<br /><br />I once found a credit card laying in the gutter once.. that wasn't yet expired. I was on foot and was only a few blocks from the police station so I took it in. They proceed to take down a report asking me all kinds of info and looked at me strangely when I said I found it in the gutter. And it was even obvious it had been run over a few times by people parking at the curb. But they didn't treat me badly, just suspiciously.<br /><br />I say if you find something like a credit card or birth certificate, drop it in the nearest drop-off mail box. That way a postal worker will find it and turn it in and it won't seem so strange for them to be doing so since they found it in a mail box put there by someone else.the.punk.hippie said:My ex & I once found someone's birth certificate in the parking lot near a dumpster.<br />Being good samitarians, we took it to the police station... where they proceeded to question us & treat us like low-life scum who stole it out of the person's purse or something (we didn't say ANYTHING about dumpster diving, just that we were walking through the parking lot & we saw it - the parking lot was also the movie theater's parking lot, so it wasn't that suspicious for us to be there in the evening)<br />it really was unpleasant, & it taught me to mind my own business if I see sensitive documents again.