Anyone dumpster-dive before?

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I have done it.&nbsp; When i was a poor kid in the city, we all would go to this candy factory (i know now it was a distribution facility for vending machines) and loot it blind <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; All the stuff was fine, just a little past expiration.&nbsp; Muahahaa...i think our parents protested this more than the people running the place.&nbsp; <br /><br />I know a guy who worked at a donut place, and they toss away a ton every day.&nbsp; They'd even box the donuts when they put them out.. <br /><br />My current boss used to manage a food lion grocery.&nbsp; They weren't supposed to let the people snag food there either, but they would never stop anyone.&nbsp; The food would be perfectly fine, just expired a day.&nbsp; They would also put defect items out behind the store (like diapers someone ripped open etc).&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />A lot of people have very tough circumstances and pasts, and getting food from programs isn't always possible or desirable.&nbsp; Some food pantry services aren't open to all, they have criteria or waiver systems.&nbsp; Gonna see a social worker at the welfare office, apply for foodstamps, make an appointment, starve till then?&nbsp; <br /><br />Some more sparsely populated areas dont even have them or soup kitchens.&nbsp; Some people can't get 20 miles across town to them on the narrow time frame they are open etc etc.<br /><br />Why waste it if someone needs it?
dborla01 said:
I am hearing the "long, wise, hand of the Left" on this blog. Must be par for the course when folks are contemplating or living this lifestyle. Darrell<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> PS: Seriously though, folks. Are we done yet with this subject matter of dumpster diving?
<br /><br />I'm gonna go with there's no right or wrong way to live this life. I'm not for or against anyone who chooses to partake of this particular activity. I even tried it once as a youngster myself (12 years of age and not since) who was only looking for skateboard parts, and gave it up promptly after. I can say with all due honesty that I'm more than willing to share my camp with those of you who do even tho I may not be willing to share the crockery with you (with all due respect).<br /><br />Survival is tricky business and there isn't exactly a handbook for it. More power to you for finding a way to make it work for you!<br /><br />
<p><img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;&nbsp; a thread concerning topic of panhandling and respectability thereof is an excellent idea. I would like to hear thought from the punk. hippie and xj 700, please. Thanks </p>
<span id="post_message_1274688091">a thread concerning topic of panhandling and respectability thereof is an excellent idea. I would like to hear thought from the punk. hippie and xj 700, please. Thanks </span>
<br /><br />So why don't you go ahead and start one and see what plays out. I am not sure of your motives but if you want to see what others think, do it, put your own view on it out there and see how it gets responded to. I would be happy to respond and tell you what I think and do about it....lead off....<br /><br />Anyone can start a thread any time and all that is required is that you play nice, treat others with the same respect you want in return or our illustrious Modulatorious Squad will spank you and take down the thread...<br /><br />Bri<br /><br /><br />
&nbsp;When it comes to charities/foodbanks/soup-kitchens 'n such, often it costs as much in gas, in the case of soup-kitchens, as a person is getting in food (zero sum game there) or the amount given (food banks) is not really all that much. I've also found (and I'm this way) that many rubbertramps I've met absolutely LOATH being around crowds and are choosy as to whom they associate with. That kinda rules out soup kitchens 'n such. <br />&nbsp;Two reasons, amongst many, that I don't go to soup kitchens are the very real risk of catching TB (they had problems here with that at soup kitchens) or having to 'sing for your supper'. I have real problems with hypocrisy and those who practice it and absolutely refuse to practice it or associate with those who regularly practice/encourage it. This doesn't make me unique, as others I've met feel the same. Throw in a fixed income that's barely sufficient (and sometimes not) for the mere basics of living, and dumpster diving can very well increase a person's standard of living.<br />&nbsp;Luckily, through fierce budgeting and a half decent foodbank (when in town), I haven't had to dumpster dive for many years and would rather leave it for those who really need to do so. If my situation were to change for the worse, however, I'd be divin' in a red hot second.. pride's fine, but you can't eat it. ..Willy.
the.punk.hippie said:
I'm going to have to decline that request - I think I've been judged enough for one lifetime thanks to this thread &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
<br /><br />You seem plenty fabulous to me! &nbsp;No judgement here, from what you shared, it sounds like I've done mostly the same things as you (at least in terms of this thread). &nbsp;I don't regret those choices!<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara
spangin' and buskin' and dumpsterin' and the next thing you know you'll be hanging out in slab city living in a van. And damnit that's not what white 'mericans do.
Won't stay white for long. I always ended up getting a bitchin' tan when I went down to Az for the winter. ..Willy.<br /><br />
ped said:
spangin' and buskin' and dumpsterin' and the next thing you know you'll be hanging out in slab city living in a van. And damnit that's not what white 'mericans do.
Yep, I have. <br /><br />I'd say it depends on the situation. I'd say ask first if possible. Such as when Toys R Us was closing here some years back, we asked the workers first if they cared, and they said they didn't. So a friend and I got some good building materials out and I can't remember what all else. I think part of a brand new bicycle that wasn't finished assembled or something.<br /><br />I have a good commercial doormat outside my front door right now came out of another dumpster that me and the same friend check out one night. She got some good big ones I didn't need.
I've never dived for food, but once found a <em>gorgeous</em> solid oak dining table (2 leaves piled neatly on top) next to the dumpster in the apt complex where I lived. Was I late for work because I grabbed that bad boy and stuffed it in the back of my truck before leaving? You bet! My boss' reaction was simple, 'You found that WHERE??? Good job!'<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />On diving for food, I believe to each his or her own. Have I done it? No. Would I ever do it? That I can't say one way or the other. There are <em>lots</em> of things that people say they would NEVER do... until things change. Either way, I don't figure that it's my place to judge others, as I would surely be standing in a glass house on many counts. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />As for the incredible amount of perfectly good food wasted in this country, I heartily agree. Some grocery stores will donate it, others will put the good stuff near (but not in) the dumpsters so that people can get to it easily, but many just toss it, which I find disgusting when there are people going hungry.&nbsp; <br /><br /><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody " /><br /><br />
Interesting comments, and some touchy emotions from members, on this blog.&nbsp; Sounds as if there is a lot of anger from some members of this forum concerning issues of homelessness, how to get food in a respectable manner, and how the economic downturn has affected a lot Americans . Darrell. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
I know people who have dumpster dived (dove?) for different reasons at different times.&nbsp; One family I know, you never would tell by looking at them physically, didn't have money for anything.&nbsp; The mom learned when the grocery added the cans and packages to the dumpster on the day of expiration marked on said cans and packages.&nbsp; Now with money she might have been able to go to a Bobs or what have you and bought those same cans.&nbsp; She wasn't able to and had 2 children to feed.&nbsp; So she collected those packages and thanked God that they were available.&nbsp; She also asked the grocery store manager for permission - although he couldn't really say it was okay because of corporate rules.&nbsp; He looked the other way.&nbsp; I am glad this solution was available.&nbsp; Imagine what might have been her other choices.&nbsp; and of course her situation changed and she now buys her food.<br /><br />Of course many of us have found a lamp or table beside a dumpster and asked if it was okay to take it.&nbsp; I don't have much problem with that as I also have added things to the side of a dumpster with a FREE please adopt me sign.&nbsp; <br /><br /><br />my 2 cents worth.<br /><br />PS I love my freedom and independance and I certainly hope that it doesn't alienate me from some group or subgroup here on our beloved cheaprvlivingforum.&nbsp; I so far, like you all.&nbsp; <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden" /><!--Session data--><input id="jsProxy" onclick="jsCall();" type="hidden" /><div id="refHTML">&nbsp;</div>
the.punk.hippie said:
dborla01 said:
Interesting comments, and some touchy emotions from members, on this blog.&nbsp; Sounds as if there is a lot of anger from some members of this forum concerning issues of homelessness, how to get food in a respectable manner, and how the economic downturn has affected a lot Americans . Darrell. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
<br /><br />Here's the thing, Darrell - you're already living a lifestyle that people look down on. &nbsp;People think that YOU are unable to live in a respectable manner. &nbsp;Is that fair? &nbsp;no. &nbsp;Is it true? &nbsp;Probably not.<br />But they don't care - they're judging you based on their own close-mindedness &amp; misinformation. &nbsp;They expect you to be some homeless unshaven bum because you live in a vehicle. &nbsp;They wouldn't invite you into their group of friends because of the stereotypes surrounding you.<br />You know who else judges people based on their own close-mindedness &amp; misinformation? &nbsp;Bullies.<br /><br />So, knowing this, why do you continue to judge others based on their lifestyle choices? &nbsp;I don't care if you agree or even like what I do, but I won't stand by while you act all high-&amp;-mighty about something that you don't really understand.
<br /><br />Just really keeping my mouth shut on this one. But I had to say...Well put Punk hippie!&nbsp;
&nbsp;I've never dumpster dived for food but would if necessary. In my opinion wasting anything is morally wrong. If the food is there why not use it or at least allow other people to use it without looking down on them?
tonyandkaren said:
&nbsp;I've never dumpster dived for food but would if necessary. In my opinion wasting anything is morally wrong. If the food is there why not use it or at least allow other people to use it without looking down on them?
<br /><br />Amen!! There are towns all over that want the&nbsp;restaurants&nbsp;and such(delis supermarkets..etc)to donate the food they are throwing out and give it to the&nbsp;charity's. Why.... because its wasteful and a lot people would be happy to eat it.&nbsp;
I don't think its right for anybody to judge anyone for how they look or what they do. Nobody knows what a person is going thru unless you walk in there shoes.<br />I think if a person needs...or wants to do whatever they do(as long as it doesn't harm or violate another) then that is their choice.<br />&nbsp;I won't regard anyone for what they do and their reason for doing it.<br />WOW! I can't believe some of what Im reading here.<br />OH.. and xj700 I like how you snuck that in.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
Judging. Stereotyping. Assumptions. Observational skills. Forming an opinion based on observations. <br /><br />One uses their past experiences to make rapid evaluations/opinions based on what they see in front of them. In general, often correct but sometimes wrong and seldom the whole story. Every thing that learns from experience practices this behavior. <br /><br /><br />I subscribe to the statement below strongly. This puts me agreeing with some of the hardcore plank issues with both liberals and conservatives. <br />
sidat202 said:
<br />I think if a person needs...or wants to do whatever they do(as long as it doesn't harm or violate another) then that is their choice.