BobBski 2017..

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Stopped at all the dams


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Watched some windsurfing 


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I travelled west all the way to Arlington Oregon scouting free campsites and places to fish.  I'll be staying here in Arlington for a week or so then start working my way back east along the same route, camping and fishing along the way.  The day ended with a brilliant sunset:)


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That water from the falls is fresh snowmelt Art. I don't mind cold showers but not that cold hahaha
What do you mean , "move"???


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I stored a 4:42 video on YouTube of some sights along the Columbia River in Oregon for those interested.
Thanks Dennis, very enjoyable ride. 3 or 4 free campsites along the way too.
Not all, but most. Fishing is my passion and most of my travel is based on locations I've always wanted to fish. In this case, the Columbia River. Sometimes I'll get a 1 to 3 day license, others I'll get the full year as it's cheaper based on how long I plan on staying in a state.
Was curious because I know some out of state licenses are really expensive!!! Of course, if it's your passion, then price doesn't always matter LOL
Wish I could figure out the license requirements in FL, we have docks at the condo and some people tell me I don't need a license to fish there because I'm a homeowner, others say I do. There are different requirements/licenses for surf fishing, pier fishing, and boat fishing; and resident/non-resident.

I don't know how you keep it all straight, Bob.
Queen, I'd find a small local bait shop/fishing gear type store that sells licenses and ask them. They'll be able to steer you in the right direction. If you own property in Florida you'll probably be able to get a resident one which usually aren't too much money.
I'm in Florida.....if you are a resident and you only SALTWATER fish from the shoreline or a dock...........You can get a FREE license from any bait shop.......if you buy it online it costs about $5 to send it to you

Queen if you want info about the fishing regulations in any state go strait to the fishes mouth, so to speak. go to the agency that regulates fishing, Dept of Fish and Game, Dept of Natural Resources, etc. ask them or better yet get a copy of the regulations that way there is no confusion. highdesertranger
I bought an annual non resident in Florida, had to buy both saltwater and freshwater, total cost was $97. These enabled me to fish everywhere without worry.