so you want to live out of your car? for a little while? created the simplest instructions possible. Just emergency get out of town bug out instructions. lets go over some logistics:<br /><br />1) A car costs $500 to $5000 for a cheap no frills low mileage vehicle. You need something reliable and low repair costs. Think Honda, Toyota, Mazda lower end vehicles. They tend to last forever. just get the oil changed every 5000 miles. and make sure you have no fliud leaks, fluid levels all up to normal, good tires, and it can stop-brake well. if it starts and can drive its usually good. no smoking exhaust pipes. Get a manual transmission as that can be push started if you kill the battery.<br /><br />2) Do you need a tent? that might be $100 to $300 for a nice size, newer with a rain fly. You need a rain fly. You should consider a four-season version, but can get by with a three season (spring-summer-fall) maybe. Why a tent? well sleeping in the car is frowned upon, though you can do it. Its just easier to park, and hide not far from your car in a tent. you will need to stretch out at night. you need good rest. <br /><br />3) Get a sleeping bag that can be washed. artificial filling (not cotton, not down). I also suggest some kind of portable fan, that will run off your car battery. will keep you cool while you sleep. if you make some kind of extension cord from your car.<br /><br />4) Water and food. you can last a long time without a great meal, but only three days without water, or three hours without water if really hot. something about the rule of threes in there for survival. You need more water than you are likely getting even now. <br /><br />5) Keep yourself clean with soap and water. I personally stopped having colds. stopped completely, after I became obsessive about washing hands with soap and water. you need to wash up a lot, at every chance. and make sure you shave. every day. you just look better that way.<br /><br />good luck. other comments? hope to get some links, and other guidance in responses.