About Linescrew1 and the RTR.

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Dec 12, 2010
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About concerns for a permit for the RTR:

There are so many large groups in Quartzsite in January the BLM has waived the need for a Permit for non-commercial large groups. The Rangers are well aware of us and we are in good standing with them. 

About Linescrew1:

[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly;[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]who errs, who comes short again and again, [/font][font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly,[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. [/font][font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]                                                                                                                                                                         ~Theodore [/font][font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]Roosevelt[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif]= = = = = = = = = = = = = =[/font]

I have fallen short so often and failed in so many ways, I can only ask your tolerance. 

But I am in the arena, and I am giving it my all! 

I will not be turning the RTR over to cold and timid souls.
He is right. The RTR has grown large enough due to your efforts to take it to the next level and ruin it. Who would not like to take over such a grand event without a grain of effort and turn it into something for their own gain. Maybe Bill Gates will let him have Microsoft too. lol

Then again it is just one opinion out of many out there and holds as much value as most do. I agree that it would be nice to see some of the burden lifted but I think it should be people willing to help in whatever way you wish it to be. Many of us would be honored to do so, just say the word.
Are we supposed to know who or what a Linescrew1 is? Totally confused here. Is there a link to the thread this is referring to?
For those who don't want to watch the video, it's a guy warning Bob that the event is getting too big and he is putting himself in legal danger. He advocates setting up a fence around it, charging admission, having a board of directors, a cleanup crew, paramedics, lawyers, etc in the model of Burning Man. He somehow thinks that will cause Bob to have fewer things to worry about.

How many are actually at the RTR these days? When I was there a few years ago it seemed like a small informal gathering.
Interesting, I saw that video, probably because he is another Canadian and google dumped it into my feed. I was looking for something the angry inch posted. Line Screw is a prison term used for prison guards I don't know if he is one but? He is from the Vancouver area. I was talking about this yesterday with a former member of our forum.

First off. I don't have a dog in this fight. Second, I don't personally know either of the players. I only know Bob from his online persona and Linescrew from his. I have a professional online persona, and like I explained in my bio here it is mostly true. I also explained why any persona is just that; something we show the world. Think of it like "the comfortable to fart around" metric. When you are just comfortable knowing it is natural and the other person does it too, and the need to hide such normal bodily functions is not required anymore. I posted something about success and getting everything that you wanted a while back in the hope Bob might read it and start thinking about it. Why? I am gifted with few advantages in life and a tactical mind is one of them. I saw this coming, and I respect what Bob is trying to do. I don't believe in all of it. I think some people need a stiffer hand than a supporting hand, but that is me. Bob is not me. I believe sometimes telling someone they are being stupid is the most helpful thing you can do. I've had many friends do this. It helped sometimes and other times I ignored it and share the day with pain for doing stupid. Third, this is a fight and pretending it isn't is... not being politely supportive.

The reference to Burning Man has been used. So I will use this example as well. It started following the pagan ritual of celebrating the summer solstice in San Francsico and burning an effigy near the water. It grew and got busted by the cops for not having a permit. No real surprise. The event got moved to the Black Rock desert on BLM land. It was still not an event with a permit at this time. John Law the organizer set up loose rules and held the event. The event grew in popularity in the counter culture times and many Basque people flocked to the event from the Universities in the area. This is when I heard of the Burning Man. A large group of computer geeks I was friends with from the early BBS project days invited me to come. I was between deployments and went. It was a grand event, with expressions of art and "in the moment performances" along with copious drinking and lighting things on fire. It was a good time, I made some lifelong friends, forgot being a soldier for a time, and didn't die. THEN IT GREW! I never attended another one but friends did and shared thier experiences. The commercial monitization potential was obvious to many. It happened and it tore friendships apart. I don't want to paraphrase Wiki here so if you want to read the history here is the link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_Man

The monetization potential for RTR is large. Perhaps, not as large as burning man, but significant to say the least. I am half way around the world, have no videos past book fluff. I do have a large FB and Twitter following and have been offered "deals" to use products. I'll take a deal if the same deal is going to be offered to the general public. Say buying a battery for the "deal" price a week after or before the sale period. This is good customer service, and as long as it doesn't come with the said or implied "say nice things" I'll take it. I don't do paid endorsements and never would. Editorial, advertising is prostitution by another name. It is a fine line between "significant influencer" and paid spokesman. Bob's videos get 2000 views within days of being posted. While RTR was created for people forced into living in cars it has grown in scope to people wanting to adopt a nomadic lifestyle. This expanded the "customer" base potential and it is growing. I love and respect the Mission Statement Bob is following. I believe him(you) completely and know you are genuine and honest with your heart leading you forward. How do I know this? After all, I said I don't know you past the persona. Talk minus action equals nothing, and actions speak louder than words. You paid for your fiberglass top. Period full stop. I hope I don't have to tell you that you could have got it free. The expensive California company would have done it for cost at the very least with your influence numbers. But that isn't Bob! I applaud and respect that. It speaks integrity and it follows your Mission Statement.

Others are not so genuine. Divisions are being drawn and the social media maskirovka (Russian word meaning deception is war) has begun in earnest. Video sock puppet skits of you losing your shit. Counter video strikes about what happened at RTR2017. Supporters, Rejectors, Retractors, and coordinated posts being tossed into the RTR/Nomad ether to be read and consumed. Google bots organizing it all via simple tags. I see your new van roof, then get served the sock puppet skit. So it is happening.

What can we do? Well, I am doing what I can, using my skill set, by pointing it out. Bob, I hope you read this with the love it is written with. You can't do this alone. You can't control this without help. It is going to evolve, just as the sun is going to rise tomorrow. So I implore you to reach out to your trusted friends and ask for help from those you know and respect. My real fear is that an opportunist group is going to corrupt your Mission for a quick buck. I know you understand the ideology that Life is beyond the control of mere mortals and we can only change how we feel/perceive the situation. Parts of this new evolution frustrate you and upset you and when frustrated and upset we are not at our best. We make mistakes. Mistakes that will be exploited by those that want to make a quick buck off the backs of people that can ill afford it. People I see you as a champion for. Please, share the burden of this responsibility with some of the tribe you know and trust, Sir.

I debated writing this. I have read it and re-read it three times. I want to be Chicken Little. I pray I am Chicken Little. I don't believe in my heart, I am Chicken Little. "Follow your heart" you say over and over Bob. So I posted it.
If RTR gets too large and commercial; overly organized; then the purists who gave it life will move on to their next big thing. This will leave the followers and the over-organizers left to bask in their success of what no longer exists.

This is the natural evolution of order and control. No big deal.

Just my opinion . . .
I watched part of a video with this guy..linescrew. Never finished watching it.
Never clicked on another of his videos, so naturally I didn't see this one.

I didn't like the way he presents himself. Something in his mannerisms put me off

He wants to turn RTR into a commercial event?
Why doesn't he start him own?

Also...I have never seen this nickname here....is he even a member of the tribe?
The best way to deal with these folks is to give them too much attention.
The difference between Burning Man and the RTR is the drugs and garbage. RTR cleans up after itself and doesn't have a cascading event of broken down vehicles and drug overdoses. Burning Man has to pay Nevada and the Feds for police and emergency response. The "leave no trace" of burning man is a lie, they leave an unbelievable amount of garbage in the near by towns and the desert. NHP has to have one dispatcher available for just Burning Man, as well as staff stationed nearby and ambulances available. Oh, and 70,000 people attend Burning Man.

I really dislike the YouTube drama. Attention whores do this shit. Back in my day, if you thought someone needed help, you offered to help. Now, apparently, you post a YouTube video and tell the world how it should behave, and you expect people to react.

Comparing the issues of a 70,000 person event with a 500 person event is just stupid.

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I was at RTR about five years ago, maybe 80 people there?  It was great.  But Bob wasn't doing You Tube then.  That alone has vastly expanded his audience and following.

This large gathering of hundreds of people?  Maybe soon to be thousands? Not my thing! Uncontrollable chaos, as hard as Bob works to keep it in line, the day will come when something bad will happen.  The hard partiers who cause problems will chase off the quieter people (me for instance) and eventually you have Burning Man. My deepest respect and admiration to Bob, his mission, his ethics.  But eventually it will grow out of any one person's control.  Already it has started (2017) and I wouldn't go now if you paid me.  I hope I'm wrong.  I fear I'm not.
Part of the RTR is like this forum. It is the participants believing in the concept of the event that make it possible. Last years drama ended pretty quickly once a solution was made acceptable by all.
So I am to understand that drama from YouTube is now being brought to this forum. If I want to be up to date with what is happening in the nomad world I would have to delve into the world of Youtube. So far I need to go back and watch videos of the RTR 2017 and all corresponding videos including a Linescrew1, a puppet one, and anything else I will be able to see.

Well I say no thank you. Drama is the last thing I want in my life. I'm simplifying it not trying to add to it. Acknowledging this Linescrew guy, Bob, it seems you have joined into the drama. /sigh

I just wish everyone peace and being stress free. My motto is not my circus and not my monkeys.
eoewan said:
So I am to understand that drama from YouTube is now being brought to this forum.


Acknowledging this Linescrew guy, Bob, it seems you have joined into the drama. /sigh

I did listen to the entire audio podcast that was linked earlier and it seems that Linescrew1 was actually suggesting a solution that might keep Bob from bearing the entire financial and personal brunt of any accident, violence, lawsuit, fines, or fees out there at RTR. I did not interpret it as 'drama'...although when someone 'rocks the boat' it can sure seem like drama.

Unless I missed something, it seemed he was suggesting another route that Bob might take to further the RTR but without being harmed by possible negative aspects resulting from it, if any.

But it was a typical rambling, filibuster comment...I might have missed something.
There is lots of volunteer help available both before and at the RTR.

There is no large financial burden placed on Bob, only time spent doing what he loves to do.

Firewood is collectively donated and/or paid for. The porta pottie tents are used year after year and other than for having to supply garbage bags for others to use, there is no cost for them.

The land is free as is any permitting required. There haven't been any fines for the RTR.

Last year we collected enough in donations for making the name buttons that the machine was paid for and this years supplies are already taken care of. The excess went pay for pizza for the cleanup party. 2018 button money can be used for whatever is needed to be dealt with.

As long as it remains the way it is, there are no liability issues.

The only problems we had last year at the RTR were partying and noise related and were solved simply and reasonably and lessons were learned. With the larger crowd, mostly finding out about the event through YouTube videos we did experience some growing pains but I fully expect that the lessons learned will enable us to carry on without any formalization of any organization.

IMO the biggest problem we have is people trying to dramatize small issues to make them in to big issues so that they can put in their nickels worth of time on YouTube.
AT, thanks for all that information...lots of stuff I did not know.

But, I was only summarizing the podcast, not endorsing it:

I think the 'jist' of it was, that lets say someone got in a terrible accident there, or injured, or worse, and the lawyers get to sniffing around to see who can be sued.

I believe Linescrew1 was just trying to suggest an organization of some kind that would provide protection in a 'worse case' scenario.

But, in the opening comment, Bob replied 'nyet' to that suggestion so its a moot point.
jimindenver said:
It is the participants believing in the concept of the event that make it possible. Last years drama ended pretty quickly once a solution was made acceptable by all.

Just a n00b here but have been a Burner.

I think Bob laid solid foundations in a culture founded on helping each other. What we do here is quite complex, actually. Even focussing on that alone has caused personal heartache. And, it seems to me, the cultural foundation remains strong none the less. Even Burner-ish type folks---like me, fer instance---are human at our core, and enjoy being part of a tribe and its culture. It's just more fun to participate in harmony. I think a strong diversity of people can come together strongly when the culture is well understood and embraced, and I think Bob did well in laying this simple and central concept of people helping each other produce our nomadic homestead. It's easier to interact as a tribe (to make friends) when you have a common survival mission. More importantly he's reinforced that concept through his actions giving us a good example of what it looks like to help others.

I think the cultural concept Bob has laid down is bigger than any man or event. The CVRL spirit of helping each other has made a bigger contribution by being a significant part of the larger #vanlife world in general. I bet a bottle of Pappy Van Winkles that one day a vandweller was rolling down a backcountry road and saw another van with solar panels on the shoulder and he pulled over. I bet he mighta had the right tool to crimp cables properly because of some post he read here and found the breakdown needed a better connection at the battery...or something something along those lines. This place works and that's got a lot of cultural momentum now.

Regardless of how big RTR gets, as long as it understands it's about people helping each other to get and stay on the road it doesn't much matter who runs it. People will largely go to fit in and pitch in. Sure there'll always be a percentage of dumbasses, but I bet the group as a whole is strong enough organically to keep the event harmonious and productive. 

RTR will grow---economics will force it---some will find it becoming too big, oh well. (Long time Burners are fleeing Burning Man proper in favor of regional burns...it happens.) But it will always have its place...people will always need the help of those more experienced to pull off the trick of living in a van. Friends will still be made. The communal aspect for those who don't like big crowds will shift to more frequent intimate get-togethers. Plenty of room for all. 

Bob will have to deal with the growth. He's only one man, he'll have to start delegating things at some point. I reckon we'll know that point when he starts asking for help. 'Til then I reckon I'm going to try to make my first RTR and enjoy it. Hopefully I'll have a nice set of good crimping tools and a stash of lugs so I can help someone out and make a new friend. I'll also be looking for one of the louder areas quite a distance away from center camp where folks play drums and dance around the campfire under the stars. It's a big desert. Plenty of room for all.

Thanks, Bob. Let us know if you need a hand.