Can panels be installed on a contoured conversion van roof?

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Thunder Dan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
Reaction score
I saw a van today, and I am thinking about buying it. It looks almost exactly like this:

Except it also has a rooftop AC right in the middle of the roof. It is powered by a regular size electrical plug on the driver side near the bottom at the back.

So that leaves not much space up top for mounting a solar panel, and the space that is available is curved up there at the front. The roof comes all the way to the gutters, and I don't think there is enough space to mount a ladder rack there.

Do the solar panels require a flat surface to mount them up there? Is there some other way I could do it that I am not thinking of?
The answer is yes, you can mount solar panels on a contoured roof.

The long answer is that the "how" is limited only by your ingenuity. Some have molded in fiberglass for the panels, some have installed roof racks or other mounting points. Some people feel that flexible stick-on panels are the best solution to this but I personally recommend against the flexible ones.
Something to keep in mind before purchasing the van, is that shade on solar panels is a big no no. Shade on just one cell will make the panels produce much less than it should be at that time.

I'm not sure how big the AC unit on top of your potential can is, but I know the one on my camper is a honker and throws shade (haha) pretty far around the roof.
you could use a roof rack just make it shorter. like the width of the panel. I am talking about the racks with just the gutter mount and cross bar. you can place those as close or as far apart as you wish. highdesertranger