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I don't necessarily need to read the article to know that sobriety is not the opposite of addiction.

But, that article is really one sided. I don't believe anyone can understand addiction unless they personally have lived through it. And even then...
He's 80 years too late. A man named Bill Wilson figured this all out in the 1930s. Since then he's led millions to wonderful, full lives of sobriety. Each of them will tell you they owe their lives to that man and everything good in their lives as well.
Thanks for your replies. 

The article (link) was given to me by someone I know that just recently came out of ...  several programs... i guess one could say.    And he really connected with the article.  So I thunked I would share, here, wiff MY Friends. 

Personally, I have had the problem twice, due to hospital surgeries.  Both of which saved my life.  
The second time was a REALLY big deal, as I was on massive doses of drip IV of some stuff, and oral doses of that oxycodone stuff, 5x a day, with extra "as needed".  Very addictive they say.  

I don't know, how hard is it for others, but I made it through, with some difficulty, leaving my last 3 pills in the container.  Heck, I still have 'em somewhere.   NOT bragging.  Just saying:  We should all stick together, like GOOD friends should!!!!  
We have free will to do what we want with our lives.  I've posted before about how I'm against pain pills.  What's SUPPOSED to happen is you feel pain when you do something you shouldn't be doing, so you stop doing the thing you're not supposed to be doing.  With pain pills, what happens is when you feel pain when you do something you shouldn't be doing, you take pain pills, and keep on doing what you shouldn't be doing.  
I had a bad bike crash a few years ago and broke a bunch of bones. I was on Vicoden for awhile to be able to tolerate the pain. After a week, I decided to tough it out the rest of the way. I was worried about getting addicted so threw the rest of the pills away. Several friends chewed me out for that because they wanted the pills. Lol
Nothing wrong with using pain pills when truly needed on a temporary basis. I've used crutches and slings at times too. But only when I needed them. But I have friends that are still addicted to pills 10-20 years after their injuries. Really sad to see.