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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2014
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Hey y'all. We made it here and have been looking around for some of you. I don't know who all is here but I think I saw Bob Judy and Cody out walking in the woods. I would have hollered out but wasn't sure if it was them. I followed the map but haven't seen anyone I know. Anybody have GPS coords for the spot your camping at? TIA and hope to see you soon!
Roger, yes I am still here!!! I'm just well hidden!

We had a storm go through earlier and it got cold and muddy so a lot of people left. There's just me and a friend left here and 2 others scattered around. Most all of them went to Winslow, AZ. The city has a free campground that is very nice, I think there are 6-8 of us there. We're all waiting for it to cool down in Quartzsite to head there. I'd rather be cool than hot so I'm staying here.

I forget what you are in, but not many RVs can make it to my camp. But you can get within easy walkiing distance.

Email me at [email protected] and we'll figure out how to get together.
good call on not putting your GPS coordinates on a open forum. highdesertranger
This is a warning tale for everybody who wants to visit my camp. Roger was camped just at the end of the road I'm camped on for the last several days, and twice a day I walked past his camp. But I had no idea he was here to visit with me so I just walked past it. I don't just walk up to people and say, "Hey, are you here to see me, I'm famous!"

I am an egomaniac, but not that big of an egomaniac! :)

Roger and I will reconnect later in the desert, but I hope all of you know to either knock on my door and say, "Are you Bob?" or email me and say your're close by not sure where I am.

My camp is always open to you!
Thanks, Bob, for the open door policy. Hope to see you again !
Yeah I didn't go about it the right way I guess and I see why you wouldn't want to put GPS locations on here for just anyone HDR. My problem was showing up unannounced. Lessons learned. It was a a beautiful spot to stretch out for a few days.
That was a pretty spot and with a great view of Mt Humphrey and the meadow! Another friend of mine was just 1/4 mile up the road from you toward the mountain.

Where are you at now? Are you going to be in the AZ area for long? Still too hot in the desert for me, but we have a storm coming and it should be a permanent cool-down. By Monday I will have moved to Sedona and I'll camp where anyone can get to me and find me easily.

We are west of Sedona right now off Fr525c. The plan is to be here for awhile. Mid to upper 80's now and comfortable nighttime temps. It's a little warm for my taste during the day but in the shade with a breeze makes it tolerable.
That's exactly where I'm going next! I'm not sure yet exactly where but it will be on 525. It's still too warm down there for me but the storm coming tomorrow will cool it down and it should stay cooler this time.

I'll probably be there for 14 days then down to Quartzsite.
akrvbob said:
That's exactly where I'm going next! I'm not sure yet exactly where but it will be on 525. It's still too warm down there for me but the storm coming tomorrow will cool it down and it should stay cooler this time.

I'll probably be there for 14 days then down to Quartzsite.

With wet weather coming, Lou and I are leaving our camp on 525 and heading to town (Cottonwood). Even if the roads are okay in the rain, I've had my fill of mud for a while. :p  Besides, Lou has an appointment with a mechanic. So that means our site might be available if you want it. 34° 45' 26" N, 111° 57' 20" W — on 525 just a little past the fork with 525C. It might not be remote enough for you, though.
Mr Noodly, if those are your measurements, 34-45-26, I'm afraid I'm not interested!! Besides I'm taken!

It's still too hot there for me so we'll wait till after the storm to move because it will cool down a lot in Sedona/Cottonwood. I'll just be a little more careful in the mud than some people I know!! RESPECT THE MUD! And if not, that's why I have a come-along.

In the summers I'm usually alone so I go remote, but in the fall I want to be easily accessible for more people, so I won't go too far back. I also want to be as close as I can be to James and Kyndal, who of course are very remote!! They love remote more than I do!!!

Probably be bunch of us there soon, I'll do a pizza party!
akrvbob said:
Mr Noodly, if those are your measurements, 34-45-26, I'm afraid I'm not interested!! Besides I'm taken!

It's still too hot there for me so we'll wait till after the storm to move because it will cool down a lot in Sedona/Cottonwood. I'll just be a little more careful in the mud than some people I know!! RESPECT THE MUD! And if not, that's why I have a come-along.

In the summers I'm usually alone so I go remote, but in the fall I want to be easily accessible for more people, so I won't go too far back. I also want to be as close as I can be to James and Kyndal, who of course are very remote!! They love remote more than I do!!!

Probably be  bunch of us there soon, I'll do a pizza party!

Yes, respect the mud. And the sand.

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]James and Kyndal are out on 525C in a small site with a nasty road in. There's a large site nearby, though.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I've been in Cottonwood/Sedona for a week now, which is pretty long for me. I might be heading east to NM in the next day or so. I don't know, except that I don't want to go to any lower elevations yet.[/font]
I changed my mind and I'm in Sedona now on 525. 3days of rain and then 3 days of waiting for the road to dry didn't sound good. Sounds like James camp is pretty full so I'm about a mile away in a gorgeous campsite. Super views of the red rock and no one else around.

Roger, say your rig on the hill and will come by soon to say hi!
Sounds good! My camp is always open. Bring Cody as Bear wants to meet as well