Caulk, aluminum tape, tar, seam Mess! Suggestions?

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bullfrog said:
"From what I can tell in the pictures looks like commercial roofing with a tar base."  "The only permanent fix is to remove everything and repair the original roof which would probably cost 10 times what it is worth."

Sometimes a picture is not worth a thousand words. I think I failed to capture and explain the situation adequately.The tarred area is only 4" (or so) wide. When you walk on the roof, you can tell you are walking on aluminum on top of plywood. The only tar up there is under that strip.  // Yea, not paying for a new roof. Out of the question.


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tonyandkaren said:
"It's a little hard to tell what all is going on from the pictures"

"If you decide to use eternabond call the company and find out whether it will stick to tar. Follow the prep directions. We found that eternabond sticks very well to some surfaces but we could not get it to work on galvanized steel and some plastics."

Photo Number 1: Line #1 One piece of aluminum covering the entire roof except the fiberglass cab.
                                #2 Fiberglass with residue from aluminum/tar tape.
                                #3 The only part of the aluminum roof with tar under it.

Will call Eternabond. Thanks for replying.


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bullfrog said:
That tar is really good at sealing especially the foil backed stuff but really heavy and if installed properly it would bond to the surface it was applied to.  That doesn't appear to be the case in the photo that showed a large piece that you were able to pull up so water could get under it. 
Yes, the piece I pulled up was installed with little attention to details.

The other photo is the left side of the roof before I pulled anything up.


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Must be a well built roof as most will flex and start puddling water if you walk on them with out using squares of plywood to distribute your weight. Make sure not to create an edge or seam that will hold water with the tape. I believe they sell a 6" wide tape that would do what you want with a single piece.