Anyone dumpster-dive before?

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twokniveskatie said:
Good morning everyone! . Cheri or not, I'd plant a kiss on his hairy cheek, I love him so much the way he is. :)<br /><br /><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody " />Now, back to the dumpsters.....&nbsp;
<br /><br />OH Katie.&nbsp; Please come and "plant a kiss on his hairy cheek".&nbsp; You can be sure Bob and I will will planting kisses on both of your cheeks!!!&nbsp; We miss you and Mutt.&nbsp; You know you will get tons of kisses from Homer and Tony too.&nbsp; <br /><br />This has been an interesting topic.&nbsp; I am always amazed at the number of people who hate to be judged but feel the need to judge others.&nbsp; Oh well, it does make life interesting.&nbsp; Would be a pretty dull forum if we all agreed.<br /><br />HUGS to all.&nbsp; Cheri and Tony
Yes, I have. Don't have a problem with it and not ashamed. Don't care if I'm judged. <br /><strong><span style="color: #ff00ff;">Dragonfly<br /><br /></span></strong>
Im sorry, I know this is kinda off the subject.<br />Why is it one&nbsp;topic (like this one) can be started with all the different opinions, disagreements, and controversary&nbsp;and it's&nbsp;ok, but&nbsp; other subjects with it are off limits.
Maybe because its not racial or sexist but it is preceived to have something to do with "classes of people". Even at that I think we sholuld be able to express ourselves.&nbsp;My feeling is that out of necessity some things are closed down for political correctness and plain old not stepping on others toes.&nbsp;I think to many issues on CRVLiving are closed prematurely. I do admit sometimes I get very uncomfortable when an internet fight breaks out on here. I can either jump in the dog fight or ignore it.<br />&nbsp; A while back a new member wrote that he was trying to start a blog about "begging" and other issues of making a living. I was nice enough to him but expressed I didn't hold with that idea of his. I have since given more thought to what he wrote and wish I had supported his idea more. It opened me more to something I found to be uncomfortable and dirty. If he had not expressed his opinion, and I had not expressed mine, I may still have a closed mind about begging. <br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>&nbsp; Dragonfly&nbsp;</strong> </span>
the.punk.hippie said:
grammahugababy said:
&nbsp; I am always amazed at the number of people who hate to be judged but feel the need to judge others.
<br /><br />I assume that's a dig at me. &nbsp;Would you like to point out where I was judging others? &nbsp;Because all I've been trying to do is explain how dumpster diving doesn't equal vagrants.<br />I don't blindly judge anyone. &nbsp;If someone is going to be close-minded about an activity &amp; shun or look down on someone because they participate in that activity, then I don't need to judge them - they've already proven themselves close-minded &amp; ignorant on that topic.
<br /><br />HUH???&nbsp;&nbsp; I am so sorry if that came out wrong.&nbsp; I will go back and read your posts to see if somehow I stepped on your toes.&nbsp; I certainly didn't mean to.&nbsp;I try not to judge others and I certainly don't want others judging me,&nbsp; no matter how I look or what I do.&nbsp; <br />If I can use something that has been thrown away I will use it, just makes good sense to me. There is lots of stuff in my van that no one else would want. &nbsp;<br /> I wonder if it is the phrase "dumpster diving" that makes people uncomfortable? &nbsp; Some dumpsters are pretty icky and most Americans are obsessed with dirt. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Hugs and apologies to you.&nbsp; Cheri
I was gonna chew on this til tomorrow, but it looks like it can't wait. I have been sleeping off and on all day, and too tired to drive up on the hill in order to answer. I realize that was wrong. So here it goes.&nbsp;<br /><br />Dragonfly- yes, I have often cut off subjects prematurely, and sometimes, in retrospect, I was wrong. Sometimes, my stepping in has made things worse...I was the problem. That is why I have held back (well, that and the throwing up) before replying. If I have learned anything, it is to think before I react. As Cheri mentioned (although not about me specifically. I don't think) i have to be careful of my judgementalism even as I caution others to not be judgemental. I'm learning though.&nbsp;<br /><br />Sid- I call them as I see them. Sometimes my decision is made, not on the topic, but on the breaking of the main rule of being nice. Sometimes it is because of off-list email from people pointing out a perspective of the thread that I hadn't considered. Sometimes because some of these squabbles would go on forEVER and ultimately just a few pockets are paying for the privelege of sniping back and forth at each other.&nbsp;<br /><br />Punk-hippie- you are spot on. I think Brian wisely called it first. This topic was baited and I will take this opportunity to suggest that Darrell's troll is showing. More on that in a minute.&nbsp;<br /><br />Freenez- I was asking myself the same question...didn't we take to this lifestyle to escape the narrow view of most of society? I see this as a place to celebrate our differences and our unique worldviews. I tried to contact Darrell off-list with no response, therefore I will go ahead, belatedly, and weigh in on this.&nbsp;<br /><br />I am not sure I can fairly call Darrell's opinion narrow-minded. Sure, that was my first reaction. That, and that he was baiting the pan-handling topic before it even started. But am I judging him? Maybe it is fairer to say Darrell is "other minded" &nbsp;from some of us. that's okay. There are surely many who agree with him. Here's the difference. Most people will see the topic and think "idiots". But they won't say so. Which is in keeping with Bobs rules of niceness and respect. I appreciate and respect that they will honor the dumpster divers' right to have the discussion. What is not acceptable is to jump in and make comments that reflect an opinion of this is why the country is going downhill (paraphrasing, you can go back and see the actual comments). Derogatory comments. If the thread was about "why everyone should dumpster dive" then yeah, jump in and say why it is "wrong".&nbsp;<br /><br />I may be speaking out of turn here, but I've known Bob for long before he started this forum. I know some of the reasons that inspired this forum. Bob wanted a place where information and support could be shared without getting lost in a sea of dialogue. He wanted nice. On-topic. And accessible. Sometimes controversy, especially dialogue that goes beyond attempts to understand and simply become a battle to be right, defeats ALL of those wishes.&nbsp;<br /><br />I do my best to sort it out.&nbsp;<br /><br />Lastly, Cheri, my dear friend. The talk is all OVER the Internet about the temps in the high sierras this year. There's talk of ni&ntilde;os and global warming but we all know it's romance! I smile every time I think of you two. Please do me the honor of planting a smooch on that boy in my stead. He can reciprocate. I love you both.&nbsp;
Next on the agenda - Gas Jugging<br /><br /><br />opinions?
Oh, and to those posts about wastefulness....I have been involved in several of what I call "gleaning" groups, that try to divert "wasted stuff" back to those who can use it. Primarily food and medication. So many places refused to donate food because of the legal ramifications if someone got sick. We are a litigious society. This past thanksgiving I spent the day at a women's homeless shelter and am thrilled to see that many businesses are diverting food there, and other places that need it. Panera bread is one place, and some banquet places. Good for them!<br /><br />I was a nursing supervisor at a group home where we threw out thousands of dollars worth of meds every year. I tried to hook up with some of the free clinics to have these sealed, labeled unexpired meds diverted there. No go. FDA regs. Someone MIGHt ave a reaction to a med and it might not be traceable. Have to protect the public. Meanwhile, some of the public IS dying because they have no access to meds. It boggles my mind.&nbsp;<br /><br />I applaud anyone who can make use of throwaway stuff.&nbsp;
Katie,<br />On a related topic, I Googled "Curbside Shopping" and found a number of sites where this was discussed, Some pro, some con.<br /><br />For example, this posting:<br /><br /><div id="post_message_23525200">Have you ever picked anything off the side of the road that someone has thrown away for trash?<br /><br />A few years ago I used to live near a very well-to-do neighborhood and I was really amazed at what people would throw out for the trash. I have picked up an old wooden sled, a beautiful pine armoire that I used as my TV stand, large ceramic planters, old metal lawn chairs, an old wooden army trunk, a handmade bird feeder, an old metal top table just to name a few.<br /><br />It was during a period in my life when money was very tight, and I was stunned at what people would throw away. <br /><br />I know someone who recently found a working treadmill tossed out for the trash, and someone else who found a wonderful old metal cat door-stop. Has anyone else done this?<br /><br /><br />Want to Read more? : <a style="color: #003399;" href=""></a></div>
Oh man you bring up a memory(about 5 years ago) had a customer who was telling me about her daughter who sold her house. They updated everything. New&nbsp;appliances&nbsp;and new floors...etc Anyway to make a long story much shorter the mother was passing the house(she was on her way to work in a cab) and saw the BRAND NEW&nbsp;refrigerator&nbsp;and the stove on the curb!! She called her daughter who came with her husband with his truck. Too late in about a half hour somebody took it. I couldn't&nbsp;believe it...things people will do because don't want it.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Wait, that wasn't clear. Are you saying someone stole the new appliances or that someone came to pickup the old ones.&nbsp;<br /><br />
No the new home owners threw the new appliances out! maybe they didn't like the color? LOL
&nbsp;Curbside shopping <br /><br />&nbsp; When we had a house we always put usable items that we didn't want out on the curb with a "free" sign. They usually disappeared fairly quickly. We didn't pick many things up ourselves because we were trying to keep our possession down to a minimum but Tony did bring home a clothes dryer that had been put out as trash because it had a bent door and the switch was not making contact. He bent the door back and the dryer was still working when we sold the house.
As a kid I always snatched up unwanted trash on the side of the road. Never food, mostly because I'd pick the one food item that'd kill me but some of my best toys came out of the trash <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">.There's nothing like going through a pile of junk and finding that one object you didn't realize you needed. On a side note, I had to empty the trash containers at work the other night and got trash juice all over me with a good 4 hours in my shift to go. I was not very happy about that! Maybe I'll stick to roadside shopping as opposed to actually diving into a dumpster. x)
tonyandkaren said:
&nbsp;Curbside shopping <br /><br />&nbsp; When we had a house we always put usable items that we didn't want out on the curb with a "free" sign. They usually disappeared fairly quickly. We didn't pick many things up ourselves because we were trying to keep our possession down to a minimum but Tony did bring home a clothes dryer that had been put out as trash because it had a bent door and the switch was not making contact. He bent the door back and the dryer was still working when we sold the house.
<br /><br />Reminds of when I was a kid. We were moving into a house and the washer got left at the curb due to needing help getting it in. I went out to check the mail or something and saw a van driving away.. and the washer was gone! I ran in and told my brother (mom was out) and he called her and she called the police. Turns out it was some appliance guy who thought it was a junk washer someone was throwing out. He brought it back and apologized. I can't remember but he might have brought it in the house for her.
&nbsp;That's funny Cubey! I'm sure that the dryer was really in the trash pile. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
yes. i used to dumpster dive behind the local book seller. twice a month he would tear off the covers of paperback books and throw them away by the box-load. had quite a library! identity thieves make good work of dumpster diving in college dorm areas when school lets out - many students throw away stuff they can use...a word to the wise...shred it! i also trash pick, just think of it as a hands-on game of free-cycle.
I'll echo what kappydell said. As I've mentioned previously, I used to work security. Some of the properties I patrolled had me checking their dumpster areas. Two of the properties come to mind.<br /><br />One of these properties had two dumpsters. During one&nbsp;shift I discovered&nbsp;several boxes that were by a dumpter.&nbsp;I opened the boxes and what I discovered did&nbsp;get my attention. They&nbsp;contained medical records that had a great&nbsp;deal of personal information that you wouldn't want to fall into the&nbsp;wrong hands. It had&nbsp;patient name, address,&nbsp;primary physician,&nbsp;medial conditions, insurance information, etc. I won't&nbsp;elaborate on the obvious. But I secured the medical records in my car until I could&nbsp;give the&nbsp;medical records to some who&nbsp;was responsible for them.&nbsp;The medical center was grateful to get the medical records&nbsp;returned to&nbsp;them.<br /><br />The other instance was&nbsp;a property that tossed some boxes into an open dumpster. Looking inside I&nbsp;saw employment records. There were folders&nbsp;of people who worked (or applied) at this business.&nbsp;The folders contained all the information you would find on an application or resume. There were copies of driver's licenses, social security cards, etc.&nbsp;Amazing, huh?<br /><br />Just when you think that it's safe to leave your information with potential employers or medical professionals it's not the case. DO check the three credit bureaus once a year. There&nbsp;is no way of knowing what information of yours may have been illegally accessed. JMHO!
For the record, i am neither for or against the practice. Having lived on both sides of the fence. I spent 6 months ( the last of my drinking) homeless on the streets living out of a backpack. I have also recycled many curbside treasures, and have put items out for free at times. Once, we had a yard sale and didnt think anything of keaving a 500 lb woodstove out with our other stuff. It was gone in the morning o_O Long ago, i worked for a major retailer. It would break your heart to see what went into the crusher because of a small dent, stain, missing button or one in a case broken.
the.punk.hippie said:
it really was unpleasant, &amp; it taught me to mind my own business if I see sensitive documents again.
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Thus the expression, "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br /></strong></span>