About Linescrew1 and the RTR.

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Can't attend this year. btw, each person gets a permit agreeing to blm rules. There are bigger groups there as well, tons of them. Its what quartsite is about.

The rtr had almost zero drama, just the noise thing which was solved and will be preemptively solved next time.

You should go just for the feeling of belonging and understanding youll find. No where else will you find people who get what you do without even having to explain it. Make friends and have fun together.
Robert Schuller started a church in Garden Grove, Ca. and he was criticized and made fun of for having a church in a drive-in movie.  He grew and grew until he was put out of business.  In his own words "he saw a need and filled it".  Robert Wells saw a need noone else knew existed and he filled it, and is still filling it.  The biggest critics of Robert Schuller were the jealous preachers who were too damn lazy and unable to take a risk.  Robert Wells has those who are jealous of his ability to see the needs of others and offer help with no expectation of fame or fortune.

Sorry to compare you to a preacher but this is what came to my mind.  I have never met Bob but have a feeling he is genuine in his beliefs.  This was made clear when he parted company with his former youtube partner.  The split was handled very well and done in a manner true to his Spiritual beliefs and way of life.

If RTR gets too big I believe Bob will go on being Bob and continue to be blessed and be a blessing to those seeking help.
VanLifeCrisis said:
You should go just for the feeling of belonging and understanding youll find.  No where else will you find people who get what you do without even having to explain it.  Make friends and have fun together.

Words of wisdom there. Definitely cut to the chase and having fun!
Those who understand don't need an explanation and those who need an explanation will never understand. I've given up trying to justify what I'm attempting to do.
See you all in Quartzsite
Peace Love and Light
Haters gonna hate, I know this as well as anyone.
I highly doubt Bob gives two * about this guy. I see no concerns at all, coming from a background of informal "festivals" there are ALWAYS naysayers backhandedly trying to get their dirty paws in the pot to get rich quick. Those of us who ARE people oriented (I studied Psychology) can see right through a thinly veiled attempt at a poke in a state of jealousy.
Bob, you don't know me buddy, nor I you, however; please KNOW that if any legal concerns arrive you are covered brother.
Take care fellow wanderers. And quit feeding the trolls ;-)
Scott7022 said:
"What can we do? Well, I am doing what I can, using my skill set, by pointing it out. Bob, I hope you read this with the love it is written with. You can't do this alone. You can't control this without help. It is going to evolve, just as the sun is going to rise tomorrow. " ....
Well written ..

Time to review Tradition Two in the Big Book ....
I sure hope everything works out well for the RTR because this is my first time out , as is true for many, and we need good vibes. I am sure Bob will have lots to help him and if there is anything I can, I'm there
KiaGypsyGirl said:
....and we need good vibes. I am sure Bob will have lots to help him and if there is anything I can, I'm there

I feel the good vibes coming forth. RTR will " Live long and Prosper "..without Mr. linescrew1 ( Andrew)
The sign(s) are with us.


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I have met Bob, from what I have seen, in his actions and deeds, both prior and post meeting. He is as advertised. A common man trying to help his fellow, homosapien. I am not worried about the future of the RTR; I do predict growth and expansion, in the spirit that has encompassed it and enthralled me.
Weight said:
The best way to deal with these folks is to give them too much attention.

One of the earliest of the "how to survive on the internet" dictums:  "Ignore the troll.  They crave attention. Ignore flamebait. It requires attention to breathe".  I have personally ignored this in the past to my regret.  

I don't always agree with you, Bob.  But it's your show.  Do it your way. 

Regarding last year's RTR.  It has been my observation that a lot of the concerns expressed on this forum , were from people who were not there.   I WAS there, and kept missing all the drama.  So, I am going to say... it wasn't the "Godzilla" that some non-attendants imagined it was.  More like a "Road Runner", from my perspective. 

My advice: don't stay away because of the 2nd- and 3rd-hand accounts from last year.  We're supposed to be adults, and NOT slaves of the media.  Make up your OWN mind.  

Last year was my first time... It was worth every moment. I learned a lot... some things were negative, but I'm out here now, on my own, and still meeting interesting people, and seeing interesting stuff.  It's not all rainbows and snuggly kittens.   It requires a certain level of toughness, and IMO, is NOT for everybody.  

Summary:  if you've never been to an RTR, seriously consider going if you can and are interested in getting off of the corporate hamster-wheel.  If you don't like it, you can leave.  

With fondest regards,

This will be my 4th RTR and have spoken with Bob several occasions I find him genuine and caring. I was also at the first Burning Man. I know John Law and many other involved, these things evolve attracting parasites and hangers-on seldom with good intent, make your own opinion.
I saw this forum tonight and thought about Carolyn's RV life, how he attacked her. I think that this guy linescrew1 tries to grab ahold of the coattails of YouTubers who have lots of subscribers so that he can obtain free publicity and get more subscribers.
speedhighway46 said:
If RTR gets too large and commercial; overly organized; then the purists who gave it life will move on to their next big thing. This will leave the followers and the over-organizers left to bask in their success of what no longer exists.

This is the natural evolution of order and control. No big deal.

Just my opinion . . .

Well said and agreed. Although I'm a newbie to the vandwelling world and the RTR is like a mecca for our types, it would be my first and frankly, I'm not impressed with the exponential growth of it. Not judging just observing from a sane distance. If the northern Colorado weather will let me drive out in early January for it, I'm planning too but am also quite prepared to just drop my goodies in the "free pile" and leave very quickly if I cannot find peaceful kindred nomadic souls. Kinda' looking at the smaller gatherings that are popping up here and there this summer. Maybe that will continue. . .
I can't speak to the RTR because I've never been there.

As for Linescrew1, I've seen his youtubes and I think he's hilarious.  He's really funny and witty.  I think maybe folks take him too seriously.  He's a comedian and so unlike any Canadians I ever met....although I don't know him personally, he sounds like a fun type of guy.  He had a new one out I think today or yesterday that was about men from babyhood till death but backwards.  So funny.  Oh oh and the one he did about the fence between Canada and the US?  That was hilarious.

Yeah I wouldn't take him so seriously.  He's maybe roasting people from time to time, but you always get the feeling that he likes the people he's roasting.   It's all for the jester-like laughs to see things as they are in a hyperbole way.  And sometimes there's a big glaring nugget of truth in there, but mostly it's all in fun.
Depressing. I just found this forum and learned about RTR. I will probably never be able to attend (I am in Montreal and plan to head to eastern Quebec) but one thing I know for sure: wherever there is a profit potential, profiteers will eventually move in, and our current governmental systems always support that. I hope you are able to somehow hold on to the original mission of RTR, which even though I won't directly benefit gives me hope for the future of myself and my disabled son!
Well sure, people capitalize in Capitalism.  It's the nature of the beast.  I'll never attend either, but it doesn't bother me that some people might provide services to others and they get a kick back of some kind.  Leader Bob is able to make a small bit from his referrals on youtube when people shop at amazon after following his links.  I have done that.  I don't worry about how he spends it.  I know he has the community at large in his mind, and if he gets a beer once in awhile out of it, Leader Bob deserves it.   It's not free to have a big forum like this or a big RTR or anything like that.  I mean, someone has to pay for the portapotties at the RTR. Someone has to pay for web space for us to miraculously get together right now on the web.

Also it's not necessarily true that you won't directly benefit from the RTR.  I viewed a couple videos just recently on youtube from the last RTR that benefitted me and I've never been nor never shall be there.

And I know it's hard, but everything in life won't benefit you, but even though some things don't.  It's kinda good Karma to be happy for others who benefit.  Just sayin' because I'm happy for you getting to go to eastern Quebec because I'd love to go but I'm stuck in FLORIDA of all places for the summer.  I have to take care of my elder relatives and have a little surgery done on myself.  I'd much rather sleep with cool breezes at night rather than this humidity.

Start a thread with pix of the places you go in Quebec in the proper place in the forum.  Would love to see them.
selling or charging for services is forbidden at the RTR proper. now if you want to drive into town that's a different story. highdesertranger
Reducto said:
For those who don't want to watch the video, it's a guy warning Bob that the event is getting too big and he is putting himself in legal danger. He advocates setting up a fence around it, charging admission, having a board of directors, a cleanup crew, paramedics, lawyers, etc in the model of Burning Man. He somehow thinks that will cause Bob to have fewer things to worry about.

How many are actually at the RTR these days? When I was there a few years ago it seemed like a small informal gathering.

Thank you for the context, Ruducto. Context is important!