A while back I bookmarked a nice site that Jim had, that details the importance of balancing multi-battery banks to maintain health of all the batteries in the chain. Battery Connections
Problem is, all the examples and diagrams deal with parallel 12v banks. I need to connect four 6v batteries in series for a 24v bank. Googling "balancing 24 volt bank" yields many interesting results that don't seem to apply to what I want to do...and no diagrams. And a brain cramp at 6am. Anyone have experience with 24v banks, or can link a good resource?
Also, the battery has both threaded terminal and lug available for connections. Lugs certainly would look like they'd provide better connection through larger contact area, but early googling results favor terminal connections with SS nuts. Opinions welcome.
Problem is, all the examples and diagrams deal with parallel 12v banks. I need to connect four 6v batteries in series for a 24v bank. Googling "balancing 24 volt bank" yields many interesting results that don't seem to apply to what I want to do...and no diagrams. And a brain cramp at 6am. Anyone have experience with 24v banks, or can link a good resource?
Also, the battery has both threaded terminal and lug available for connections. Lugs certainly would look like they'd provide better connection through larger contact area, but early googling results favor terminal connections with SS nuts. Opinions welcome.