Anyone dumpster-dive before?

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Good morning everyone! I woke up many times last night, and read my emails about this topic. This morning my inbox was still full, and having slept on it, my response is different than it would have been last night. I'm giggling.&nbsp;<br /><br />As some of you know, I hate being judged. Add into that mix that I can be one of the most judgmental people around and, well, you can imagine the problems with that!!! It seems that it all depends on what's being judged, and who's doing it. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />I took offense at some of the comments last night. Ooh boy, did I get stewed. Then I found, tucked away in my emails, a quote from someone named Don Miguel Ruiz...."your point of view is something personal to you. It is no ones truth but your own." how's that for a bit of wisdom when you need a reminder?&nbsp;<br /><br />I had a vision of the next RTR, that wonderful gathering of a fringe group of like-minded folks who celebrate being able to join together without having to justify their lifestyle. I can see the new group on the outskirts of camp, those damn dumpster divers. They are weird, but if they are stealthy enough, they can hang around. An even further fringe group, the really questionable ones, are the unshaven. Not a beard trimmer to be found among them. Nothing stealthy about them. If you are in camp and someone comes in and sits down with a bag over their head, call for Bob, the group founder, to help expell them back to the fringes immediately! They are sure to have facial hair, ungroomed. Beware that it might just be our beloved Bob under that bag, with his glorious beard. Cheri or not, I'd plant a kiss on his hairy cheek, I love him so much the way he is. :)<br /><br />We are human, and we have our own opinions and truths. We are seeking refuge from a society that judges us and often finds us wanting. I hope we do not drag into our midst many of the ideas and attitudes that we are so desperate to escape. It's easy to do...we learned our culture from the day we were born, and the chains are hard to break. <br /><br />Somehow, though, I hope we can, if not celebrate our differences, at least respect them. We are an amazing bunch of people, each and every one of us. I just love Bob to pieces, for creating this place for us, this soft place to land. <br /><br />Now, back to the dumpsters.....&nbsp;
The things some people throw away will astound you ...&nbsp;<br /><a href=""><br /><br /><br /></a>
&nbsp;I've dumpster dived when rebuilding my VW van engine on the side of the road at Strathcona Park in '91. Had a number of vegetable/fruit importers just down the road (mixed commercial/residential area) and they'd throw out an amazing amount of fresh veggies/fruit. We had competition (friendly) from&nbsp; a bunch of old Asian ladies who'd grab stuff for their families. Hmm.. never knew that they were filthy vagrant scum; pulled a fast one on ol' Willy there.
OK Steve 1996....I'm spewing coffee....stop it!<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />B
I've never dumpster dove...never really considered it.<br />I don't know if I would if I was really starving.<br />I've always been a person who tries to give more then I take. So as long as I have enough to get by on, I would leave it for someone who needs it.<br />I don't have an opinion of anyone who DOES do it. It's not my place to judge anyone. That job belongs to someone else.
<span id="post_message_1274684053">
<span id="post_message_1274684053">I've never dumpster dove...never really considered it.<br />I don't know if I would if I was really starving.<br />I've always been a person who tries to give more then I take. So as long as I have enough to get by on, I would leave it for someone who needs it.<br />I don't have an opinion of anyone who DOES do it. It's not my place to judge anyone. That job belongs to someone else.</span>
<br /><br /><br />Diving has become a political statement of sorts. It's not about being so down you scavange as a last resort. It's about how ridiculous our society is that we throw away thousands of tons of perfectly good food because of a blemish&nbsp;while starvation goes on and things like that. And how we're a throwaway society from food to house pets to automobiles. Dumpster diving specifically for food&nbsp;is seen as a sort of&nbsp;righteous act. Or at least a nice way to get nutritious produce with less dependance on money. <br /><br />It isn't the local&nbsp;homebums out there doing this....</span>
Some really thoughtful comments here. Punk-hippie, if I had not slept on it, and replied last night, "eloquent" would not be the word you would be using :) anyone here can tell you how many times I've had to pry my big mukluk outta my mouth.&nbsp;<br /><br />Im a former diver who is now stymied by a contamination thing. I applaud anyone who is able to divert stuff from the landfills. I love that it makes a statement about our throwaway culture. Ped is so right. <br /><br />I have always had a special passion for throwaway people...people too old or too sick or too "unsmart" or too unattractive to be valuable. I cared for throwaway babies and kids. Had some pretty cruel stereotyping going on there. Most of them died before they ever knew how the world was stacked against them. They forever changed how I view the world.&nbsp;<br /><br />I don't mind being excluded from anyone's camp. I appreciate knowing where I stand with people. My responsibility is to avoid judging those who would judge me. It's easy to do, and just as hurtful in the end.&nbsp;
Nicely said folks...I like there is some thought going into this. My dog is a throwaway dog that I rescued....or should I say rescued me? LOL<br />Bri
depends on what your diving for. <br />at the city dump, the man who works there has told me all the things people throw out. one older man had a wife who passed away, he sold everything and was moving to FL, couldn't sell the new john deere riding mower fast enough, so brought it to city dump. gosh i have seen new hot tubs, antique furniture, lordy all kinds of things.<br /><br />my sister lives in miami and they call it "treasure picking".<br /><br />alot of places want to give away surplus food, but fear of lawsuit or what have you prevents this. so in the dumpster it goes. this can be all sorts of food items, canned, etc. heck, this is a cheap way to feed out some chickens so you have eggs. <br /><br />there was some article i read in a magazine, it must have been many years ago now. the man and wife literally bought land for under 50$ on auction, the spent a year trash picking, freebies, etc, and built a small house, complete with plumbing, electrical, even got free blocks/cement for septic.<br />next they furnished the whole house. after that they supplied all the bedding, linens, etc, as well as all misc dishes, cleaning items, you name it.<br />the last thing was they filled the kitchen with canned/box food, and the fridge! <br />basically they made a turn key home from "treasure picking". it cost them labor and gas for the truck. they even put in wood stove and had several cords of wood, all for free. <br /><br />i wish i could find that story. amazing. there was even animal shelters, fencing and free small livestock. i think this was in an old magazine that isn't printed anymore.<br /><br />this really goes to show you a thing or 2. <br /><br />now, i dont know about scrounging for food ie; leftovers in a can.<br />i just am thinking there is enough free help already without that.<br />however, never say never. times are tough and look to be getting tougher before they get better.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Glad to see this thread recover from its swerve. It is an important topic.<br />Haven't dove for food, that could change any day. Don't have an issue with it as long as it is done wisely.<br />Never considered myself a vagrant, scruffy at times perhaps, but I have proudly reclaimed and recycled for most of my life, don't see that changing.<br />Glad to hear from others who do also.<br /><br /><br />
SoulRaven said:
Plain and simple you are not welcomed in my camp if you abide by this activity...
<br /><br />I'll fathom a guess that the interest here isn't centered in camping with you so much as the disregarded byproducts said camp produces.&nbsp;<br /><br />
so, which dumpster should I try to dive for when it comes to <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">FOOD</span></strong>... the ones at a&nbsp;restaurant or a dumpster at a grocery store???<br />thanks in advance<br /><br />p.s. just to piss everyone off, I'm going to start a thread about asking how to <strong>PANHANDLE</strong>!!!!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/tounge2.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/mad.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/sneaky.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
thanks, punkhippieartistgirl <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />...<br /><br />I never thought about how messy&nbsp;restaurant would be-<br />nonetheless, many (if not nearly ALL) of the dumpsters here in northern Ohio are inaccessible; they are locked up in a roof-less structure which is too tall for a dumpster diver to jump into-<br />Do you have any ideas on how to get around this???<br /><br />thanks in advance!
hey PH: didn't mean .gov help, i was talking food pantry, or whatnot. heck just this past few days there are a ton of signs out on the road (small town) saying "free vegetables"! just meant it might be there is all. i have no judgement at all on anyone who does this. if someone feels they need it, i am noone to say a word. <br />was at walmart week or so ago and saw young man who works there in garden, rolling a huge cart of gorgeous trees, out to the dump! not a thing wrong just past their prime. i cringed. i am too, with you, that there is such awful waste. years ago i worked at a large church that had a food pantry one day a week. we had 3 big trucks. i volunteered that day. we would drive these trucks to kroger, meijers, etc warehouses, they packed them FULL of food. not a thing wrong, just throwing it out. it was often things like whole hams, shrimp, milk, i mean a TON. they gave it to us to stock the food bank. we were able to feed easily 1000 peeps each week. they got a free good hot meal, plus a big bag of good food to take home. <br />the volunteers got lunch too and a free bag of food.<br /><br />if there was alot left, and there always was, we'd all put it in our vehicles and give to neighbors, even strangers on the street. no one ever said no.<br />truly, we would take one of these big trucks into the projects, the "brothers" stood by and guarded us while we handed this food out. really humbling good feeling.<br />one thanksgiving, me a poor single mom working but barely making it. 2 of my girls and i went to do the volunteer job at church, so we could have a turkey for dinner. we worked all day. they were 11 and 12. and worked as hard as the adults.<br />well, just as we were out of food and shutting the door, a young mother with 2 little boys came and asked if we were out of food. she was a single mom in same predicament as me. <br />well, my girls looked at me, i looked at them, and they happily walked over and handed our food bag from the days work, to this mother. they did it in complete selflessness. i wanted to cry, nit because of the food, but because of their loving hearts.<br /><br />this of course left us with no food. we felt so good helping that mother out, we didn't worry about it. didn't say a word. went on home. <br />when we got home, at the door there sat 6 bags of food! it was the other volunteers, they had donated theirs to us! i couldn't even thank them because they collaborated to keep it a secret.&nbsp;<br /><br />since then, for many many years, the kids and i always had an open house for the holiday to feed anyone who showed up and still did a ton of service work. <br /><br />sorry to get on my story telling again, but just saying..there are alot of businesses that would like to do the same, but are legally constrained. the only way they can do this, is place it in the dumpster. just saying is all..<br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
well hon, you'll get no gripes from me. you do what you need/want and long as it ain't hurting anyone, who cares.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />i don't utilize a food bank either, for the same reasons, and for the grace of God i am not in that spot. i do however, grow a big garden every year and that helps alot. always plenty to share too. apple tree is loaded right now, going to make cider soon.
Here's some Holy-Bible supportive-scripture for dumpster diving...<br /><br /><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;Leviticus 19:10 And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather [every] grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I [am] the LORD your God.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;Deuteronomy 24:19 When thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field, and hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands.</p>
Oh crap! I forgot... no religious posts-<br />-sorry!!! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I am hearing the "long, wise, hand of the Left" on this blog. Must be par for the course when folks are contemplating or living this lifestyle. Darrell<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> PS: Seriously though, folks. Are we done yet with this subject matter of dumpster diving?