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<P>Thanx guy's, I will definately try that picture site. I probably won't be able to fiqure it out, but I'll try.My Daughter suggested putting some pic.'s on my FB page, I might try that too. And Dragonfly, I feel ya on that can't remember&nbsp;anything,&nbsp;menopause stuff! lol! Also,&nbsp;how do you post a pic. with your message on these post's? Are there directions on here somewhere on how to do that? Again, thanx so much for all ya'lls help!</P>
<P>Judy, if you want email me and I can help so to much space won't be wasted here.<BR>Have you ever uploaded pictures before? The picture has to be somewhere, your camera or computor or photobucket etc.<BR>After you click reply, look below the reply box and see the paper clip with 'manage attachments'<BR>click that and it will take you to 'browse' <BR>click browse and you will be given a choice of where to get the picture from.<BR>Open 'click' desired picture then click 'open'. At that point, a code will appear in the 'browse' box.<BR>Click 'post message' below 'manage attachments'<BR>If it is to slow to load, you may need to resize but that is another can of worms me or someone else can help you with.<BR>There are other good &nbsp;ways to put pics up here but this is pretty direct.</P>Understand&nbsp; programs on your pc may be different from mine so don't get frustrated. It just may need explained differently.<br>I will be in Tallahassee area Easter. You in the Jacksonville area?&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><FONT color=#ff00ff><b>Dragonfly<BR></b></FONT><br>
THANX, Dragonfly!!! I DID IT!!! &nbsp;I just went ahead and posted a couple here so I could see if it worked, and as you can see, it did! Thank you, thank you!!!
Judy, <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="" width=27 height=18>&nbsp;now lets get you set up with blogger. Or if someone has an easier option let us know. As I said, just re. blogger because I have been using it.<br>Maybe there should be a teaching thread?<IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You can do this magic <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="">&nbsp;stuff!<br>
I am going to attack that eblogger in a little while and see what it's about, hopefully I can do it without to much frustration! lol! I sent you an e-mail too, Dragonfly.
Hi Judy,<br><br>First.&nbsp; NICE jewelry.&nbsp; Both are really nice pieces.&nbsp; Agate?&nbsp; I have you tried Etsy or Artfire?&nbsp; Actually Etsy has better traffic, but Artfire is nicer to its vendors, so both have qualities of their own.<br><br>Second.&nbsp; Here is a link to Become a Blogger.&nbsp; It's a series of 10 or so free videos on everything you need to know to become a competent blogger, INCLUDING the technical stuff.<br><br><br>I highly recommend Gideon for teaching this. <br><br>
PS - Judy, I did try to reply to your message, but the system isn't allowing it.<br>
Thanx, Angeli, I didn't have the message allow thingy turned on, but it's on now if you need to send a mess. to me in the future. And I am going to check all this stuff out in detail after while. I have my 5 yr. old grandson for a few days and he is being so rowdy today that I can't hardly focus! I will get all this stuff figured out someday! Hopefully sooner rather than later! LOL! Thanx again Angeli for the compliment and yes, it's striped agate. I just wish I had a better camera before, the pictures are really bad. But I did get another one the other day and I'm going to take all new pic.'s asap. All my good jewelry is at the gallery and I don't have pic.'s of that stuff, I am doing wire wrapping, bracelets and earrings and rings, I have to figure out a way to get pic.'s of that stuff without upsetting the owner of the gallery. I really need those pictures to put up in my, hope to be blog. Talk to ya later!
<P>Tell gallery owner you need reference photos for your records, your tax acct. says so.</P>
Yes I think we have jacked this thread, so I will be quick....<br><br>Ok a good <u>free</u> photo hosting site is photobucket.&nbsp; I have been using it for years. <br><br>I also make jewelry and have sold on Etsy and artfire. Like Dragonfly I use eblogger for my blog.<br><br>And in my former life of kids and commotion, I supported it as a computer graphic artist. <br><br>Judy, if I can help in anyway let me know.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
Thank you so much, Ice Maiden, that's very nice of you. I am going to check all this stuff out and I really appreciate the offer of help!
Judy, just do it, start clicking buttons and experiment. Don't let us make it sound like its to hard. You will surprise yourself. Photobucket as several here have said, is easy.&nbsp; On your blog though you may upload from the camera or your pc. Ice maiden is probably better at it than me (or any number of people here <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="">&nbsp;so you have lots of resources.<br>My main advice, use an easy blog title.<br>PS, did not get an email from you.<br><FONT color=#00ff00><b>Dragonfly</b></FONT><br>
<P>Oh my goodness! See, I can't even send an e-mail properly! Oh well, thanx again Dragonfly, your a real sweetie!</P>