LOLOLOL, the one person that voted yes is going to have a hard time admitting it, if we are all too bold about our lack of concern! Although I believe I know who it is already.<br><br>I have found that, for men, the largest confidence booster - and people comforter - is a good degree of visible physical fitness in your muscles. Enough to actually be comfortable to wear tank tops and whatever you want, anytime you want. I used to be very out of shape and super duper skinny. I have changed that, but I am still nothing like a weight lifter.<br><br>I am in Texas, and the more boots and tight jeans and cowboy hats you wear, the more you stand out, and dressing like that, is Peacocking...they do it to catch attention, because they usually have nothing else going in their personalities except a very aggressive, ugly, and vain Type-A personality, that NOBODY wants to deal with. They are dangerous people. Nobody cares about the car you have, because there are tons of ways to get money, and having money to flaunt means absolutely nothing to me, at all, period.<br><br>I also take pride in what I HAVE, naturally. Which is hair. I have had it long, short, and bald. But I always do it with pride. My beard grows very quickly, and I always style it in some way. Yeah, people sometimes...look.<br><br>I am sure they are just looking at it because it is a bit unusual. Now, only twice, has a person said something truly negative about my beards. I expained to them, that to be jealous of my hair makes them much weaker than me, and if they want to fight me about it, I am happy to smash their face in with my beard. That shuts them up immediately. And actually earns their respect!<br><br>I have always, always attempted to emulate my heros. My heros are generally tough, but very humane men, from fantasy and scifi movies and novels. These men are rare, in real life, and usually do things in wilder areas! Just like I want! There are fewer in the cities, but they do exist, and I am always happy to see them exist. Now, just becuase they appear a certain way, does not mean they are actually kind people. But the strength to keep your hair however you want, short or long, and dress however you you confidence points.<br><br>Throughout history, dress and hair styles were signs of social classes.<br><br>Now is the time to just reverse it, and let everyone look how they want.<br><br>I only start to judge people when they make noise. And even then, I always recognize they are just going!<br><br>Life is hard.<br><br>