Check this heating idea out! You will be surprised

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Active member
Sep 7, 2019
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cheap & easy solution to heating small rigs that works. watch this video all the way thru, he makes an even better upgrade.... Im not affiliated with this guy or products he uses.  
nice hack for heating a small volume of space on a cool but not truly cold night. This was created for warming up a Prius.
For those that don't have the bandwidth, he takes four small bottles like you get on a plane that have alcohol and modifies them to burn kerosene with a wick. He then mounts them in a camping lantern that originally burned candles.
Great idea. It would keep the chill off.
Hammers, nails, shots and fire - sounds like a recipe for disaster for me, lol.

Cool hack though! I think I'll stick with the dog bed warmer that runs on small voltage. It warms me, but not the space I'm in. So far that's done the trick for me down to a little below freezing. If I run out of solar power, this is a nice alternative. Thanks for sharing.
Pretty slick.Do you think it would last all night?
may I remind everyone breathing burning kerosene fumes or candle fumes for hours on end is not the best thing for your health. according to the World Health Organization it's just as bad as smoking cigarettes. having to have adequate ventilation negates any heat created. there is just not enough BTU's in this or candles to make them practical. please don't rely on these pipe dreams to stay alive. the people who push these ideas on you tube are a prime example of don't believe everything you see on the internet. my 2 cents. highdesertranger
I wouldn't be comfortable falling asleep with that burning for a long period of time in a small space like a Prius without proper ventilation. Keeping your door windows cracked about 1/4" would do this, but may trump whatever heat is being produced by the candles. This would be good for an emergency heat source, but not daily.
maki2 said:
nice hack for heating a small volume of space on a cool but not truly cold night. This was created for warming up a Prius.
guess you didnt watch the vids... he heats up small camper too. Also saw another guy heat up a truck topper / camper. both were pretty low temps (20 degrees i think) but not extreme
ckelly78z said:
I wouldn't be comfortable falling asleep with that burning for a long period of time in a small space like a Prius without proper ventilation. Keeping your door windows cracked about 1/4" would do this, but may trump whatever heat is being produced by the candles.  This would be good for an emergency heat source, but not daily.
everyone apparently didnt watch the vids... this isnt the same as the candle under a flower pot heater that doesnt work so well... yes of coarse you must crack a window a lil but not because it will rain in the rig lol i was gonna use diesel cab heater but not sure ill have enough $ to power it all night every cold night... I cant see what could wrong with it that would make it dangerous... secure the candle holder well so it doesnt fall, hang low enough to not catch roof on fire, make sure nothing will fall on it up by the roof where you would likely hang it & thats it. seems perfect for the cold desert nights. Im from MA, it will never get THAT cold in desert, but we do have bigly climate change now so anything can happen lol
TurboVoyager said:
everyone apparently didnt watch the vids... 
YES, I watched the full video, and still say I wouldn't want to use it....just my opinion !