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Nothing I can add that hasn't been said about fleece. But use caution that your not so insulated that you sweat while you sleep. Waking up damp and hitting cold air is miserable.
Lj Unlimited said:
 But use caution that your not so insulated that you sweat while you sleep. Waking up damp and hitting cold air is miserable.

That's a really good point!!

I'd emphasis it's importance for your feet where we sweat a lot. Before bed change your socks and dry your feet and then put on clean, dry, loose fitting heavy wool boot socks. I have a pair I only wear to bed, never any other time.
GotSmart said:
Get a harness for the cat.  Don't worry if it gets dramatic and falls over at first,  It will get used to it.  That is the only way you can keep track of Grumpy.

Harness for cats, because of coyotes. A lot of vandwellers who had cats have lost them.
a couple of points about fleece and cats. first fleece, I love it for bedding, for clothing it has it limitations wind goes right though standard fleece, if you bust brush, (cross country hike in the west) fleece picks up every little plant sticker you brush up against and it's next to impossible to remove the vegetation. ask me how I know, I have had to throw some fleece clothing away.

as for cats and coyotes, I knew a prospector he had several cats at his cabin. we were talking cats one day and he said there were two kinds of cats brave ones and scaredy(sp) cats. the scared cats would run for cover when a coyote was around, the brave ones would stand their ground and hiss. guess what type was still around? highdesertranger
The Navajo have a saying " Coyote is always out there waiting and coyote is always hungry."
Marie said:
Thank you so much for the awesome ideas, reminders, and support!  This was just what I needed!

GotSmart, I am going to do the harness thing IMMEDIATELY!!! If I SHOW up at RTR with scratches all over, everyone will know why! But I'm gonna win!!!

Almost There, those are FANTASTIC tips! The hot hand things especially. I'm gonna get some in Missoula before I leave!

Tonyandkaren- thanks for the support! I needed that! I might be calling on you for advice again!

WriterMs, yes on the inside potty system! First order of business when I set up my van! I'll be careful of hypothermia - always a danger in this frigid part of the world. Thank you so much.

66788, at some point should I upgrade to that kind of heater you mentioned? My Little Buddy will have to do for now. PS: nice to know another weather wimp!!!

Thanks, rvpopeye, yes, so far the list is compete! Cat harness next on the agenda!

Buckwilk, all awesome advice! I have decided to get a special app for my phone that specializes in 10 day forcasts.  That should help. Monida Pass can be kinda scary, and there are a couple others. But I'll be on I-15 all the way down - seems safer, right?

Thank you all!
Will be glad to meet you at the rtr. Lots of good advice. I will be leaving dec. 26 th. From Salem Ore. II wrry about this toJust take it easy..
What Bob said about those little fleece blankets! We stayed quite cozy using those in that way in last year's 15 degree weather coming down from Portland. And don't you know how oftentimes it's the little things that are the most appreciated... it was so pleasing to be able to turn on the Mr. Buddy and warm up by its glow while using the facilities (my luxury bucket toilet) in the middle of the night and then turn it off and dive back into bed!

Ryegal, we'll be leaving a few days later than you from Portland. Not 100% sure of our route yet, could be the east route, could be the coast, could be in the middle, and we're planning on stopping here and there... but if you get stuck along the way maybe we could be of help, just pm me. Sassy

OK. I'm leaving tomorrow (Thursday) morning. From Missoula south on I-90 to I-15, then south 'til I get to warm weather, desert, and new friends!

Everything is packed - except for the one important thing that I won't remember until it's too late to go back and get it. Hope it's not something like my cell phone.

Weather is a bit warmer, but it was still cold enough that I made ice for my cooler by putting a plastic shoebox full of water out on my picnic table. (Saves 2 bucks right there!)

my dogs are excited to go, my cat hates me.

I'm still kind of scared to be doing this... But I'm going to anyway. Thank you all for the advice and encouragement you all have given me. Without it, I would have chickened out!

Next decision - which I won't have to make until somewhere around Las Vegas - Quartzsite or Ehrenberg??? Any advice?
Hi Marie,

Quartzite or ehrenberg? Spend some time at Both. You've got the time, now.

Connect with some of the friendly folks here to find out where to get food, water, showers, or whatever you need. Maybe send a message to the board asking for directions to where people are camped. Read bobs blog.

I was in your shoes last winter- a complete noob. At Rtr it was easy to meet people and figure out how to make van dwelling work for me.

You will be welcomed. I look forward to meeting you! I am in a silver previa this year.

Myself I am Appreciating the rain so much more knowing that the desert awaits.

Nancy (still in rainy Oregon, leaving soon).
Next decision - which I won't have to make until somewhere around Las Vegas - Quartzsite or Ehrenberg??? Any advice?

They're 30/35 mi. apart, both on hwy 10, so either one.
We got caught by a Ranger so there are only a couple of us left here in Quartzsite. It got cold here as well so some of our group has moved to Yuma where it is warmer. All of us left here leave tomorrow for Ehrenberg, no one will be left. You may want to come here just to see Quartzsite but if you are looking to meet people you should go to Ehrenberg. Most of us will be there until the RTR when we'll come back.

See you here or there!

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