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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2013
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Please be careful if any of you are heading to or passing thru ABQ. The road rage incidents seem to be rising again. My daughter talks about it all the time. Getting out of the concert last night was a long series of near-misses and pissed off people. Concert was good though (Jimmy Buffet). Try to avoid the roads during rush hours.

I sure wish I could get down there. There is a seller with 435w panels for 65 cents a watt.
I always go around Albuquerque rather than through it!

Takes a little longer, but it keeps my blood pressure down.
Sadly the 4 yo beautiful baby girl died from the bullet wound to the back of her head.The good news the "person of interest" confessed this afternoon,hopefully he is in general population at the jail. Turned on the news this evening and a police officer is fighting for his life at the medical center here after being shot multiple times during a routine traffic stop on Central Avenue. The suspect is still at large. Albuquerque is apparently trying for the murder capitol of the U.S. .I can't wait to move from here . The frequency of shootings ,murders and discovering of dead bodys is now a common thing here.Avoid Albuquerque if you value your life.No one is safe here anywhere anymore! :mad:
Road rage after a Jimmy Buffet concert? How is that even possible?
Rugster said:
Road rage after a Jimmy Buffet concert? How is that even possible?
The shooting happened just before the concert.

The drunken lunatics exiting the concert is, sad to say, typical ABQ drivers. We have found it best to have the driver keeping his/her eyes on the road and at least one set of eyes (co-pilot) watching and warning of potential hazards and letting the driver know when they can change lanes.

I really think ABQ is getting worse. And that is based on being back to going into ABQ at least once or twice a month.

Downside of the concert. I am VERY homesick. I miss the beaches.
Good Luck getting out alive.I'm sure the guy who killed the little girl was just carrying a gun to protect himself from little girls.
I know this post will upset some but where is the accountability for the idiot father that didn't know better than to back off with his kids in the truck? Hang the killer but why would you push a situation and even possibly put your kids in danger.

One of my sayings is if it doesn't matter in 30 seconds, it doesn't matter now. I use it on a regular basis to and from work daily.

Now on a even funner note, someone has been taking potshots at the cars on I-25 north of Denver and more recently on I-225 near my house.
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