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John61CT said:
99.99999% of illegal activity is "tolerated"
The average citizen commits three felonies a day, 99.99% of the time unknowingly.
Our laws and regs are so complex, leo / prosecutors can put anyone away at any time if they feel like it.
Stealing bandwidth from ISPs, just like long distance calls from Ma Bell is not any more immoral IMO than sleeping in your vehicle in the 99% of jurisdictions that have banned it,
but largely don't enforce it.
It takes a lot of bureaucratic will and financial resources to enforce stuff, just like IRS auditors, they only bother if the feel it's worth their while.
i love this post!!! if the Government was TRUELY "For the PEOPLE" they would put a stop to ROBO CALLing 
"average citizen commits three felonies a day" the reason is bc there is a law against everything!!
"Stealing bandwidth from ISPs" i don't agree with the word "Stealing" but OK- i don't think there is a law related to this- YES IT IS IN THE CONTRACT with carrier! 
it is the same as "jailbreaking" so you can delete carrier installed CRAP or even to use the data you are already paying for!!! or to stop AUTO UPDATING
Weight said:
How is it moral to steal service from any provider? You can't claim it as public property as private industry has paid for the infrastructure.

some people are so self-conscious that they consider everything STEALING!

At the pearly gates the preacher was asked: Are you free of all sin?
He replied "i have sinned!"
What is your sin?
"I brought home PENCILS from my office!"
How is that a sin?
"The PENCILS were the property of the Church and I used them for personal and family use!"
Did you Repent?
"NO! On top of that i did NOT report these PENCILS as income on my IRS INCOME TAX RETURN"
Well my son you must report downstairs!
Hung said:
What important information got deleted?

everything got deleted!!! maybe the Law came in and seized the computers!
if not then it was not very nice to delete everything

i hv been watching CRVL on YT for quit a while and thought he had more integrity- if he does he should come on here and let us know why he is DROPPING THE BALL- i is not appropriate just to delete everything without an explanation! sure he has the power and maybe the right to do whatever he wants- BUT surely his honest fourth right standing will be affected- communication is everything!!!
No, "nice" does not come into it.

Yes the site owner & mods have the right to delete whatever they like for any reason.

We are guests here, the site is their private property.

And of course if we don't like their decision to no longer support info about these grey-market services we are all free to frequent other forums.

That is how it works.
only one post has been deleted from this thread and that was a post by a spammer. I know I checked and I was the one who deleted it. Bob had nothing to do with it. if you have a problem with me deleting spam take it up with me. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
only one post has been deleted from this thread and that was a post by a spammer.  I know I checked and I was the one who deleted it.  Bob had nothing to do with it.  if you have a problem with me deleting spam take it up with me.  highdesertranger
i don't know why anyone would would feel defensive about post stating the facts
as the OWNER of the forum (just like the CAPTAIN of any ship) Bob is accountable for everything here!
i think you know noone is talking about the deletion of things on this thread- surely you know the issue-
that is why COMMUNICATION is everything! if the owner gave an explanation maybe users would understand!
after all it was Bob Wells's YT video that started this whole issue so he should explain what happened- 
i am sure most of his followers put a lot of faith is his options, advice, referrals, etc- not to mention time, effort, and money-
John61CT said:
The explanation has been given.
if ur talking about that statement about Terms of Service
Bob and Jim BOTH knew (BEFORE THEY DID THE VIDEO) that this was outside of the V contract- so why all of a sudden did they have the change of heart without any explanation
John61CT said:
The explanation has been given.

i do not blame them for my LOOSING $250 i figured it was a shady deal
i do BLAME those two Bob Wells and JimInDenver for not coming clean with the followers about what and why they are BACK PEDDLING
i lost out too, i just reported it to my CC and they refunded my money.
They went after e-bay to get repaid,
e-bay is resonable for selling counterfeit products
e-bay knew these sellers were selling counterfeit products and didn't stop it so they have blame too

As far as Jim nothing but the highest respect for him, his hard work on solar and everything has been great
and he has alway tried to help the best he could, THANKS jim
I posted a thread about what happened to the hotspot accounts and that the threads and at least my videos had been removed. People were ignoring the warnings on both and continuing to purchase the hotspots from the sellers even though it was obvious things had changed. More would have continued to do so or continued to discuss how to keep the hotspot running. Neither were acceptable.
brucedevauxone said:
i do not blame them for my LOOSING $250 i figured it was a shady deal
i do BLAME those two Bob Wells and JimInDenver for not coming clean with the followers about what and why they are BACK PEDDLING
You can "blame" all you like.

They just like anyone are free to change their mind with new information. And in fact we all make mistakes.

We are not in any position to demand any more than that, pretty useless to keep going on about the past, what's done is gone, let's work together for a better tomorrow!
Any and all post about buying, selling or repairing the hotspotrs will be deleted as they have been deemed inappropriate.
I’m out $125 for two months of 3g service, as included. That 60 days of included service put me just past my credit card resolution time frame.

I received an e-mail last night from Dr Wireless saying to return the unit for reflashing. I’m not going to do that, for the reasons already stated.

The details of what happened are not well stated. This should not have gone on as long as it did, that’s clear.

A state Consumer AG action seems appropriate. I’d help Jim request/draft that for Colorado.
I wish someone could list for me the three felonies committed by the average citizen each day.
I really do feel bad for Jim. I think he just became the unwitting endorser for a product without really knowing much about it.
The youtube video was left on for far too long. Changing the title of the video was just confusing. A youtube video which explained the situation would have certainly have helped.
Mistakes were made and the lack of response was evident. Responding with removal of content and censorship just leaves a lot of people hanging.
rnpo, well said. Better to confront situations like this head on and right away as difficult as it may be. It did get addressed after much discussion.

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