BobBski 2016

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BobBski said:
Fall colors really starting to show great here in Tennessee.  Can't beat the temperatures either; 75ish days, high 50s at night.  Plan on spending the full 14 days here, 6 so far.


Where are you in Tn? I am in Mount Juliet right outside of Nashville for a couple more weeks.

I'm halfway between Knoxville and Chattanooga off US27, town of Spring City. Free campground.
BobBski said:
I'm halfway between Knoxville and Chattanooga off US27, town of Spring City.  Free campground.

Ok cool. I will have to keep that one in mind.
Went into town today to restock and shopped at the Piggly Wiggly.  The name forced me to buy some thick boneless pork chops.  Marinating now in Montreal Steak Sauce and Spicy Montreal Grill Mate Seasoning.  The girls looked at me like I was dumber than a box of rocks when I placed the chops in a Baggie and put them in the fridge LOL.


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Girls liked em, just complained I didn't make enough.


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Just some information on the 8.8 oz Butane stove canisters.  I went through one in the last 8 days.  Each day I heated 16 oz water for coffee in the a.m and cooked an evening meal each day that took 10-15 minutes.  Gooood coffee !!!


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    115.5 KB · Views: 16 coffee is healthy too, instead of cream or creamer I put in a tablespoon of French Vanilla Protein powder :)
Lunch today....whole wheat flatbread (little thicker than tortilla), slice of Black Forest ham, shredded lettuce, shredded sharp cheddar cheese and ranch dressing.  Good stuff :)


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Slideshow of October 2016 travel/living pictures.  Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee.  

Note:  My YouTube channel is not monetized, used for storage and sharing only.  Feel free to subscribe though as I also put up video clips there that I don't post here.

Had the color change happened in the UP when you were there? That's probably my favorite part about living in Michigan, watching those leaves turn.
I had hoped so but, no. Unseasonably warm and many were disappointed as that was why they were up there.
I haven't installed my solar setup yet as I couldn't decide whether to go portable positioning or stationary.  After 2 months of on road time, I've finally committed to a portable setup.  

I joined the 2 100w panels  together with angle iron.  The panels will be hooked/wired up in series to become 24 volt.  This allows for any loss incurred in the 30' cable that will attach the panels to the charge controller.  The controller will then convert it back to 12 volt to charge the batteries.  I'll now be able to position the panels in the sun while parked in the shade and also be able to adjust the panel angle with the sun.  My initial means setting panel angle will be 2 adjustable walking sticks I already have.  It also makes it much easier to keep the panels clean and keeps me from making holes in the roof :)

For transport I bought some pipe insulation and combined 2 for double thickness (hope absorbs road bump shock enough).  Also kept 3/4" foam that came in shipping package to protect face.

Life is good.


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Here's some other photos.  For some reason I can't put more than one photo/attachment in a reply when using my phone.


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Stored in back of van..


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1/2" foam to protect face of panels in transit.  1" foam on top and bottom to cushion road bump shock.


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Keep getting sidetracked on my solar but right at dusk broke out the tools and components 


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Got the MT 50 Tracer Meter mounted 


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