide how dark you want the roast) had a nice German grinder and use whatever prep I was into at the time usually paper filters/french press or stovetop espresso . Then watch the sunrise...
Well now, I don't drink the nasty tasting stuff but my wife drinks the instant stuff. She can get the flavored coffees in instant too.
You can warm your Thermos by putting hot water in it first, then throwing it out right before using.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
I have an insulated stainless steel French press and a manual coffee grinder. I boil water in a tea kettle. Takes about 5 minutes total.

Ella Cambia
I have numerous types of coffee makers. Lately, I've been favoring a simple French press that I got on sale at Target. Since I'm already boiling a&nbsp;kettle of water for tea, I just make extra hot water for coffee too. One fewer piece to get dirty that needs to be cleaned. <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">