About Linescrew1 and the RTR.

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what she said^.

I would like to add out of the 500-700 people there last year less then 1% caused a problem. the problem was music to loud and people partying to loud. like I said this was well under 1% of the people there. the rest of the people there were there to reunite with friends, make new friends, and to learn from the seminars and from others. I was camped away from the loud people so I didn't even notice until I heard through the grapevine.

don't let a silly You Tube video make your decision for you. highdesertranger
but he is Canadian and they are alway right :angel: :D
Damned right we are.... :angel: 

Well, okay, some of are!!

Some of us are as wrong as our great American friends.... :p
I didn't know about the whole nomadic lifestyle, but about a year ago I started looking around and asking myself some serious questions. The one that kept popping up over and over is "Why am I doing what I do?" Working, sleeping working, sleeping so I can work some more. It was entirely without a logical reason. I started looking around on the internet, and one of the first videos that I came across was Bob Wells giving very descriptive instructions on how to get to his site in Ehrenberg. My thinking was who does this? Who tells the world and every crazy out there how to get to their location? It took a while, but I realized Bob was an extremely honest and trusting man. I was hooked. Since then I have googled, searched, and watched just about every piece of information I could find on the nomadic style. I had no idea that there were others that had broken out years before I even woke up. I can only hope that it’s never too late. Stay free y'all.
Having been to Burning Man many times and the RTR a couple I see many more differences than similarities. Burning Man takes people who mostly never camp anywhere else and encourages them to build a giant city including massive art, elaborate camps, and to leave their normal lives behind for a week. RTR invites already mobile and self-sufficient people to camp in the same place for a while to exchange ideas. Most of don't really need any infrastructure, just a place to park and a space to congregate for group discussions/classes.

RTR COULD evolve into something bigger and more BM-like which I guess is what Linescrew1 wants but that already exists. If that's what people want they can create their own event or just agree to all attend BM and camp together.

Bob should probably talk to a lawyer to see if any insurance is needed but if he's clear about not providing any services I don't see a massive risk.
I've not yet embarked on a nomadic lifestyle yet and, when I do get on the road, I highly doubt I would attend the RTR (just doesn't seem like my kind of thing). So, I don't generally pay much attention to threads about it unless the title makes me curious. What I am wondering is why this Linescrew guy even warranted a response here from Bob.

I didn't watch the video on YT, but I am sure lots of people out there have opinions and make suggestions for how the RTR should/could be run or organized, regardless of whether they attended or not - but so what if they do? If one is confident and sure about what they're doing, some schmo spouting off their ideas about it doesn't really matter, does it? Especially if their views totally conflict with the basic premise and philosophy behind it. Just carry on and do what you are doing. No need to fan the flame.
Ok. Wow I failed out of the gate on that post as it seems most people took my post to be "Drama Diana fear mongering."

I'll own that, as I am a professional writer and should be better at articulating a concern and quite obviously I failed. Bob started the post and never chimed back in so I don't know if he got it but very obviously my post to his thread wasn't clear.

My concern is that a group may be attempting to undermine the goal (Bob's vision) of helping others and changing the world. I am not talking about starting another forum about being a nomad or van life. This is an adaptation of audience. Expedition Forums Versus Pirate 4x4. One is mostly polite and the other you put your flame suit on and hope to get answers past the abuse hurled your way. I myself would prefer a different forum style. Just my own preference. This one is good and I like it. My style is just different, I don't get offended by internet dots. Language doesn't hurt my feelings, and not everyone has to like me.

My concern, said a different way is many people come here and "Hear the word of Bob" (for those that miss polite sarcastic humor that was what the preceding is) do so via google searches. He has been around for ever, has a good number count, so he tops google's first page. IN A GOOD WAY. Few people search google past the second page and even fewer use Yandex or other search engines to do combination searches. What you search is what you see. This then follows your other browsing activities based on what you like, what you read, how long you stay on a page, what you click. The internet is not free. An AI, several actually, analyze everything, each keystroke you make. Pay attention to the AD Header on the top of each page here, and see how it changes. I don't know how aware Bob is about how all this works. He has an internet web person that is having difficulties stopping mail posts. This is not said as a criticism, just an observation. If you saw me using a stove, in my car, that could poison and kill me, I would hope you would ignore my feeling and tell me this was dangerous. Perhaps I know and I think I know better. Perhaps I don't know. Either way you've done your best for a fellow human being. That is ALL WE OWE anyone else, nothing more and nothing less.

I see a situation that could kill Bob's mission in helping others.
I care because I think the cause is a nobel one, and the message reminiscent of the Haight Ashbury movement.
Perhaps I should have used that as an example and not Burning Man. We seemed to get sidetracked on how it is different than RTR and not the real issue.
All one has to do is destroy the online persona, make it seem less credible. Less knowledgeable, emotionally unstable, weird, odd, socially suspect. It evolves and gains a life of it's own and as more and more click sock puppets more and more sock puppets are served to those that really need what Bob is doing. RTR will remain RTR and people will come and go. LIFE WILL GO ON. Reach, influence and the ability to help will be diminished.

I could ignore it. Doesn't affect me. But, if I am correct, and this is a plan to destroy a man with great ideas, and movement. Do I do nothing? I could be wrong, by all means I am not saying I am an expert at this. But, I do find it rather odd that within six months the negative seems to be growing exponentially. I want to be wrong!! This Canadian is more than happy, over joyed, to be wrong in this case. I will sing; I Will Survive in a pink tutu at the next RTR I can attend in penance for being wrong, and do so happily.

But I know from the member lists and posts I've seen we have talented people in this tribe. Talented people that can help and discover if I am wrong. People that can help take steps, provide advice and make sure the goal of helping as many people as possible in a correct way is maintained. Not if we have our camp and those other people have there camp and those over there are all wacked out Burning Man types tossing garbage and getting cops involved. That was never my point.

My point is, put very bluntly. Bob is a self proclaimed introvert and loner. People like this have amazing capacities. One of them is NOT asking for help. I personally think he needs to do this. Not to pick up garbage at RTR, or make sure the noise is down and people behaved. He has a brand, he IS a brand and while he might not like the moniker, I know I don't. I think the brand is being intentionally attacked in an attempt to make a fast buck. He has friends in this tribe who need to step up and help. He needs to accept this help, if for the only reason that he wants to see a quasi famous Canadian storyteller belt out a rendition of I will survive in a pink tutu.

I will say nothing more past this as I can't afford the time to write/read/edit, and rewrite something that I am beginning to see as a Don Quixote exercise.
Scott7022 said:
He needs to accept this help, if for the only reason that he wants to see a quasi famous Canadian storyteller belt out a rendition of I will survive in a pink tutu.


I don't think I want to see Celine Dion in a pink tutu.

I am just curious why this Linescrew dude's opinion matters so much that it prompted a rebuttal (has Bob made a video response, too? I don't follow YT ). Surely, he's not the first person to say something on YT about what the RTR should be or how it could be run. And how would he ruin what Bob is doing, exactly, just by making his opinion known?
"Scott7022 Wrote: wants to see a quasi famous Canadian storyteller belt out a rendition of I will survive in a pink tutu."

i would pay for that

the moment Bob put directions on utube i knew it was doomed,ever see what happens to a house part when the addy get put on social media?
now myself being a fan of chaos,i thrive in it,whatever
but if you are not a fan,it will have to go some type of legit,free tickets,sign the waver...???
Gary68 said:
the moment Bob put directions on utube i knew it was doomed,ever see what happens to a house part when the addy get put on social media?

I agree.  From what I remember of posts/videos around the time of the 2017 RTR; I got the impression that the large number of people that showed up were not there necessarily because of Bob (and/or possibly even knew who he is), but because other YouTube vloggers and nomadic bloggers subscribe to Bob's group(s) and shared the info/gathering with all of their subscribers who found a reason to join in which inflated the numbers.
If this were to go for profit I would consider it no more than a street carnival or circus. I may be new, but if what draws me here is no longer here then I will move on down the road. I'm not here to freeload or be freeloaded from, I'm here to reciprocate.
I typed into YouTube RTR 2017 and went from there. All I have to say is there is too much drama, way more then anyone needs with and from a group who want/claim freedom and the simple life. Some of it (the videos) was actually very humourous.

I'll be staying away from RTRs when we start full time spring 2018. I definitely will be staying completely peripheral with my son and daughter. A tribe gives people a sense of community and a place to belong. We can all belong to a community and not be in each other's lap. Seems to me that the gathering in Quartzite is a gathering of all different groups that happen to flock to the same place.
well I just went to You Tube and typed in RTR 2017 and went through 5 pages of videos I saw 2 that might be considered drama. so I guess we are seeing it through different eyes. like I said before fewer the 1% of the people there caused a problem. I see more problems caused on a daily basis in the city. highdesertranger
I've never been to an RTR so I can't judge it. A lot of people here have also not been to it but seem awful quick to judge it based on a few youtube videos. If you judge everything before you do it based on some hearsay, you're shutting down a lot of opportunities before they can even begin.

There isn't an event, an item, a restaurant, a campground, a national park, etc with out some negative reviews attached to it. Just because someone before you didn't like it doesn't mean you won't. Make your own decisions based on your own experience, don't let someone make them for you.

And why does everyone assume Bob needs his hand held during these events? Like he's not capable of seeking out a lawyer for advice if he feels he needs it, heck, how do people know he hasn't done this? People are quick to judge and assume based off some random person's youtube channel. He seems like a smart and capable man to me, perfectly able to take whatever steps are necessary to bring it to or not bring it to the next level, should he so chose or desire to.
I find it rather sad that people put so much stock in what strangers on the internet say.
^It's the new virtual world we live in. I actually had a friend say to me once, "why do you like to spend so much money to travel all the time?" There's no where in this world you can go to that I can't find a picture of online"
I know of two women who are selling their homes and hitting the road. I told them both that they should attend. I had been a Nomad for six months before RTR and I got so much good information at the RTR that I feel it is a "must attend" event for anyone who is seriously going to do this life. I learned how to save money and how to get my teeth fixed ( I will be going to Algadones this winter), I learned how to camp for free and where, how to be safe on the road, how my batteries work, how to set up solar, and so many more things. It was amazingly informative! I also met people, very nice people, who helped one another. I am a thankful attendee, and I will be there next year.

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Every Road Leads Home said:
^It's the new virtual world we live in.  I actually had a friend say to me once,  "why do you like to spend so much money to travel all the time?"  There's no where in this world you can go to that I can't find a picture of online"

How sad for your friend.
Quartzsite was a gathering place for rockhounds, nomads and snowbirds long before Bob ever started the RTR.  It attracts thousands of people who come for various reasons, and the area goes from a tiny town in an empty desert to major city and back again in a few weeks' time. 99.9% of the people in the area have never heard of RTR, so even if you had "the tribe" in line, you'll still have the rest of humanity to deal with.  Again, it's a big desert and the primary advantage of mobile living still applies - if you don't like your neighbors, find another spot.

All this "RTR drama" is really YouTube drama.  YouTubers thrive on drama.  Drama attracts viewers, invites commentary and grows their channel in a way that rational, thoughtful content does not.  Just like the news media can jump on a minor event and turn it into national crisis, YouTubers can take a minor squabble and make it seem like a huge fracas.  Not all YouTubers, of course, but many who are trying to wring a living out of the lifestyle are going to produce content that brings in revenue.  

I wish I could make RTR next year, but it probably won't happen until I'm free of the 9-5 and don't have to drive across the country just to attend - I'd use most of my vacation days just in travel, leaving me two days to actually be there.  I was hoping to save my vacation time this year, but life got in the way (again).