Another article about vehicle living in Los Angeles

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I especially liked the part of the article where is says a cup of coffee cost more than a gallon of gas.  That is certainly true in much of Seattle, an Americano which is an espresso diluted with hot water cost about $4.00 or more. Most places quit selling drip coffee since the profit is better on Americano's.
That "landlord" dude is breaking a bazillion different occupancy laws.
ckelly78z said:
$300 a month for a van that can't be moved, that you don't own ?

As compared to $1,700/month for a studio apartment you can't own or move.
Necessity is the mother of invention, this guy is an entrepreneur, and flirting with legality, but most likely one step ahead of the law.
Well at least a studio apartment has a toilet. And running water. And electricity. And an AC. And meets fire code.

I expect this dude will be paying some serious lawyer fees pretty quickly.
I also think this guy will be shutting down this biz due to legal of it all before he makes millions.
There is a lot of speculation about his business plan. I would think he contacted a lawyer and got that all straightened out before he started so he doesn't get sued or in trouble with the authorities.

I say kudos for the idea and following through with it.
hey if he covered all bases legally then he came up with a niche market for housing.
And yet people don't move out of the slums either because the rent is too high elsewhere. If slumlords were to improve those slum buildings, the rent would have to go up and kick more people onto the street because they couldn't afford the higher rent for a nicer place. Just a matter of economics.

I will stop here as this will devolve into politics and more bashing of the wealthy.