I saw this thread and immediately thought it was about Linescrew1's YouTube attack on Carolyn last week. YouTube threw it in my feed because I follow Carolyn so I watched it. Then I read a lot of the comments. His commenters are gutter scum with no clue about reality. Really.... JUST an opinion?? Like my 96-yr-old dad says: HORSE PUCKY.
Linescrew1 is a jerk, a sensationalist, an opportunist and he's full of crap. I do NOT think he is funny or witty AT ALL.
Wasanah if you listened to that video and read the comments I wonder if you would still hold him in high esteem. He was definitely gunning for fame and more viewers/subscribers, at Carolyn's expense. He and his commenters made me sick.
Carolyn, as usual, handled the criticism beautifully. I loved her response. She started slowly, and it built into something really good. YAY Carolyn. Carolyn is AWESOME. She is HUMAN like the rest of us. Apparently Linescrew1 and his gutterscum commenters think she should be perfect -- whatever that is.
OK rant over
AS FOR THE RTR, I went to my first one last January. I was there for 4 nights and 4 days. It was AWESOME. Yes, it was very large (3000+?), but it was peaceful. Those who think they want or need to avoid it should think twice. (Of course some people hope you won't
Next year the location will be different so we'll see how that goes. It's closer to town but apparently a better spot.
I am a solo female vandweller. The first two nights at the RTR I parked in between two solo male vandwellers way out on the southern edge. They couldn't have been nicer (dog people - yay!) When they left, I parked near another solo male vandweller at the Art Camp whom I met at one of the talks. I felt safe the whole time at the RTR, and I don't need a man to feel safe, but just in case it was nice to know they were several hundred yards away seeing as how I was brand new at this at the time.
I saw only a very few jerks. Everyone else was awesome. People were having fun, chatting, my only frustration was there were too many neat people to meet and talk to in a few short days.
To me next year's RTR will be easier because it will be closer to town... you can do stuff you might need or want to do and not miss so much of what goes on. I'll probably volunteer next year. If they let me!