Beware of dog signs

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Well-known member
May 28, 2012
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I was taking some donations to a thrift store for my mom today (plus some I had) and I decided to look through her stuff as i was loading it in the cart to take inside. <br /><br />She had a plastic flexible "Beware of the dog - Enter at your own risk" sign which I grabbed out and kept.<br /><br />I am probably not going to have a dog along with me (or else this topic would go in the pets forum) but I think I will use the sign when I am inside of the van. When I'm not, it might cause someone to break into the van to rescue the 'dog'. <br /><br />Being flexible, I can flex it and prop it up on the side window for the rear entrance to the van which is where someone would probably go to try to break in. I may get a second one for the driver's side door.<br /><br />Here is another plastic sign I like:<br /><br />;hash=item20bd15d36b<br /><br />This is much like having a security company sign in your front yard when you don't really have a security system. <br /><br />A thief is going to pass on your vehicle if they think a dog is inside that may bite their arm off.
A dog can't do anything other than bark at them if it's inside.&nbsp;All it takes is a good shake of the vehicle and they'll know there isn't a dog in there. Once they know that in they go.<br /><br />I only say this because of the countless people I've seen my GS scare the crap out of when they tried this with past vehicles. And I wasn't living in them at that time either.<br /><br />
Well.... if they shake the vehicle with me inside, I'd notice and would shout out, which would scare them away. That's better than them screwing up the lock with a screwdriver.<br /><br />Like I said, the point of the sign would be if I'm inside. It would provide some safety and security for me while I'm inside of the van. <br /><br />I wouldn't use it when I'm not in the van like I said. Some do-gooder worried about a dog inside the van dying from heat might bust the window out to rescue the non-existent dog.<br /><br />And anyway, not all dogs will bark. We had a doberman once who would NEVER bark. She would just run around the yard. I think perhaps in the 2-3 years we had her, she might have barked once or twice.<br /><br />It has crossed my mind to get a dog but all the breeds I like are too large and/or energetic to keep cooped up in a van.
Good call! although ... you might/could be asleep and wake as someone breaks the window. I know it's not very likely, but always possible. just making sure you don't put yourself in a position where you have to argue who foots the bill for the broken window if you don't have to.<br /><br />
sl1966 said:
Good call! although ... you might/could be asleep and wake as someone breaks the window. I know it's not very likely, but always possible. just making sure you don't put yourself in a position where you have to argue who foots the bill for the broken window if you don't have to.<br /><br />
<br /><br />Far less likely to after dark. Unless parked in a very well lit area, they won't see the sign in the window. Plus my windows are tinted some. You would have to get right up on the van to see the sign. And heck, supposing I DID have a dog in there with the sign... they'd bust the window and the dog might go bite them. Would be sweet irony to have a sign saying the dog will bite.. they break the window and get bitten.<br /><br /><br />
Pikachu711 said:
If you want a dog for protection without actually owning&nbsp;a "real" dog these items might be good option. Here's the link:<br /><br /><a href=";node=11041141">;node=11041141</a><br /><br />There are quite a few dog "alarms" on this website.<br /><br />Just a thought!
<br /><br />I wonder how realistic they are or if they sound fake due to repeating the same barks over and over.
Or you could just install a blinking LED where people can see it. Can't tell you how many people with nefarious intentions just walk away when they see it.<br /><br />
Yeah, you can actually buy ones like that. I'd want one wired to the battery though so it will always be on. No AA batteries to worry about replacing. 1 flashing LED wouldn't take any juice even if it ran for a month without the battery being charged any.
I ripped one out of (i think) an old dead garage door opener. I forgot what I soldered to it to make it blink, but I wired it to the cigg lighter. It was perma on and LED's don't use anything for power.&nbsp;<br /><br />
I've used a "Beware of the Dog" sign in the door of my TC when I'm away, and so far no breakins.&nbsp;Could be nobody came by and then again, it may have&nbsp;deterred wouldbe thieves. I've thought about installing a trail camera (used by hunters) over my TC door as a deterrent. The&nbsp;camera detects movemont and&nbsp;takes&nbsp;a picture. Camera has a flash for night use. If a thief thought his picture was taken, he would probably keep on walking.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Starman said:
If a thief thought his picture was taken, he would probably keep on walking.&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br /><br />Or they might break in and steal the camera. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
If anyone finds a beware of dog sign in Spanish, let me know...I can't find one and would love to have one for the van...mostly to scare the Federales from being so ready to jump into my rig at road blocks....<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />Bri
bk2valve said:
If anyone finds a beware of dog sign in Spanish, let me know...I can't find one and would love to have one for the van...mostly to scare the Federales from being so ready to jump into my rig at road blocks....<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />Bri
<br /><br />
bk2valve said:
If anyone finds a beware of dog sign in Spanish
<br /><br />Just make one. White board, black outline, big red letters saying "DAME TUS PANTALONES" with a picture of a guy pointing a gun at them.<br /><br />
<span id="post_message_1274739492"><br />Just make one. White board, black outline, big red letters saying "DAME TUS PANTALONES" with a picture of a guy pointing a gun at them.<br /></span>
<br /><br />Why would I want their pants...???? Steve, you live in a strange world my friend...very strange...<br />Bri
bk2valve said:
Why would I want their pants...???? Steve, you live in a strange world my friend...very strange...<br />Bri
<br /><br />Would you rob a van under the threat of losing your pants? I sure wouldn't!<br /><br />
OK good point....<img src="/images/boards/smilies/idea.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> Never would have thought of that threat....not worried about robbers, only tired of the federales going through the van at every stop....any indication of a gun of any kind is a REALLY, REALLY bad<br />Bri