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Single dad

Nov 4, 2018
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Hi all. As my username says I am a single dad to a nine year old boy. I was married for 27 years. I lived in the High desert of California. I was born and raised in Brooklyn N.Y. When I left my ex I moved back east. I pretty much had given up. I was thinking of getting a jug of wine and riding the rails for the rest of my life. 2 month after moving to Connecticut she called me and asked if I wanted my son. I said of course. I have been an auto mechanic for 32 years, but I needed a steady job with benefits. I now have a great job as a critical component helicopter mechanic. When I was in the army my buddy and I rode our motorcycles all over the south. We said we would become scooter trash and ride til we die. Well I screwed up and got married. I have alway wanted to wander. I really would like a lady’s perspective on how I should proceed on how to fulfill my dream of living a free life with my son. Sorry bros but I all seen to attract is the wrong crowd and end up in trouble. Of course if there are any fellows out there that had some advice, please I really would like to hear from you. No I am not looking to pick up women or find a new mommy for my son. I really am sincere, but being brought up in a rough part of Brooklyn I write like I speak.
Welcome Dad to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hello SingleDad and welcome to the forum.

Sorry, while I was a single mom for quite some time, and my kids and I did a lot of travelling/camping, I was never nomadic at the same time. So I don't think I have any advice to give as far as that goes. There are a bunch of nomadic families with online and IRL communities, maybe you can start by searching them out?

Best of luck,

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It is all about your son and his likes and dislikes.
Is he cool with this? Then you have to be sure you get a home schooling program into place. Then you have to really make sure he understands he has 'no roots', leaving friends behind, leaving family behind, etc. It will sound super glamourous to him, but being nine he might not understand all of the reality of this move. Plus be SURE you have an exit plan in place if he balks on you down the road and you have troubles with him and you need to exit this lifestyle quickly for his sake.

If you have full custody you are good. If you share custody in any way then you might have to worry about what the other parent issues will be with him living like this. just a thought.

Have you talked with him yet? Start there :) Talk real facts with him and see where this all goes and you might be able to move forward from there.
Hey there SD, in the 4 years I've been on the road I've met many different family configurations including single dads. Everybody seems to do just fine. There are programs out there like the National Park Service Junior Ranger Program that have educational programs for an hour, a day, and sometimes longer, that give kids a chance to exercise their brains in new ways.

What about that excellent job you have? Are you going to give that up?

The Dire Wolfess
Hi single Dad, I found a great free education group called ARVA, it is virtual charter school. AR is for Arkansas, but they are available in most states. Virtual education was great for my daughter. They provide a laptop, printer, books for free. Hope this helps.
Moxadox said:
Hey there SD, in the 4 years I've been on the road I've met many different family configurations including single dads. Everybody seems to do just fine. There are programs out there like the National Park Service Junior Ranger Program that have educational programs for an hour, a day, and sometimes longer, that give kids a chance to exercise their brains in new ways.

What about that excellent job you have? Are you going to give that up?

The Dire Wolfess

Yes. I would have to. The money I make is not worth the time I with my son. I also have a 27 year old daughter and 3 grandsons. I dearly miss them.

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