The wild, weird and wonderful is out there. Up around the bend, over the hill, down a side street. Towns with glass beaches, stores with front window displays of food and table settings carved from rock, spotting a pyramid home with Egyptian statues, deserted mining towns filled with antiques. Musty libraries to modern. Curio shops filled to the brim with antiques and nostalgia. Old style arcades and billiard halls, memories of a misspent youth. Main Street small town, reliving different eras through the architecture. From the wild west, swinging 60s, fabulous 50s, roaring 20s, you can relive it all in a small town. Reconnecting with our forefathers and history. Scenic towns near a river, taking a dip in shallow pools between rapids flowing over smoothed rocks on a hot day. Discovering the wild west in restored towns, stopping for pear cactus ice cream. Reliving the golden era of cinema in old theaters. Here's looking at you, kid. Saloons that harbored the life of the town, criminals, fights, and brothels. Slide me down a whisky, will you bartender?Seacoast towns with decrepit wharfs, thick with the smell of the sea, chilling breezes and hearty chowder to warm your gizzards. Yes small towns have charm, history, grace, vibe, warmth and comfort. Gossip and small minds too.
.Well, I was born in a small town, another boring romantic, that's me.