Cats first ride

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Mar 24, 2016
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I have committed to moving out of here, not a moment too soon I might add. I have a small cat, 7.5 pounds on the vets scale. She's very timid about going outside.She makes a break for freedom and stops as soon as she hits the sidewalk. 

My travel vehicle is a regular cab so not a lot of room. I don't want her to have to be confine to a carrier for hours at a time. Any suggestions??



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A walking jacket. I ordered in a Butterfly Walking Jacket from the UK, but there are several brands. A popular US brand is Kitty Holster.

My cat is strictly indoors, and is a senior. She did NOT like her walking jacket at first, we had a few arguments. But, I now let her out with it on, tethered to her retractable leash (clipped to the wheel if we're stationary) and she's grown to associate her harness with getting to wander outside.

I too have a pickup. Extended cab, but not tons of room on the inside either. My cat is allowed to roam as she pleases in the truck for the most part. We have a few understandings; she does not go by the gas & brake pedals or on the windshield in front of me. She has a collapsible kennel. I keep food and water for her in small dishes on the passenger side floor. They make small, travel litter boxes that could also fit on the floor, or in her kennel on the seat. I have one in the small area in back, but it would fit on the floor in the front if I had to.

With the jacket (harness), you have something extra to grab if needed, hence that suggestion. Go slow, praise her a lot. Associate riding and possible harness with treats and positivity. Cats respond better to that. She might yowl at first; keep calm and give it a little time. Start yours now with shorter rides in the truck, she how she does. I'd suggest perhaps a covered bed for her on the front seat next to you; she can 'hide' until she feels more secure. A collapsing kennel/carrier might serve both as a hiding spot/bed (with a towel or blanket draped over it) and kennel.

(She's adorable, by the way!)
Oops, I should qualify my statements a little. Also, after I posted a reply, I saw in another thread that you'd tried a vest. I don't know if it was the Kitty Holster style.

My cat is a torti. She has quite a distinct attitude. Our first attempts with the walking jacket styles were absolutely not successful. She weaseled out of it at first. After she bolted down the deck steps in indignation, I found myself outside at the top of those steps trying to coax an empty harness at the end of the leash to come back up them. Total failure. The holster process was shelved for some time.

It takes a bit of patience. I had to try again. I'd put her outside here in her collapsible kennel (she likes the fresh air a lot) - and she'd be fine for awhile, then wail that she wanted out of that kennel to roam a little. Wanting her to be happy and give her what she wanted, I started working with her again on the harness.

Being calm was helpful, if you're antsy or agitated they can pick up on that and act accordingly. Bribery helps. Repetitively associate the harness with something positive - be it treats, praise. In my cat's case, it was getting to go outside, with treats and praise. I never thought I'd get her to tolerate it and not try and get out of it, but she does tolerate it and hasn't tried to ditch it again. I think she did that initially out of panic with the unfamiliar. And it sounds stupid, but I also talked to her and told her what I was doing and why. I also tell her she's a good, good girl and looks very pretty in her jacket. Mine is a senior, and I don't discount that they can pick up and understand our language more than we're aware of.

If you look at it from their viewpoint, suddenly we're just wrapping this restrictive thing on them. It's freaky. Their first inclination I'm sure is, "JUST WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP?! GETITOFFMEEEE!!" So I tried to approach it with that understanding and had more success.
I tried The Mynwood Escape Proof Halter, after my review on Amazon the words escape proof were removed. Another member now owns and says it works for her. I have another that takes her a bit longer to wiggle out of.. Currently a work in progress.I may get a pet tent I saw online a try. Thank you for the advice, Rob
I sure wish I'd had all this great info 24ys ago.  My last cat Dammit, the untrained attack cat, rode loose in the truck or Bronco and had to be dug/dragged out from under various vehicle seats at the vets.  Our first trip from SD to TX in a January was when he met his first harness....he was not impressed.   The first rest area &  on a leash he looked like a cartoon cat with all 4 legs outstreched and claws extended when I set him down on the pavement.  He made his pitt stop by me toting him to the grassy area.  He did settle down & liked to stretch out across the 32in spare tire mounted on the inside rear passenger side of the Bronco and watch the cars and trucks go by when we traveled,  He was 1/2 Siamese and growled at dogs....a truly weird and wonderful critter.

Oh by the way Gunny, that cat tree will probably not fit in your truck seat.  :angel:

 Stay Safe

Yeah the cat tree will go in the trailer, hopefully make her feel at home. I don't want to re-home her but will as a last resort.. Certainly don't want anything to happen to her.

Gunny I just saw the cutest little camo pop up critter tent on Mon. morning at my thrift store.  Too little for Queenie but looks to be the perfect size for your furry friend.  I almost bought it just cause it was so cute and it looked brand new.  It's less than a mile from my house and I can run up there first thing in the morning and get it and send it to you if you'd like.  It 'd be no trouble at all.  It doesn't look to be over 2ft tall and around that size at the base, perfect to curl up and hide in.  Let me know.  I'll check back later.

Thanks Jewellann, send a picture via phone if you still have my number. It may cost more to send it than the ones on Amazon. Thank you..

I am learning with the vest-type harness not to try to do it all at once. Put the harness on the cat. No leash. First, they lay down. Then they crawl and wiggle on the floor. Then they walk with their legs bent, like a spider, wiggling their skin because of this 'extra skin'. Leave it on for an hour or so, while you're there to supervise.

Put it on a day or so later, same as above. Mine still walked like he had a mouse on his back. They're all doing better. I'm not attaching a leash until they seem comfortable with just the harness. Then let the leash drag, and let them drag it around the house until it isn't a big deal. Then hold it and follow them around, giving a few little tugs now and then.

Baby steps. Baby Kitty Steps. If you cause a fight, they're probably going to win. Just don't try to do everything at once. AND DON'T LET THEM OUTSIDE.

Gunny, I'm still looking for a mesh tent, but they seem to be out of season right now, even online. Strange... I didn't think the web had a 'season'.
I bet that was probably the same pet tent I was going to buy for mine! I'd gotten a different one for her before (except it was more intended for people so not full-screened), but it was a pain to put up and take down. So then I was going to try a pop-up style full screened tent for cats if the harness hadn't worked. It's probably still in my Amazon wishlist; she and I just got successful with the harness over the last month or so.

If you love her and she loves you, I bet you'll be able to find some way for her to be with you that works. I was able to travel with my kitty B.H. (before harness). Like you, I have a pickup and trailer. You'll find something that works with her. Like people, kitties are all different. As far as the harness goes, I bet she thinks it's plain weird and has no idea why you'd suddenly want to wrap her in something like that ;) Even if you can't get her accustomed to it before you go, bring it with you. There may come a point where she'll accept it. Sometimes (not always) cats can be pretty freaked out at their first rides, so be prepared for that and also have a little litter-box in there. Once again, look at it from their point of view. Suddenly they're in this big, noisy thing that moves! Don't be discouraged or despair if she doesn't love it immediately. It takes a little time to get used to things sometimes. Sit in the truck for awhile with her before you start it or move it, let her check it out with you right there. Maybe use one of your shirts or something as a blanket for a covered bed/carrier whatever. Some of her toys, food. Something familiar, and a place she can hide if she feels insecure. If you look on Amazon for "Happy Cat Soft Sided Cat Carrier", I got mine one of those.

Jewellann, my first torti was also half-Siamese. She appointed herself my guardian, so to speak. She would not be friendly with anyone she felt I didn't like; I'd never seen anything like that. I got her as a wee kitten, so little her eyes were still blue and she toddled still. She stayed with me for 21 years.
Get the cat hypnotized into thinking it's a sheppie?
OK just kidding , but it sure would make it all a lot easier....well , except for the barking.
She's a strange little cat, I got her when her eyes were first opening, her mother had been hit by a car and two litter-mates died. A friend and his Granddaughter helped feed her and she has thrived. Still has a bit of a wild streak in her. And she's very timid. I sort of took a break trying to harness her with all the stuff going on lately but will concentrate more as the time is short here.

If all else fails, the woman who watched her while went and got my trailer has offered to adopt her. I am not giving up yet.

I saw something similar on Amazon just now....14x14 black pop up dog/puppy/cat bed  $9.95 ..... there was another in pink, she is a girl after all.  Isn't there a paint color called Marine Blue?  You could tell folks it's Marine Pink among other things if they got on your  case about the color. :p

For my 17 yr old cat, I last bought her a small dog harness, with a strap around her head, a straight strap that goes to the bigger, stomach strap, that one goes around her stomach, with her two front feet in it, and hooks with a smaller plastic snap. She could NOT escape from it. She really didn't like it, and when I had it in my hands she would run and hide. I had trained her that when I spoke harshly, sho would come to me, finally.
I would slip her head in the front part, adjust it to be snug, not too tight. Then snap the second strap, and adjust it too. Then before we ever left the house, the leash went on, so if, God forbid, she would be out of the vehicle, I would have an even better advantage to catch her.
It worked very well, and she could be put out on a high-hanging rope, on a pulley wheel, a long strap and she could be outside as long as I was there, with no problems.
She is gone now, so I don't have to worry about traveling with a cat anymore. But, she really did like to travel, she would sit in my lap, as the passenger, and watch out the windows watching cars, trucks all the good stuff go by. Wasn't afraid at all. Would soon be bored and go to the read seat, and go to sleep. Must have come forward to say, " Are we there YET?" lol
All I can advise is lots of love and patience
Too bad she can't meet Smokey, a cat who adopted me years ago, he had no fear of cars whatsoever
jumped right in mine after i gave him a bit of burger, and rode home on my shoulder, as pretty as you please
Only reacted badly when a Semi passed us, and that was just a digging in with the claws
Hi Gunny! You might want to checkout a feret harness. They are really small and fit tinier dogs and kitties. Good luck! She is a cutie!
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I'm going through this with my cats also. One is ready to go, he's already walking across the room on a leash. The other, she's a classic 'fraidy cat. That one takes a lot of patience. Put her in the harness for a couple of hours, lengthen the time gradually. Put the leash on. Put the cat in the vehicle for a awhile. Take trips with the cat.
It's a process.
I am going to take her for some short rides, I don't want her to freak out. Things are happening fast around here and do care a lot about her.