2018 RTR

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I wonder how many people at the RTR didn't even know about it until they arrived or didn't even figure it out at all?

One thing for sure is, if people who dry camp out of cars/vans/tents see porta potties, they are gonna camp within convenient distance from them thinking "bonus." (well, if one could call one of those horrible things a bonus). :D
I got word from the camp boss Jude that the BLM was really impressed with how well 4k people were handled for this event.   The new area for next year is bigger and flatter.  While there were a few hiccups with the porta potties(mostly from jerk offs abusing the privilege) things worked out for the most part as time went on. 

So if there continues to be any concerns she can alleviate them.  She's heard a lot of good from the BLM.

A lot of people voluntarily cleaned up after the few that decided this encampment was their personal dump including dog crap.  These people refused to let a few poopy heads spoil a good time. 

One thing I do notice and I have pics to prove it(on my phone) is that several people who complained about people parking too close do it themselves.  One person who I will not name because they are well known in the community did it to me and was so close I couldn't move, this after hitting my van with their door hard enough it shook my van and wouldn't have said a damn thing until they saw my fat ass come flying out of my van.  I had to ask Matt to intervene and get them to move.  They are a mentor and give seminars.  Go figure.

I saw a lot of community pride.  It's too bad with my sense of detachment I couldn't enjoy it but at least I know enough about myself that I can remain objective.   

Life's a bitch, then you change your attitude.
Thank goodness I am not a mentor, just a bit mental. lol
I had a good time. I was surprised at how smoothly everything seemed to go on the surface. We were parked near the main camp on the road going in. Spread out chairs, solar, whatnot to claim some space. Waved to strangers and talked to my neighbors. Met a Nazi and will prob go to hell for saying this, but he seemed like a nice guy. Talked to some flat earthers and they seemed like decent people. Lots of interesting conversations. Kept my expectations low and I and the people I was with all had a real nice time. Thx for the experience!
I have three multi-level questions for flat-earthers:

1. If the earth is flat, how thick is it?
1a. How do you know?
1b. Was it measured?
1c. How?
1d. Where are there photos?
2. What's on the bottom?
2a. How do you know?
2b. Again, photos?
3. What's at the edge?
3a. If the edge is the horizon at the ocean, then what keeps the water from falling off?
3b. Again, photos?

Hurts my brain that people actually think the planet is flat.
wrt flat-earthers, I think the key reason they've constructed that reality, also how they keep the inconsistencies at bay, is to imagine the rational evidence-based world is all one big conspiracy, trying to oppress those of very little brain.

And I dunno from hell, but it's impossible for me to imagine how human B just acting pleasant and polite on the surface, could cause human A to still think them "nice", after A has learned that B is actually an evil monster.

The most charitable scenario I come up with is that B only threatens harm to one or more "outside group" that A doesn't care about.

Which does make A somewhat less evil than B, I suppose, until the threat of actual harm becomes more likely.
John61CT said:
I don't think there is a feasible systemic solution to the problems you're talking about, and yes if "the lifestyle" continues to attract increasing numbers for all the different reasons, the authorities and mainstream S&B society will crack down more and more to prevent it.
This concept of what the future may hold was also in mind when I posted a thread earlier regarding the life & rights of VanDwelling and Cheap RV Living. Advocates of this lifestyle in the legislative arena are needed. One example of how communities can exact laws against our lifestyle is the banning of motorcycles that occurred in an East Coast area. Without anyone questioning the legalities of a particular action, what's left for us to do?
VanKitten said:
How might these problems be fixed?   How might the entire issue with Van living survive without the ability to control the very things which are getting us banned all across the country?   It really is on us to figure this out.   Officials across the country have figured it out..ban us.   So, we need to figure out how to handle this as a community before we have no place left open to us.   Add people dumping tanks in the parking lot at Walmart, and some even trying to live there.   
We have the most to lose here...if we don't seek solutions this lifestyle will be deemed illegal everywhere.

This concept has been on my mind since communities started banning overnight parking of RVs, telling us to find an RV Park or Campground. As stated above, we need advocates in legislature to protect us from the questionable laws affecting our rights. But I don't disregard a people problem either, as it's presented itself in other areas like guns and motorcycles.
You are preaching to the choir just as Bob did in morning meeting. The people who cause the problems don't come to meeting and don't care. They don't read these posts either. There's a lot of complaining here. Doesn't help a thing and your opinion /feelings don't apply to the masses that were there. I did not see any dog poop or trash being thrown about. Things quieted down when I went to bed. Everyone was kind and considerate to me. I'm able to make allowances for all types of people because not everyone thinks like me. My feelings are, if you don't like it, fix/change it don't be a whiner.
Bohemian scout said:
You are preaching to the choir just as  Bob did in morning meeting. The people who cause the problems don't come to meeting and don't care. They don't read these posts either.

After posting, my thoughts drifted toward this very idea. And I agree with you and, from such an array of positive posts here, most people... be the change that you want to see. It's truly gratifying to see these posts, as well as the other threads on gratitude and shoutouts.
I had a great time and met wonderful people. I helped several people with dead batteries, solar problems, unhitching trailers etc. Amazing times around many different campfires with great conversations. People from different income levels but with a common desire to be free and travel.
I had my neighbor park right on top of me, did it really matter? No. The land doesn't belong to me and I had the expectation of neighbors at this event. I was parked near the center in the busy area, and I experienced friendly neighbors who controlled their pets, no trash, no generators. I did travel the entire area a lot and there were a lot of places you could go if you needed to park solo away from others. The RTR was a great event, I was sad to see it end.

This board is the only place I have seen a few people unhappy with the event.
I had a lovely time.

My neighbor did comment she found some trash near her rig once.... someone had dropped a cigarette butt!!!

That’s it .... the entire time, my local camp found one cigarette butt in two weeks. (Yes, we picked it up and disposed of it).

No one was parked on top of me.

Yes, music and generators were used, but for the most part the noise stopped before 10pm.

We did have one obnoxious guy close to us, but it became a camp joke when we heard his same 4 songs being played over and over again every day. To be honest we felt sorry for him being so alone more than bothered by his behavior (and if he hadn’t been so rude to my friends he would of been invited to join us at our regular campfires)

You can’t go to a public event and then get your pants in a twist because people are there, doing people things.

If silence and solitude are important to you, park further away.

You own your own happiness!