Clothing for Fulltime RVing

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May 23, 2018
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Help please! I'm two months from driving away from my stick & bricks. I'll 'be fulltiming in a 19 foot fiberglass trailer so storage space isn't huge. I'm struggling with what clothes to take with me. It seems like 'tee shirts & shorts' would be all I need as I follow mild weather... but I'm sure I'll run into the other temperature extremes at some point or another. I'm from Maine so 'wicked cold winters are clouding my judgement. I'm having a hard time letting go of my cold weather clothing layers. Any suggestions on what to take? How many of each? - Thanks!
When I left, the urge to be prepared was with me as it is with you due primarily to four decades of outside work in heavy industry in the northern states. There was a process of 1st cut, 2nd cut, etc. where clothes were dismissed relative to need and storage in a 16' trailer & a truck with an 8' bed. No heavy coats, using windbreaker & a rain jacket with a layering system underneath, I did keep a couple knit hats though. Two pair synthetic long underwear as this is my sleep ware as well, helps when it's almost cold getting dressed in the morning. I counted 14 t-shirts and 4 pants so that's 4-5 weeks until laundry day. Also some button down short & long sleeve shirts which takes up 9" on the closet rod, and also saved 7 long sleeve pullover shirts to layer with. One pair each of trail running shows, casual shoes, casual hikers, dedicated hikers, & sandals. My entire wardrobe weighs less than 60 pounds and can fit into two 20 gallon totes, except my size 15 shoes and the raingear. I have a rain jacket in the truck as well as the trailer.Things that made the first cut were then piled & measured which led to subsequent cuts until I was satisfied. There's a line between what's needed & what would be nice to have, and here's where you'll need to be honest with yourself & how/where you'll be travelling. Happy Trails!
I was in central Arizona and New Mexico back in February and March of this year, and it was down in the low 20s Farenheit at night. Even down at the Mexican border around Sierra Vista. I had my regular sleeping bag, but I also had luckily carried along a very good down bag. I'm glad I did.

Don't throw way your long johns.
Thrift shops along the way are overflowing. Take only what you are sure you will use, or rare expensive and takes up little space.
You know the old saying to dress for the job you want, not the job you have? Well, my nomad version of that is dress for the weather you want to be in -- and watch the forecasts. If my clothes aren't warm enough it means I'm in the wrong place.

In the five years I've been doing this, I had to suffer only a couple of weeks of significantly cold weather. My "cold" weather gear consists of jeans, long sleeve t-shirts, wool socks, down vest, a hoodie, a flannel jacket with a quilted poly-fill lining, a knitted cap and some gloves. Most of the time the jeans and long sleeve t-shirts are enough. Sometimes I throw on the jacket in the morning or after sunset. And outdoor living helped me acclimate to whatever the weather might be doing. Besides, I carry a lot of "insulation" on my torso.
I am a part timer. My suggestion for clothes is avoid 100% cotton. They hold water and take longer to dry. Even if you use laundromats with heavy duty dryers it will take more time and money to dry. Synthetic fabrics do not seem to be as comfortable so I go with a blend . They seem to wash by hand easier as well and you do not have to hang them up for hours to dry.

Layers will be your friend. Several thin garments have more uses than one heavy garment. Watching hiking videos will give you an idea of some of the clothing systems that are versatile. A couple of things I like to take are a hat that has flaps that fold down over the ears, and a sleeveless down vest. It can be used by itself or with an over coat. If it is cold at night I will wear the hat to bed. I don't like the idea of running a heater while I sleep.
DannyB1954 said:
My suggestion for clothes is avoid 100% cotton.

I LOVE cotton, even with its disadvantages. I'd rather die wearing cotton than live wearing anything else. My brain might have excellent reasons for wearing other fabrics, but my skin gets the veto. Life is too short to waste it wearing plastic. :D
Bob and Suanne have a video on essential items, mostly geared to getting your first items if life has thrown a curve or you’re just fed up. The part on bedding and clothes talk about the fabrics to have and not.

When times are cooler or cold the first layer next to skin should not be cotton, T-shirt, undershirt or otherwise- Daytime or bedtime. A synthetic will keep you warmer and get rid of any sweat. Costco has in winter a brand called 32 Degrees. Duofold another brand. Certain Walmart has similar.

I also like the multifunctional neck, head, headband tube scarf things. Come in all kinds of colors patterns. Just a seamless tube that slips over your head. Can be a scarf, pull up over nose, over ears, on head headband. Very lightweight. They actually stand up to use. Bout $1.25-2 each if you buy 9-12. Amazon is one place. Good for those in between times. Often wear at night. Keeps neck warm and can pull over ears head if it gets colder. Step below a real neck scarf, hat.

Have a pair of fleece socks for bed. They are like mittens for feet. Can’t fit in my shoes with them. They are loose, no rubbing or binding at night. Could even make a pair out of fleece material and hand sew.
Another vote for layers! I know the old saying W=wool=warm, C=cotton=cold, I still prefer cotton/cotton blend as a base layer.
I kept a storage unit and rotated winter and summer clothes through it. I usually carry three weeks of clothes, my max for food and water resupply.
When I was backpacking I had 3 shirts. 1 long sleeve fleece, 1 long sleeve poly, 1 long sleeve fishing shirt (UV protection). 1 hiking pants of very light weight, 1 warm leggings. Socks were 1 wool, 2 med weight and 2 light pedi socks. 1 caftan to sleep in.1 sleeveless vest. 1 beany hat. 1 pr gloves. 2 bras. 1 rain jacket & 1 rain poncho. That was it for 2 months.

I now hate to do hand wash. LOL

Desert temps have a 30 deg difference between high and low.
I love cashmere sweaters from goodwill with holes in the elbows or anywhere else cheap effective soft lightweight and comfy for underwear or over a thin tee
or under a light jacket down vest wool shirts jogging pants Merino wool yoga pants wool socks non-sheepskin uggs.


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About the wicked cold winters clouding your judgement - what type of weather do you see yourself traveling in ... ever? I know what the temptation to just pack for 3 seasons is like. Most people used to cold weather wear shorts as soon as they see the snow start melting. I know I do usually when the mercury hits 40°F, but if you think about it, that's 60-70°F warmer than the cold weather extreme I'm used to, so I've become very cold tolerant and not at all heat tolerant. Have you lived most of your life in Maine? Have you thought about how cold tolerant you are/aren't? It's not a judgement, just everybody's used to a particular kind of weather.

Only you can really make the decision as to whether you'll need the truely cold weather gear or not. Are you planning on being a snowbird permanently? Do you do most of your own mechanic work on your rig? Will you need your cold weather gear during a cold snap (up north, higher elevations, etc...) to fix your vehicle? Are you planning on going back north to visit? How about Canada? Alaska?

Here's what I did - I packed my Carhartt (winter coat), Baffins (winter boots), wool mitts and pack mitts, long johns (2pr), 2 wool sweaters, 2 hats, and one scarf into a medium Rubbermaid tote. I wrapped it a few times with packing tape. Once it was all sealed up I put it in the back seat of my truck. It doesn't take up much room and if I need it it'll be there. If I end up spending the winter in OK like I'd planned, I don't think I'll be opening it at all. I'm not ready to be done with winter altogether though, so I'll keep them, for now.

Btw, all of my other clothes I kept fit into two suitcases. That'd be the nonwinter clothes that I didn't cull in the downsizing.

Another way to think about it would be is storage space such a precious commodity in your rig that it would be "worth it" to have to buy all your cold weather gear over again if you get rid of it in the downsizing and find you need it again in a year or two? Really only you can answer that.

Travel well,

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Look at what thru hikers wear for ideas. They don't even have the luxury of a vehicle to keep spare articles in. It helps to get an idea what items are truly essential.

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