Bob's last blog...

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Apr 1, 2015
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Is there a place in the forums to respond to Bob's latest blogs. I always seem to have something to say afterwards :D This last one, on education, hit a cord with me because I am a teacher, getting ready to retire the third time in a month or so. Bob is absolutely right about education in this country. I am close to writing an article, "Education is Killing our Kids" and I don't mean with just guns as we are seeing more and more. It is with the mindless brain washing and conformity, yes, as Bob mentioned, but it is also with the food and lack of exercise. Of course this may not be true across the board, but it is true here in Las Vegas, and most likely other larger cities where they have to have government input in order to provide free breakfast and lunches. Even if the students don't want to eat, they MUST take the food then throw it away so the food continues to be provided. Now you would think the food not taken or eaten could be donated to charities or shelters, right? No,not so. It must be thrown away. The water runs red from rust and the students drink it. They are allowed only 15 minutes of "recess" and half of that is used for lining up. Why? Because of Common Core. More time in class and longer school days. More brain washing is more like it, only under government control so the dollars keep rolling in to the district. Anyway, enough of my soap box. HOMESCHOOL!
Can't you just respond in the comments? When you first see the post, the comment section is denoted with " {number} comments". Click on that and it will take you there then just copy and paste this great post you just wrote here!
Thank you, I figured it out a little late. Apologize for taking up this space.
I have two questions, if I may, about your latest blogs which I really enjoy reading and learning from.
1. If a person went by themselves to Algodones, could they get 3 months supply of medications and then walk back over into the U.S. and do this the next two days in a row to have a years supply?
2. You say that you keep valuables locked and chained to the inside of your rig. Don't you think that could just draw more attention to where your valuables are? Or do you believe that it's better to have it that way vs. LEOS able to possibly search valuables also if they are inside searching your rig.
Thank you for all the time you spend on your blog. You are a real wealth of information.
Moondancer said:
Thank you, I figured it out a little late.  Apologize for taking up this space.

Don't apologize! It was a great post!!

We were big tyme home schoolers, and in my wife's family (12 of the kids were home schooled, YES 12)... there are 2 doctors, 2 CEO's, and many trade professionals.
(Hmmmmm....and I thought home schoolers didn't fare as well as kids who endured public school!!??) :p
Belinda2 said:
    I have two questions, if I may, about your latest blogs which I really enjoy reading and learning from.
1. If a person went by themselves to Algodones, could they get 3 months supply of medications and then walk back over into the U.S. and do this the next two days in a row to have a years supply? Yes, you could go in and out as often as you like and get as much as you want. Remember, they don't know your dosage, (and they won't ask) so you can get quite a bit. The key is how big is the bag. Too big a bag of drugs gets their interest. For me 3 months supply is 9 bottles and that's never an issue so figure you can carry up to 9 bottles.

2. You say that you keep valuables locked and chained to the inside of your rig. Don't you think that could just draw more attention to where your valuables are? Or do you believe that it's better to have it that way vs. LEOS able to possibly search valuables also if they are inside searching your rig. That was the advice on a post from the forum, I don't actually do it. I'm not concerned about rogue LEOs enough to do anything about it. Fear is a tiny part of my life.
