Cheap door alarms and double lock

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2013
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<br><br> <br><br>The bottom picture is what my alarms look like, when attached to the door. <br>It is comprised of a lock (bought from Lowe's), and a window alarm. Here's the specific one I bought:;psc=1. I recommend it. It's small and LOUD <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"> ! But, of course, any window alarm will do!<br>So the alarm has two parts...and when they separate, it goes off. I completely wrapped the smaller part of the alarm to the lock with duct tape (gorilla tape) to make sure it stays put. This sounds sketchy, but it works well. The window alarm works through magnetic fields, and they will go through the duct tape just fine. I then attached the larger part of the alarm to the door with this stuff (notice it holds forces up to 20 pounds. It's held the alarm nicely for a month, so far):<br>
<br>You could probably just screw the large part of the alarm into the door, if you were careful not to crack the plastic.<br><br>Lastly, I used a little metal ring to close the lock, but it closes by screwing shut. I wish I had just bought a cheap carabiner, because it would be quicker to open and close, in the event that I need to jump out of the van and kick someone's behind.<br><br>So, obviously, you cannot double lock all the doors, when you're not inside the van, because you must have one door that you can open from the outside. However, you can double lock all the doors when you're in bed at night. I don't think I could do this if I didn't have the assurance of knowing my doors are double locked while I sleep, and that if someone picks the lock and really pulls on the door, the alarm will go off. If an intruder really wants to get in, they can break a window, but this will protect you pretty well for any criminals not willing to attract attention by breaking a window (most criminals), and will buy you time, even if they get around to breaking a window. Also, you can trigger the alarms in the event of a break in, by pulling the smaller part of the alarm off of the lock.<br><br>Sleep well!<br><br><img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br><br>