Cargo Van vs Passenger Van

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Apr 12, 2013
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I'm shopping for a van now that will double duty - moving stuff, and camping. I see the advantages to not having windows as far as privacy goes, but considering I'm much more likely to be camping in nature, I'm leaning towards a van that at least has windows in the sliding door. If anyone has strong feelings either way I'd appreciate your input.
I used to own a cargo van and now&nbsp;we have a conversion. My personal preference is the conversion van for 2 main reasons: <br><br>1) It is easier to take a few days of bad weather in a van with lots of windows. <br><br>2) Even if the side mirror of both vans are good, I like the added bonus&nbsp;to be able to look out the side windows when moving into the right lane.&nbsp;<br><br>The conversion van came with nice little goodies like cupboards along the sides, front and back of the&nbsp;turtle top.&nbsp;Pockets on all the doors. It had a tv/vcr unit that we removed&nbsp;, we kept the&nbsp;inverter. We haven't look at it closely yet but I think all the wiring could be a good&nbsp;start for a house battery.&nbsp;The curtains are very well&nbsp;designed, very easy to use,&nbsp;neatly out of the way when not needed.<br><br>The only thing I really don't like about it is the dashboard. I'm shorter than most (5 feet), for some reason the dashboard is a few inches higher on the driver side. Must have been design by a 6'4" person. I have to use a 6 inches foam cushion so now the problem is that I can only touch the gas pedal with my tip toe, solution: wood block on the pedal...a bit embarrassing but hey good one non the less.<br><br>It has been mentioned, and I agree, that&nbsp;the conversion van looks very 80's, my thoughts on that...So What!<br><br>Hope this help<br><br>Nicole
Just in case this could help other short drivers....I'd like to think there are others out there <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"><br><br><br>See what I mean about the dashboard.<br><br><br><br><img class="bbc_img" style="width: 640px; height: 480px; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;" src="" rel="lightbox"><br>&nbsp; <br><img class="bbc_img" style="left: 54px; top: 16px; width: 640px; height: 480px; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;" src="" rel="lightbox"><br><br>&nbsp;To&nbsp; make sure the wood block was safe (not slipping and getting stock while driving) my husband made a 1/4 " - 1/2" indentation in the shape of the pedal. We used very strong rubber bands to attached to wood to the pedal<br><br><br><img class="bbc_img" style="left: 54px; top: 16px; width: 640px; height: 480px; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;" src="" rel="lightbox"><br><br><br>Blue Skies<br><br>Nicole
&nbsp;&nbsp; It has been my experience that conversion vans can often be purchased for less than cargo or window vans. They require much less effort to live in and can have a high top which is soooo much more comfortable. Good luck with whatever you choose.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Nicole, it is said that short people are short because it didn't take God as long to make them perfect.
The van I owned before the one I own now was a passenger van. I was looking at all vans, cargo passenger and conversion. I choose the passenger van then simply because it was the best I found as far as condition, mileage and price. In the state I live, passenger vans with seats (which I later took out) and windows get a regular plate and registration but cargo vans are all registered as commercial vehicles so the passenger van ended up costing a chunk less to register and insure.
Cargo vs windows may equal greater security against break-ins. Maybe. As far as privacy goes with windows, that's an easy, maybe cheap fix.

Iin my conversion van, I had the two front windows tinted as dark as legal would allow, all the rear/side windows limo'd. I cut two layers of reflectix for each side window (doesn't show thru the limo tint unless the light is just right and you're very close); then added double layer fabric curtains to all and a cross curtain to separate living from driving area.

For daytme privacy only, I do nothing as the limo tint does the job. I want privacy only at night, close the curtains. For night time stealth, no light leaks, it all goes up. If I want insulation, it all goes up.

Seems best of both worlds--windows for light and view, covers for insulation and privacy.

Also, cheap and easy.

Thank You for all the suggestions and shared experience. At the end of the day it was probably himandnick's comment about the weather that really hit home. I plan to spend much of my time in the N.E. and B.C. where I can expect a lot of rain.&nbsp; With that in mind we shopped again today... drove another 5 vans and picked one...&nbsp; a 2001 Ford E150 Chateau 8 passenger van. More miles than I was hoping for at 135k, but a nice price $3500. Very clean and the windows are all tinted. Thanks again and I'll be back!
Congratulations Rovbot. I wish you a lot of great adventures with your new van.<br><br>Owl, thanks for the quote, I've never heard that one before. It's cute.
If you do buy a conversion van with all the seats, etc. how hard is it to take that stuff out to convert it for living? Would you have to get someone to do it for you or is it pretty simple to figure out yourself?
It depends on how rusty the screws and bolts and floor&nbsp;are. The more rust&nbsp;there is the more difficult it will be.
Late to the party, but for the record, I feel very strongly about windows.&nbsp; In fact, I love all the windows (especially the sliders with screens) in my conversion van.&nbsp; Talk about a room with a view!&nbsp; Heat and cold transfer can be an issue, but I experience true joy looking out of them, feeling the air through them, and enjoying the sounds of my natural surroundings!<br><br>Vickie
I like my conversion van with windows too.&nbsp; When I first got my van, I paid around $600 for a professional tint job on all the windows, now it's pretty hard for an outsider to see in.&nbsp; Plus my windows all came with curtains too.&nbsp; Heck, I even added additional curtains to cover in between the cracks of each window for when the sun is really beaming through.<br><br>After seeing all types of cargo vans on the streets nowadays, and all the metal inside and holes along the doors where insulation would normally be, I don't think I could handle a cargo van myself.&nbsp; I'd end up spending a small fortune having a conversion van shop do all types of things to make it what a conversion van would already be.<br><br>Yes, windows&nbsp;can be a hassle.&nbsp; But I'd rather have the hassle of windows than no windows at all.&nbsp; Of course, everyone has their personal preference.
Is there a huge difference between the gas mileage of a cargo van and conversion van? We'll pretend that they have relatively the same amount of weight in them.
All that glass and cabinetry in a conversion van makes it much heavier than an empty cargo van.<br><br>That said, an E-150 cargo van loaded up to weigh the same as an E-150 conversion, both with the same drivetrain, would probably get the same mileage.
Cabinetry?? Lol! Don't I wish! Finished walls, ceiling and carpet, only. The only glass is the windows. Unless you mean a van already converted to a camper?

As for removing the seats, piece o' cake for this mechanically challenged little old lady. If I can do it, anybody can. No rust on mine, though. That would definitely change things!

just to chime in I love windows 85% with limo tint I got nothin to hide and the vehicle I have has a passenger &nbsp;like suspension as apposed to a cargo hard leaf spring config. It was made to transport people not boxes of stuff. Secondary market commercial Ford E350xl busses or ambulances have these people friendly suspensions. Yes diesel is more to work on in general but is offset by milage power and endurance. Choose wisely my friend.
caseyc said:
I like my conversion van with windows too.&nbsp; When I first got my van, I paid around $600 for a professional tint job on all the windows, now it's pretty hard for an outsider to see in.&nbsp; Plus my windows all came with curtains too.&nbsp; Heck, I even added additional curtains to cover in between the cracks of each window for when the sun is really beaming through.<br><br>After seeing all types of cargo vans on the streets nowadays, and all the metal inside and holes along the doors where insulation would normally be, I don't think I could handle a cargo van myself.&nbsp; I'd end up spending a small fortune having a conversion van shop do all types of things to make it what a conversion van would already be.<br><br>Yes, windows&nbsp;can be a hassle.&nbsp; But I'd rather have the hassle of windows than no windows at all.&nbsp; Of course, everyone has their personal preference.

$600 for a tint job holy shit!
If I weren't trying to stealth, I'd go passenger and enjoy the windows. My plan is more about urban camping, so ideally I'll find a van with no windows at all, besides the front doors and windshield, of course. Then I'll add a steel bulkead partition as typically found in cargo vans.

A blacked out window is easily perceived as a window that someone blacked out for some reason. Probably to hide something. The lack of windows is simply the lack of windows. Or so assumes my suspicious and slightly paranoid nature.:D
rolloffdave said:
$600 for a tint job holy shit!

Uhhhh.....have you ever tried tinting windows??

It's not as easy as it looks, especially if you want a nice job without white spots in it. I've done a bit of this in my sign shop, and I won't even do it anymore.
And for a full size all window van (and done in a professional shop too...he's gotta make a profit ya know)....$600 isn't outta line at all!

Ya get what ya pay for.

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