Buying vehicle in state you are not resident

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Optimistic Paranoid said:
But then, would CANADA accept that as valid for driving up the ALCAN?

You must mean the movement permit. That may be for instate movement only. I said check to that out.

A temporary license plate only differs from a metal plate in the shorter duration before expiry. It is legal, issued by the state.

I think they would only care about if the vehicle was not actually driven all the way to Alaska. As in smuggled into Canada for use in Canada by Canadians.

Having documentation of living arrangements in Alaska would help backup the truth.
IGBT said:
I was thinking about buying a truck in the lower 48 and driving it to Alaska, then applying for residency in Alaska.   We are currently residents of Washington state which has a 9.x% sales tax.

If I bought the truck in Montana or Oregon, which have no tax, I was wondering if there was a way to drive it to Alaska while skipping the $1500 Washington would want to register it there.  I can research all of this, just thought I would ask since the thread was on topic.
You will need to establish residency in Alaska before you can register it here. And they will demand substantial proof of said residency. ie: electric bill in your name, lease agreement or home purchase, drivers license....
Kezzie said:
You will need to establish residency in Alaska before you can register it here. And they will demand substantial proof of said residency. ie: electric bill in your name, lease agreement or home purchase, drivers license....

Getting a bit off the topic, but what if someone were to drive to Alaska and stay there a couple of years with their vehicle actually up to date registered in another state?  Is Alaska ok with that since they don't want to pay out the oil bonus checks anyway?  Or do they force you to become a resident if you are there more than say 3 months?
Kezzie said:
You will need to establish residency in Alaska before you can register it here. And they will demand substantial proof of said residency. ie: electric bill in your name, lease agreement or home purchase, drivers license....

That is true almost everywhere now, because of the RealID law.