California escapee

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Jan 27, 2014
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Hi, I finally made it out of Cal
I'm 47 with a 13 yr ol son in a chevy tahoe lurking around Quartzsite,AZ
Good for you!!! I escaped after college, but still visit for the surf ans sun. :)
Welcome!!!! I was the deaf woman @ the RTR, if you made it towards the end, there was a young boy and mother there, but I never did manage to meet them!

Anyways, welcome!

With Love,
That was me! I remember you. I was too late for the sign language seminar. :(
Hey. Patrick, I'll be heading that direction in the spring.
welcome! Im still stuck in Ca. Werking on leaving thio!=
Has the "big tent show" arrived yet? If so, are you going? If so, can you post some pics? Thanks! -Casey

nomad+1 said:
I'll be here until the 3rd. :)
Yes welcome indeed, Tara did a knockout job I heard the Canadian girls really enjoyed it, I was the guy with all that junk in the trunk I still love ye
HI Nomad and welcome! Your son is going to have such memories of your times traveling...and it's a great way to get to spend time together.

Welcome welcome welcome
Thanks Bob, I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I'm struggling with family about it. :( guess I could unfriend them on Facebook. :)