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Nov 21, 2012
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Hello all,<br /><br />Just wanted to stop by and say hello. My wife, 4 children and I are on our first trip in our Skoolie since we completed our conversion on it. I will post some pics in the conversion thread. We are currently at Myrtle Beach, SC. and having a blast. We are 21 days into our trip. I am looking forward to seeing what this site has to offer and also looking forward to contributing to the site as well.
Welcome millers; I like what you've done with the Bus.<br />I hope your trip is a safe &amp; enjoyable one.<br />sparky1 in southern Va.
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span id="post_message_1275815736" style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Welcome Millers! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" /><br /><br />Good looking skoolie. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" /><br /><br />Bob</span></strong></span>
Welcome to the tribe! I think you will enjoy being an important part of this community!
Welcome!&nbsp; How cool is it that you and your family are doing something like this?&nbsp; Very cool!&nbsp; That's how cool!&nbsp; Are you home schooling on the go?&nbsp; What are the general feelings of your kiddos?&nbsp; I hope they are loving it!&nbsp; What an adventure!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!<br /><br />We are homeschooling for the first time this year and it is going great. We had a couple family meetings to discuss it with all the kids and everyone decided this is what we wanted to do. While our trip is only going to be about a month and a half long, the kids, I think, have learned so much on this trip that they would have just ignored had they read the same thing out of a text book.<br /><br />It was a real learning experience for us parents as well but we have found so many valuable resources on the internet that makes the job that much easier. The kids are loving it and we are having a great time learning and traveling together.<br /><br />Each child has a duty on the trip also. For example my son, the oldest (13 years) is our accountant and bookkeeper. He tracks all the expenses on the trip. He takes every receipt and enters it into a ledger. He also calculates how many miles we have traveled and what our fuel mileage was. <br /><br />There have been just so many things we have learned that you can't learn out of a text book and we are only 23 days into the trip.
Hello to The Millers,<br /><br />Oh how I wish I had been able to do something like that.&nbsp; <br /><br />I love my son but he grew up in a single parent home with just enough money to make him think we had more than we did... and... somehow (in my opinion) the world owed him something.&nbsp; Now, he is unemployed at 27 with just a G. E. D. and just begining to understand that there is a whole world out there that not only doesn't know he exists, it doesn't care.&nbsp; I can't help but think that if I had been able to take him out into that Big World with a little less "insulation" he would have learned so much about different options available to him.... and... maybe, taken advantage of some of them.&nbsp; Also, I know the spending time together would have probably been the biggest positive influence I could have made.<br /><br />It sounds like your kids are really grasping the beauty of this adventure and y'all are doing a great job making that point.&nbsp; More power to you!&nbsp; <br /><br />{{Big Hug}}<br />Bodhi<br /><br />PS.&nbsp; I hope your son is having fun with accounting.&nbsp; I love tracking mileage and expenses... and ledgers with the graph paper... rows and columns and everything has a place.&nbsp; Please note:&nbsp; I am a little OCD.
For years I wanted to do this but never made it a priority. After spending the summer in our 35' park model camper at our campground about 1 hour away from our home we found we didn't want to go home. We enjoyed living in our camper so much and being outdoors and together we decided we should take this trip. We have been on the road now for 23 days and I still find myself not wanting to go home. Unfortunately we have to. I am an accountant and my busy time is Jan. - Apr. This is an interesting test run for possibly going full time. We will see...