ataching wall/Ceiling

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2018
Reaction score
what is the best way to attach walls and ceiling. I can lay 1/8" plywood and use self tapping screw to the vertical ribs but what is the best way to attach the horizontal ribs (or I guess you would call them stringers)

same way screw into the ribs or stringers or whatever you want to call them. I am sure we don't have to mention to use short screws that have no chance of penetrating the outer skin. highdesertranger
will I need to run some furing strips horizontally. Or would just anchoring the paneling to the vertical ribs be sufficient?
It all depends on whether you plan to attach anything to the wall where there isn't anything structural behind to mount to. The thin plywood is not structural. If you are a bit handy with wood, you could scribe and cut your own ribs out of 2x6 or 2x8 to put between the metal studs where needed and mount to those. You don't lose any width in the van this way. An L bracket at the top and bottom of your new rib will hold it in place.
I never use furring strips, it just adds weight how ever any cabinets need to be planned out to anchor to the ribs and the floor. I actually did van conversions, motor homes, and limos back in the 70's and we never used furring strips. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
I never use furring strips,  it just adds weight  how ever any cabinets need to be planned out to anchor to the ribs and the floor.  I actually did van conversions,  motor homes,  and limos back in the 70's and we never used furring strips.  highdesertranger

Thanks for the Input.. I will plan to anchor any cabinet to the ribs I don't want to loose even a couple of inches due to the bed is going cross ways and I'm 5' 10".