Bathing idea

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2012
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(This might be common knowledge, but it was news to me.)<br /><br />While using the hand sanitizer that was on the counter when I picked up my prescription at the pharmacy, I thought, "Hmmmm, I wonder if there's something like this that caregivers use to bathe people who are unable to use a shower or tub."&nbsp;I asked around and, yes, there is. <br /><br />It's called peri-wash. Spray it on, rub, dry off, done. No rinsing. There is also no-rinse shampoo. <br /><br />Prices vary with brand and where you buy it. Some come as concentrates you dilute with water. It's more expensive than soap, but it's more convenient in a van setting. It costs less than hand sanitizer and doesn't generate trash like wet wipes. I wonder if it can be warmed up so you get a little of that hot bath feel.<br /><br />
Hmmmm.&nbsp; Sounds like&nbsp;a product&nbsp;worth checking out.&nbsp; How does the no-rinse shampoo&nbsp;work?&nbsp; I mean, you have to wet your hair first, right?
That does sound good, I wonder what the smell would be.....I wouldn't want to smell like a hospital.
Make sure you have plenty of moisturizer handy.&nbsp;
I just googled peri-wash and it's available in the 1-gallon size for around $25.00. It's also available with or without aloe as well. Sounds like an interesting product.<br /><br />They include the 8 oz. size bottle with the 1-gallon container so you can refill the smaller bottle as well. Not a bad deal if that works for you.
I wonder what the effect on your skin and body would be.&nbsp; I use hand sanitizer at work, with lotion included, and even that dries my hands later.&nbsp; I get the painful cuticle thing too.&nbsp; And what else is weird is sometimes even tho I dont touch my lips, i can taste it on my lips with my tongue&nbsp; <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/tounge2.gif" class="bbc_img" />&nbsp; Not even sure why thats possible
That's interesting! I gotta try that next time I begin this van living cycle next year. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;<br />I always carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with me.<br />They come in handy when you are in the toilet. I am kind of a cleanliness freak so I make sanitary wipes out of the tissue wads when I am in public toilets. You feel fresher afterwards, too. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> (also saves the poor underwear from you know what)<br /><br />Secondly, I always use hand sanitizer on my armpits when I begin sweating a lot. It does remove the smell as long as you do it early enough. (the sweat on our hairy parts like armpits have these germs... when they multiply and feed off your sweat, they release an odor from their bodies.)<br />Using alcohol kills the germs --therefore, no more stink.<br />I haven't bought a commercial deodorant in years since discovering this neat little trick. (most deodorants prevent odor by clogging your pores so your armpits don't sweat --most unnatural in my mind... as unnatural as certain medications for diarrhea which keeps the diarrhea in... prevents the body from eliminating the bad stuff fast.)&nbsp;<br /><br /><br />
Rubbing alcohol(91%) and hand sanitizer from the 99 cent store are staples in my Van. &nbsp;My cutting board and chef's knife see the majority of the rubbing alcohol. &nbsp;The hand sanitizer occasionally gets put on napkins and applied to various bodily regions. &nbsp;I have oily skin, and have no issues with these alcohol based cleaners.<br /><br />But I have in the past scrubbed my face with a paper towel with a wad of of Hand sanitizer, and very soon after had the opportunity to take a hot shower, and my face still felt extremely greasy.<br /><br />I do prefer H.S. on a napkin compared to wetwipes. &nbsp;I wish both were fragrance free.<br /><br />Obviously nothing beats a hot shower.
I'm only guessing, but I imagine hospitals don't want their bedridden patients developing &nbsp;skin problems, particularly in sensitive, hard to reach areas. So there's a good chance peri-wipe is formulated to deal with that. Maybe not.<br /><br />But this reminds me of a discussion I had with my then-wife. Like most women, she used skin moisturizer after bathing. She said, "I don't want dry skin." I replied, "But to me, dry skin feels clean and sanitary. Lotion makes me feel unclean again. It's like putting on a layer of dirt trap." Oh well, one of our many differences.&nbsp;
<p>I had forgotten all about the peri-wash that we used in the nursing home for the patients.&nbsp; It worked well for their "bottoms" after incontinence and did not need water.&nbsp; The aid's would spray it on and wipe off with a dry cloth.&nbsp; Kept their skin very well and helped to prevent breakdown and made them smell so much sweeter.&nbsp; Glad you brought it up Mr. Noodly.<br /><br />Rae</p>
DazarGaidin said:
I wonder what the effect on your skin and body would be.&nbsp; I use hand sanitizer at work, with lotion included, and even that dries my hands later.&nbsp; I get the painful cuticle thing too.&nbsp; And what else is weird is sometimes even tho I dont touch my lips, i can taste it on my lips with my tongue&nbsp; <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/tounge2.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; Not even sure why thats possible
<br>The Body is SOOO cool, some chemicals are absorbed through the skin, trans-dermal patches.